From 7c83af5a3dcaf88f3ec2280e8b3f902e90358270 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TuDatTr Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 17:14:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Updated, more updates coming --- | 120 ++++++++++++++++++++------------- i3/.config/i3/config | 16 +++-- polybar/.config/polybar/config | 3 +- 3 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 82f0a16..625cade 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,61 +4,87 @@ I'm using: - [[][GNU Emacs]] - [[][GNU stow]] - [[][i3-gaps]] - - [[][Manjaro i3]] + - [[][Arch Linux]] - [[][Materia Theme]] - [[][Z shell]] ** TODOS: - 1. Update this README for the migration to GNU stow and clemacs - 2. Making an own [[][conky]], conky_maia-like - 3. Sorting the "Prerequisites" by importance - 4. Getting away from Manjaro i3 (?) - 5. Emacs Markdown preview is buggy, find another way, this would be fixed by a org-mode README - 6. Maybe convert this readme into emacs org mode + 1) Making an own [[][conky]], conky_maia-like + 2) Sorting the "Prerequisites" by importance ** Getting Started *** Prerequisites +****Pacman Install +***** System + - lightdm +****** General + - wget + - udisks2 + - exfat-utils +****** Terminal + - zsh + - termite +****** Audio + - libmad + - alsa-utils + - pulseaudio-alsa +****** Bluetooth + - blueman + - pulseaudio-bluetooth +****** Networking + - networkmanager + - networkmanager-openvpn + - networkmanager-openconnect + - network-manager-applet +****** Energymanagement/Laptop + - acpi + - acpid + - xorg-xmodmap + - xorg-xbacklight +****** Keyring + - libgnome-keyring + - gnome-keyring +***** Essentials + - nyancat + - stow + - git + - openssh + - thunderbird + - python-pip + - xsel +***** Lifestyle + - emacs + - texlive-most + - evince + - thunderbird + - scrot + - aspell-en +***** Pretty stuff (i.e. ricing, pretty cli-apps) + - cmus + - lxappearance + - conky + - arc-icon-theme +****** oh-my-zsh + - powerline-fonts + - awesome-terminal-fonts + - zsh-theme-powerlevel9k +***** Security/Privacy + - veracrypt + - keepassx2 -Pacman Install - - [[][emacs]] - A extensible, cusotmizable, free/libre text editor - and more. - - [[][git]] - A free and open source distributed version control system. - - [[][python-pip]] - pip to install python packages (**p**ip **i**nstalls **p**ackages) - - [[][termite]] - Preferred terminal emulator, since urxvt can't handle power-line well. - - [[][powerline-fonts]] - Powerline fonts for the Powerlevel9k-theme. - - [[][awesome-terminal-fonts]] - Font with cool icons. Necessary for powerlevel9k. - - [[][zsh-theme-powerlevel9k]] - Powerlevel9k-theme for zsh. - - [[][texlive-most]] - (optional)A high-quality typesetting system. - - [[][firefox]] - (optional) Install whatever you like, but you will need to make a change in the .config/i3/config. Let's see if waterfox is better. - - [[][thunderbid]] - (optional) Install whatever you like, but you might need to change it up in the .config/i3/config. - - [[][veracrypt]] - (optional) A free disk encryption software based on TrueCrypt. - - [[][keepassx2]] - (optional) A free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager. - - [[][evince]] - (optional, prefered if you use auctex) pdf viewer, default to view compiled LaTeX-files with auctex(emacs plugin). - - [[][xorg-backlight]] - The backlight controlling tool I use - - [[][pulseaudio-alsa]] - (recommended) - - [[][pulseaudio-bluetooth]] - (recommended) - - [[][nyancat]] - (mandatory) That's what the internet is all about. - - [[][cmus]] - (optional) cli music player - - [[][stow]] - To manage dotfiles - - aspell-en - Language for flycheck - - aspell-de -Language for flycheck - - [[][lxappearance]] - Feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher of the LXDE Desktop - -Pacman Remove - - [[][palemoon-bin]] - Not needed anymore, if you use Firefox. - - [[][epdfview]] - Not needed anymore, if you use