#_preseed_V1 ### Localization # Preseeding only locale sets language, country and locale. d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US d-i debian-installer/language string en d-i debian-installer/country string DE # Keyboard selection. d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us ### Network configuration # netcfg will choose an interface that has link if possible. This makes it # skip displaying a list if there is more than one interface. d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto # To pick a particular interface instead: #d-i netcfg/choose_interface select eth1 # Any hostname and domain names assigned from dhcp take precedence over # values set here. However, setting the values still prevents the questions # from being shown, even if values come from dhcp. d-i netcfg/get_hostname string test d-i netcfg/get_domain string seyshiro.de ### Mirror settings # Mirror protocol: # If you select ftp, the mirror/country string does not need to be set. # Default value for the mirror protocol: http. d-i mirror/country string manual d-i mirror/http/hostname string http.de.debian.org d-i mirror/http/directory string /debian #d-i mirror/http/proxy string ### Account setup # Root password, either in clear text d-i passwd/root-password password asdf d-i passwd/root-password-again password asdf # To create a normal user account. d-i passwd/user-fullname string user d-i passwd/username string user # Normal user's password, either in clear text d-i passwd/user-password password asdf d-i passwd/user-password-again password asdf # The user account will be added to some standard initial groups. To # override that, use this. d-i passwd/user-default-groups string audio cdrom video sudo ### Clock and time zone setup # Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to UTC. d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true # You may set this to any valid setting for $TZ; see the contents of # /usr/share/zoneinfo/ for valid values. d-i time/zone string Europe/Berlin # Controls whether to use NTP to set the clock during the install d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true # NTP server to use. The default is almost always fine here. #d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string ntp.example.com ### Partitioning ## Partitioning example d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sda d-i partman-auto/method string regular d-i partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm boolean true d-i partman-md/device_remove_md boolean true d-i partman-lvm/confirm boolean true d-i partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true # You can choose one of the three predefined partitioning recipes: # - atomic: all files in one partition # - home: separate /home partition # - multi: separate /home, /var, and /tmp partitions d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic # This makes partman automatically partition without confirmation d-i partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true d-i partman/choose_partition select finish d-i partman/confirm boolean true d-i partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true # Force UEFI booting ('BIOS compatibility' will be lost). Default: false. # Ensure the partition table is GPT - this is required for EFI d-i partman-efi/non_efi_system boolean true d-i partman-partitioning/choose_label select gpt d-i partman-partitioning/default_label string gpt # This makes partman automatically partition without confirmation. d-i partman-md/confirm boolean true d-i partman-partitioning/confirm_write_new_label boolean true d-i partman/choose_partition select finish d-i partman/confirm boolean true d-i partman/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true ### Base system installation ### Apt setup # Choose, if you want to scan additional installation media # (default: false). d-i apt-setup/cdrom/set-first boolean false # Select which update services to use; define the mirrors to be used. # Values shown below are the normal defaults. d-i apt-setup/services-select multiselect security, updates d-i apt-setup/security_host string security.debian.org # Uncomment this to add multiarch configuration for i386 #d-i apt-setup/multiarch string i386 ### Package selection tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard # Individual additional packages to install d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server build-essential sudo git iperf3 smartmontools vim curl tree rsync systemd-timesyncd neofetch btrfs-progs powertop # Whether to upgrade packages after debootstrap. # Allowed values: none, safe-upgrade, full-upgrade d-i pkgsel/upgrade select full-upgrade ### Boot loader installation # Grub is the boot loader (for x86). # This is fairly safe to set, it makes grub install automatically to the UEFI # partition/boot record if no other operating system is detected on the machine. d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true # This one makes grub-installer install to the UEFI partition/boot record, if # it also finds some other OS, which is less safe as it might not be able to # boot that other OS. d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true # Due notably to potential USB sticks, the location of the primary drive can # not be determined safely in general, so this needs to be specified: #d-i grub-installer/bootdev string /dev/sda # To install to the primary device (assuming it is not a USB stick): #d-i grub-installer/bootdev string default # Alternatively, if you want to install to a location other than the UEFI # parition/boot record, uncomment and edit these lines: #d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean false #d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean false #d-i grub-installer/bootdev string (hd0,1) # To install grub to multiple disks: #d-i grub-installer/bootdev string (hd0,1) (hd1,1) (hd2,1) # Use the following option to add additional boot parameters for the # installed system (if supported by the bootloader installer). #d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts string nousb ### Finishing up the installation # Avoid that last message about the install being complete. d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note # This is how to make the installer shutdown when finished, but not # reboot into the installed system. d-i debian-installer/exit/halt boolean true # This will power off the machine instead of just halting it. d-i debian-installer/exit/poweroff boolean true #### Advanced options ### Running custom commands during the installation d-i preseed/late_command string \ in-target mkdir -p /home/user/.ssh/; \ in-target echo "sh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKqc9fnzfCz8fQDFzla+D8PBhvaMmFu2aF+TYkkZRxl9 tuan@genesis-2022-01-20" > /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys; \ in-target chown -R user:user /home/user/.ssh/; \ in-target chmod 700 /home/user/.ssh/; \ in-target chmod 600 /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys