Fixed i3config

Signed-off-by: Tuan-Dat Tran <>
Tuan-Dat Tran 2024-03-15 16:54:27 +01:00
parent 4be55c69b4
commit ac0d51e712
1 changed files with 0 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -79,40 +79,8 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace $ws9; workspace $ws9
bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace $ws0; workspace $ws0
# Open specific applications in floating mode
<<<<<<< HEAD
for_window [class="^Thunderbird$" title="^.*Event:"] floating enable
# Steam
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Friends List$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="Steam"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Settings$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* - event started"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* CD key"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam - Self Updater$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Screenshot Uploader$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam Guard - Computer Authorization Required$"] floating enable
for_window [title="^Steam Keyboard$"] floating enable
||||||| e9d53f0
for_window [class="(?i)virtualbox"] floating enable border normal
for_window [title="KeePassX$"] floating enable border normal
for_window [class="^Thunderbird$" title="^.*Event:"] floating enable
# Steam
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Friends List$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="Steam"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Settings$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* - event started"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* CD key"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam - Self Updater$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Screenshot Uploader$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam Guard - Computer Authorization Required$"] floating enable
for_window [title="^Steam Keyboard$"] floating enable
for_window [class="(?i)virtualbox"] floating enable border normal
for_window [title="KeePassX$"] floating enable border normal
>>>>>>> clean_emacs
############################ Startup Applications #############################
@ -125,21 +93,7 @@ exec --no-startup-id conky -c ~/.conky/syclo-crimson-bottomleft.conkyrc
# exec --no-startup-id synergyc -f --no-tray --debug INFO --name genesis --enable-crypto
exec --no-startup-id dunst
exec --no-startup-id ~/.scripts/
<<<<<<< HEAD
exec --no-startup-id ~/.scripts/
exec --no-startup-id llk
||||||| e9d53f0
exec --no-startup-id llk
exec --no-startup-id emacs --daemon
>>>>>>> clean_emacs
exec --no-startup-id syncthing
<<<<<<< HEAD
exec --no-startup-id xrandr --output eDP1 --auto --left-of HDMI1 --output HDMI1 --off --output DP1 --off
||||||| e9d53f0
exec --no-startup-id xrandr --output eDP1 --auto --left-of HDMI1 --output HDMI1 --off --output DP1 --off; feh --randomize --bg-fill /home/tuan/Pictures/Wallpaper/*
>>>>>>> clean_emacs
exec --no-startup-id feh --randomize --bg-fill $HOME/Pictures/Wallpaper/*
@ -176,17 +130,7 @@ bindsym XF86AudioPrevious exec "playerctl previous"
# Application Shortcuts
bindsym $mod+b exec firefox
<<<<<<< HEAD
bindsym $mod+p exec firefox --private-window
bindsym $mod+e exec emacs
bindsym $mod+m exec thunderbird
||||||| e9d53f0
bindsym $mod+p exec firefox --private-window
bindsym $mod+e exec emacsclient -c
bindsym $mod+m exec thunderbird
bindsym $mod+p exec firefox --private-window
>>>>>>> clean_emacs
# Whole Screen
bindsym Control+Print exec --no-startup-id ~/.scripts/ screen