- Add individual `host_vars` YAML files for new proxmox hosts (`aya01`, `inko`, `lulu`):
- Set SSH and Ansible connection variables, including `ansible_user`, `ansible_host`, `ansible_port`, and `ansible_ssh_private_key_file`
- Configure `ansible_become_pass` with respective vault entries for sudo access
- Define host-specific metadata, including hostname and IP address
- Update `production` inventory:
- Add new `[proxmox]` group and include `aya01`, `inko`, and `lulu` for proxmox-related automation
These additions streamline Ansible's management of proxmox hosts, centralizing their configuration and enabling easier host-specific variable access for deployment and management tasks.
Signed-off-by: Tuan-Dat Tran <tuan-dat.tran@tudattr.dev>