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function [x_opt] = Numerical_opt(lambda,B,c_f,c_delta)
% Numerical optimization
% x_opt are the optimal hit probabilities
N = length(lambda); % Number of variables
h_init = ones(N, 1) * B / N; % Initial guess for h_i, evenly distributed
objective1 = @(x) sum(lambda .*( (1-x)*c_f+x.^2*c_delta/2)); % Objective function
constraint1 = @(x) sum(x) - B; % cache size constraint
% constraint on hit prob. 0<=h_i<=1
nonlcon1 = @(x) deal(constraint1(x), []); %
lb = zeros(N, 1); % Lower bounds
ub = ones(N, 1); % Upper bounds
options = optimoptions('fmincon', 'Display', 'iter', 'Algorithm', 'sqp');
[x_opt, fval_h] = fmincon(objective1, x_init, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, nonlcon1, options);