evince. - -Yaourt Install - - [[][i3lock-color]] - Needed for ~/.scripts/ - - [[][cava]] - *C* onsole-based *A* udio *V* isualizer for *A* LSA (MPD and Pulseaudio) - - [[][materia-theme]] - A Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK+ based desktop environments - -#+BEGIN_SRC sh -sudo pacman -Syu -sudo pacman -S emacs git termite python-pip zsh-theme-powerlevel9k powerline-fonts awesome-terminal-fonts texlive-most firefox thunderbird evince veracrypt keepassx2 xorg-xbacklight pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth nyancat cmus lxappearance -sudo pacman -R palemoon-bin epdfview -yaourt -S i3lock-color cava materia-theme -#+END_SRC +**** Yaourt Install +***** System + - lightdm-mini-greeter + - i3-gaps + - i3lock-color +***** Lifestyle + - waterfox-bin + - nextcloud-client +***** Pretty stuff (i.e. ricing, pretty cli-apps) + - cava + - materia-theme + - neofetch *** Setting up zsh #+BEGIN_SRC sh @@ -75,7 +101,6 @@ I tried to make this as easy as possible. All packages should be installed autom *** Setups Setting up some programs. **** Installing Nextcloud-Client (optional) - #+BEGIN_SRC sh wget --P ~/Downloads/ chmod +x ~/Downloads/Nextcloud-2.3.3-x86_64.AppImage @@ -84,7 +109,6 @@ sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/Nextcloud-2.3.3-x86_64.AppImage /usr/bin/nextcloud **** "installing" the dotfiles. Take a look at already existing files and delete them if necessary. -Like ~$HOME/.i3/~ #+BEGIN_SRC sh git clone .dotfiles stow emacs diff --git a/i3/.config/i3/config b/i3/.config/i3/config index ef647cd..e1b5dd5 100644 --- a/i3/.config/i3/config +++ b/i3/.config/i3/config @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace $ws9; workspace $ws9 assign [class="Firefox"] $ws2 assign [class="Spotify"] $ws7 assign [class="Thunderbird"] $ws3 -assign [class="Keepassx2"] $ws8 -assign [class="Veracrypt"] $ws8 +assign [class="Keepassx2"] $ws9 +assign [class="Veracrypt"] $ws9 # Open specific applications in floating mode for_window [title="alsamixer"] flMoating enable border pixel 1 @@ -118,12 +118,9 @@ for_window [urgent=latest] focus ############################ Startup Applications ############################# ############################################################################### exec --no-startup-id ~/.scripts/ -exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 -exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore; sleep 1; compton -b -exec --no-startup-id nm-applet -exec --no-startup-id blueman-applet -exec --no-startup-id xautolock -time 10 -locker "python ~/.scripts/" +exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore; compton -b exec --no-startup-id Nextcloud +exec --no-startup-id xautolock -time 10 -locker "python ~/.scripts/" exec --no-startup-id emacs --daemon exec --no-startup-id udiskie exec --no-startup-id polybar beep -r @@ -145,6 +142,11 @@ bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id rofi -X -show run bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec "xbacklight -inc 10; notify-send 'brightness up'" bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "xbacklight -dec 10; notify-send 'brightness down'" +# Pulse Audio controls +bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% +bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% +bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle + # Application Shortcuts bindsym $mod+b exec env GTK_THEME=Materia:light waterfox bindsym $mod+e exec pcmanfm diff --git a/polybar/.config/polybar/config b/polybar/.config/polybar/config index c5f4a2e..ff9dc71 100644 --- a/polybar/.config/polybar/config +++ b/polybar/.config/polybar/config @@ -189,9 +189,8 @@ label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground} format-volume-underline = ${} -format-muted-prefix = " " format-muted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} -label-muted = sound muted +label-muted =  Muted label-muted-underline = ${} bar-volume-width = 10