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* @article:
* @source:
* @vulnerable_at_lines: 43
* @author: -
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
/// @title Ethereum Lottery Game.
contract EtherLotto {
// Amount of ether needed for participating in the lottery.
uint constant TICKET_AMOUNT = 10;
// Fixed amount fee for each lottery game.
uint constant FEE_AMOUNT = 1;
// Address where fee is sent.
address public bank;
// Public jackpot that each participant can win (minus fee).
uint public pot;
// Lottery constructor sets bank account from the smart-contract owner.
function EtherLotto() {
bank = msg.sender;
// Public function for playing lottery. Each time this function
// is invoked, the sender has an oportunity for winning pot.
function play() payable {
// Participants must spend some fixed ether before playing lottery.
assert(msg.value == TICKET_AMOUNT);
// Increase pot for each participant.
pot += msg.value;
// Compute some *almost random* value for selecting winner from current transaction.
// <yes> <report> TIME_MANIPULATION
var random = uint(sha3(block.timestamp)) % 2;
// Distribution: 50% of participants will be winners.
if (random == 0) {
// Send fee to bank account.
// Send jackpot to winner.
msg.sender.transfer(pot - FEE_AMOUNT);
// Restart jackpot.
pot = 0;