import simpy import random import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from enum import Enum # Types of cache class CacheType(Enum): LRU = 1 RANDOM_EVICTION = 2 # Constants SEED = 42 DATABASE_OBJECTS = 100 # Number of objects in the database ACCESS_COUNT_LIMIT = 10 # Total time to run the simulation EXPORT_NAME = "./logs/export.csv" ZIPF_CONSTANT = ( 2 # Shape parameter for the Zipf distribution (controls skewness) Needs to be: 1< ) # Set random seeds random.seed(SEED) np.random.seed(SEED) # Initialize simulation environment env = simpy.Environment() CACHE_CAPACITY = DATABASE_OBJECTS # Maximum number of objects the cache can hold # MAX_REFRESH_RATE is used as the maximum for a uniform # distribution for mu. # If MAX_REFRESH_RATE is 0, we do not do any refreshes. MAX_REFRESH_RATE = 10 cache_type = CacheType.LRU # CACHE_TTL is used to determin which TTL to set when an # object is pulled into the cache # If CACHE_TTL is set to 0, the TTL is infinite CACHE_TTL = 5 configurations = { "default": (DATABASE_OBJECTS, 10, CacheType.LRU, 5), "No Refresh": (DATABASE_OBJECTS, 0, CacheType.LRU, 5), "Infinite TTL": (int(DATABASE_OBJECTS / 2), 0, CacheType.LRU, 0), "Random Eviction": (int(DATABASE_OBJECTS / 2), 10, CacheType.RANDOM_EVICTION, 5), "RE without Refresh": (int(DATABASE_OBJECTS / 2), 0, CacheType.RANDOM_EVICTION, 5), } config = configurations["default"] CACHE_CAPACITY = config[0] MAX_REFRESH_RATE = config[1] cache_type = config[2] CACHE_TTL = config[3] class Database: def __init__(self): # Each object now has a specific refresh rate 'mu' = {i: f"Object {i}" for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1)} self.lambda_values = { i: np.random.zipf(ZIPF_CONSTANT) for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } # Request rate 'lambda' for each object # Refresh rate 'mu' for each object if MAX_REFRESH_RATE == 0: self.mu_values = {i: 0 for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1)} else: self.mu_values = { i: np.random.uniform(1, MAX_REFRESH_RATE) for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } self.next_request = { i: np.random.exponential(self.lambda_values[i]) for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } def get_object(self, obj_id): # print(f"[{}] Database: Fetched {, 'Unknown')} for ID {obj_id}") return, None) class Cache: def __init__(self, env, db, cache_type): self.cache_type = cache_type self.env = env self.db = db = {} # Dictionary to store cached objects self.ttl = {} # Dictionary to store TTLs self.age = {} # Dictionary to store age of each object self.cache_size_over_time = [] # To record cache state at each interval self.cache_next_request_over_time = [] self.request_log = {i: [] for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1)} self.hits = { i: 0 for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } # Track hits per object self.misses = { i: 0 for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } # Track misses per object self.cumulative_age = { i: 0 for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } # Track cumulative age per object self.access_count = { i: 0 for i in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1) } # Track access count per object self.next_refresh = {} # Track the next refresh time for each cached object def get(self, obj_id): if obj_id in and (self.ttl[obj_id] > or CACHE_TTL == 0): # Cache hit: increment hit count and update cumulative age self.hits[obj_id] += 1 self.cumulative_age[obj_id] += self.age[obj_id] self.access_count[obj_id] += 1 else: # Cache miss: increment miss count self.misses[obj_id] += 1 self.access_count[obj_id] += 1 # Fetch the object from the database if it’s not in cache obj = self.db.get_object(obj_id) # If the cache is full, evict the oldest object if len( >= CACHE_CAPACITY: if self.cache_type == CacheType.LRU: self.evict_oldest() elif self.cache_type == CacheType.RANDOM_EVICTION: self.evict_random() # Add the object to cache, set TTL, reset age, and schedule next refresh[obj_id] = obj if CACHE_TTL != 0: self.ttl[obj_id] = + CACHE_TTL else: self.ttl[obj_id] = 0 self.age[obj_id] = 0 if MAX_REFRESH_RATE != 0: self.next_refresh[obj_id] = + np.random.exponential( self.db.mu_values[obj_id] ) # Schedule refresh def evict_oldest(self): """Remove the oldest item from the cache to make space.""" oldest_id = max(self.age, key=self.age.get) # Find the oldest item by age print( f"[{}] Cache: Evicting oldest object {oldest_id} to make space at {self.ttl[oldest_id]:.2f}" ) del[oldest_id] del self.ttl[oldest_id] del self.age[oldest_id] def evict_random(self): """Remove a random item from the cache to make space.""" random_id = np.random.choice( list( ) # Select a random key from the cache print( f"[{}] Cache: Evicting random object {random_id} to make space at {self.ttl[random_id]:.2f}" ) del[random_id] del self.ttl[random_id] del self.age[random_id] def refresh_object(self, obj_id): """Refresh the object from the database to keep it up-to-date. TTL is increased on refresh.""" obj = self.db.get_object(obj_id)[obj_id] = obj if CACHE_TTL != 0: self.ttl[obj_id] = + CACHE_TTL else: self.ttl[obj_id] = 0 self.age[obj_id] = 0 # print(f"[{}] Cache: Refreshed object {obj_id}") def age_objects(self): """Increment age of each cached object.""" for obj_id in list(self.age.keys()): if CACHE_TTL != 0: if self.ttl[obj_id] > self.age[obj_id] += 1 # print(f"[{}] Cache: Object {obj_id} aged to {self.age[obj_id]}") else: # Remove object if its TTL expired # print(f"[{}] Cache: Object {obj_id} expired") del[obj_id] del self.ttl[obj_id] del self.age[obj_id] else: self.age[obj_id] += 1 def record_cache_state(self): """Record the current cache state (number of objects in cache) over time.""" self.cache_size_over_time.append((, len( self.cache_next_request_over_time.append((, self.db.next_request.copy())) def age_cache_process(env, cache): """Process that ages cache objects over time, removes expired items, and refreshes based on object-specific intervals.""" while True: cache.age_objects() # Age objects and remove expired ones if MAX_REFRESH_RATE != 0: # Refresh objects based on their individual refresh intervals for obj_id in list( # Check if it's time to refresh this object based on next_refresh if >= cache.next_refresh[obj_id]: cache.refresh_object(obj_id) # Schedule the next refresh based on the object's mu cache.next_refresh[obj_id] = + np.random.exponential( cache.db.mu_values[obj_id] ) cache.record_cache_state() # Record cache state at each time step yield env.timeout(1) # Run every second def client_request_process(env, cache, event): """Client process that makes requests for objects from the cache.""" lowest_lambda_object = max(cache.db.lambda_values.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) lowest_lambda_object = ( [lowest_lambda_object] if isinstance(lowest_lambda_object, int) else lowest_lambda_object ) while True: obj_id, next_request = min(cache.db.next_request.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) yield env.timeout(next_request - if >= next_request: # print(f"[{}] Client: Requesting object {obj_id}") cache.get(obj_id) # print(f"[{}] Client: Schedule next request for {obj_id}") next_request = + np.random.exponential( cache.db.lambda_values[obj_id] ) cache.request_log[obj_id].append(next_request) cache.db.next_request[obj_id] = next_request if all( cache.access_count[obj] >= ACCESS_COUNT_LIMIT for obj in lowest_lambda_object ): event.succeed() # Instantiate components db = Database() cache = Cache(env, db, cache_type) stop_event = env.event() # Start processes env.process(age_cache_process(env, cache)) env.process(client_request_process(env, cache, stop_event)) # Run the simulation # Calculate and print hit rate and average age for each object for obj_id in range(1, DATABASE_OBJECTS + 1): if cache.access_count[obj_id] != 0: hit_rate = cache.hits[obj_id] / max( 1, cache.access_count[obj_id] ) # Avoid division by zero avg_age = cache.cumulative_age[obj_id] / max( 1, cache.hits[obj_id] ) # Only average over hits print( f"Object {obj_id}: Hit Rate = {hit_rate:.2f}, Average Age = {avg_age:.2f}" ) # Extract recorded data for plotting times, cache_sizes = zip(*cache.cache_size_over_time) # Plot the cache size over time plt.figure(figsize=(30, 5)) plt.plot(times, cache_sizes, label="Objects in Cache") plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("Number of Cached Objects") plt.title("Number of Objects in Cache Over Time") plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.savefig("./graphs/objects_in_cache_over_time.pdf") access_count = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( cache.access_count, orient="index", columns=["access_count"] ) hits = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cache.hits, orient="index", columns=["hits"]) misses = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cache.misses, orient="index", columns=["misses"]) mu = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(db.mu_values, orient="index", columns=["mu"]) lmbda = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(db.lambda_values, orient="index", columns=["lambda"]) hit_rate = pd.DataFrame( np.round((hits.to_numpy() / access_count.to_numpy()) * 100, 2), columns=["hit_rate"] ) merged = ( access_count.merge(hits, left_index=True, right_index=True) .merge(misses, left_index=True, right_index=True) .merge(mu, left_index=True, right_index=True) .merge(lmbda, left_index=True, right_index=True) .merge(hit_rate, left_index=True, right_index=True) ) merged.to_csv(EXPORT_NAME)