/* * @source: etherscan.io * @author: - * @vulnerable_at_lines: 54,65 */ pragma solidity ^0.4.23; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Delta // DELTA - New Crypto-Platform with own cryptocurrency, verified smart contracts and multi blockchains! // For 1 DELTA token in future you will get 1 DELTA coin! // Site: http://delta.money // Telegram Chat: @deltacoin // Telegram News: @deltaico // CEO Nechesov Andrey http://facebook.com/Nechesov // Telegram: @Nechesov // Ltd. "Delta" // Working with ERC20 contract https://etherscan.io/address/0xf85a2e95fa30d005f629cbe6c6d2887d979fff2a // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contract Delta { address public c = 0xF85A2E95FA30d005F629cBe6c6d2887D979ffF2A; address public owner = 0x788c45dd60ae4dbe5055b5ac02384d5dc84677b0; address public owner2 = 0x0C6561edad2017c01579Fd346a58197ea01A0Cf3; uint public active = 1; uint public token_price = 10**18*1/1000; //default function for buy tokens function() payable { tokens_buy(); } /** * Buy tokens */ function tokens_buy() payable returns (bool) { require(active > 0); require(msg.value >= token_price); uint tokens_buy = msg.value*10**18/token_price; require(tokens_buy > 0); if(!c.call(bytes4(sha3("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)")),owner, msg.sender,tokens_buy)){ return false; } uint sum2 = msg.value * 3 / 10; // UNCHECKED_LL_CALLS owner2.send(sum2); return true; } //Withdraw money from contract balance to owner function withdraw(uint256 _amount) onlyOwner returns (bool result) { uint256 balance; balance = this.balance; if(_amount > 0) balance = _amount; // UNCHECKED_LL_CALLS owner.send(balance); return true; } //Change token function change_token_price(uint256 _token_price) onlyOwner returns (bool result) { token_price = _token_price; return true; } //Change active function change_active(uint256 _active) onlyOwner returns (bool result) { active = _active; return true; } // Functions with this modifier can only be executed by the owner modifier onlyOwner() { if (msg.sender != owner) { throw; } _; } }