
15 lines
1021 B
Raw Normal View History

# Status bar for tmux and screen
# Status beginning with '#' are disabled.
# Screen has two status lines, with 4 quadrants for status
screen_upper_right="color whoami hostname ip_address menu"
screen_lower_left="color logo distro release #arch session"
screen_lower_right="color network #disk_io custom #entropy raid reboot_required updates_available #apport #services #mail users uptime #fan_speed #cpu_temp battery wifi_quality #processes load_average cpu_count cpu_freq memory #swap disk #time_utc date time"
# Tmux has one status line, with 2 halves for status
tmux_left=" logo #distro #release #arch #session"
# You can have as many tmux right lines below here, and cycle through them using Shift-F5
tmux_right="#network #disk_io #custom #entropy #raid #reboot_required #updates_available #apport #services #mail #users #uptime #fan_speed #cpu_temp battery #wifi_quality #processes #load_average #cpu_count #cpu_freq #memory #swap #disk #whoami #hostname ip_address #time_utc date time"