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2021-06-09 02:11:45 +02:00
\newcommand\blindsection{{\color{gray}\subsection{Some bind text}\blindtext}}
\title{IEEEtran Template}
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Vorname Nachname\\\small(3012345)}\\\IEEEauthorblockA{University of Duisburg-Essen\\}}
This paper is a short example for the IEEEtran template. It introduces the most basic principles of latex and the paper format.
For scientific writing it is important to know how to cite related work~\cite{exampleThesis,exampleArticle,exampleBook}.
The bibliography at the end will be auto-generated.
\section{Example Code Listing}
As can be seen in \Cref{lst:example}, we have an example here. It will print \verb+"Hello"+ several times.
However, this example is not usable with ROP. For an example with figures, we refer the interested reader to \Cref{sec:figstabs}. We can also use the lame way of referencing another section, as can be evidenced in sections \ref{sec:figstabs} and \ref{sec:intro}.
% make figure go to bottom, others are: htbp (here, top, bottom, page). Most of time the default (top) fits best.
int main(int argc, char* argv[],
char* env[])
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// prints Hello some times
printf("Hello %d\n", i);
\caption{Example C Code}
\section{Examples for figures and tables}%
\caption{The word latex in its custom typeface.}
You can define the figure anywhere in the section and \LaTeX~(see \Cref{fig:latex}) will make it float to a place nearby.
You also can use the starred-version (\lstinline[language={[latex]tex}]+\begin{figure*}...\end{figure*}+) to define a figure that spans multiple columns. This was used for \Cref{tab:large-table}
\caption{A table that spans multiple columns.}