Added work to some shortcuts in ranger, vim for C# and soem colorchanges

Tuan-Dat Tran 2018-08-29 21:22:24 +02:00
parent 3ea585c26a
commit c6f99af469
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 0DA1B0B23302CA72
9 changed files with 149 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
! special
*.foreground: #f1ebeb
*.foreground: #f8f8f2
*.background: #272822
*.cursorColor: #f1ebeb
*.cursorColor: #f8f8f2
! black
*.color0: #48483e
*.color8: #76715e
*.color0: #272822
*.color8: #75715e
! red
*.color1: #dc2566
*.color9: #fa2772
*.color1: #f92672
*.color9: #f92672
! green
*.color2: #8fc029
*.color10: #a7e22e
*.color2: #a6e22e
*.color10: #a6e22e
! yellow
*.color3: #d4c96e
*.color11: #e7db75
*.color3: #f4bf75
*.color11: #f4bf75
! blue
*.color4: #55bcce
*.color12: #66d9ee
*.color4: #66d9ef
*.color12: #66d9ef
! magenta
*.color5: #9358fe
*.color13: #ae82ff
*.color5: #ae81ff
*.color13: #ae81ff
! cyan
*.color6: #56b7a5
*.color14: #66efd5
*.color6: #a1efe4
*.color14: #a1efe4
! white
*.color7: #acada1
*.color15: #cfd0c2
*.color7: #f8f8f2
*.color15: #f9f8f5

View File

@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ for_window [instance="^sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer$" title="^Complete Installation$"
exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap us,de
exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
exec --no-startup-id nitrogen --restore; compton -b
exec --no-startup-id nextcloud
exec --no-startup-id emacs --daemon
exec --no-startup-id udiskie
exec --no-startup-id polybar beep -r
exec --no-startup-id polybar boop -r
exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option "ctrl:swapcaps"
exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
exec --no-startup-id xss-lock -- python ~/.scripts/
@ -154,11 +154,15 @@ bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec "xbacklight -dec 10; notify-send 'brightness
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5%
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec "if [ `cat /home/$USER/.scripts/playstate` = 0 ]; then echo '1'>/home/$USER/.scripts/playstate;else echo '0'>/home/$USER/.scripts/playstate;fi"
bindsym XF86AudioStop exec "playerctl stop && echo '0'>/home/$USER/.scripts/playstate"
# bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec "if [ `cat /home/$USER/.scripts/playstate` = 0 ]; then echo '1'>/home/$USER/.scripts/playstate;else echo '0'>/home/$USER/.scripts/playstate;fi"
# bindsym XF86AudioStop exec "playerctl stop && echo '0'>/home/$USER/.scripts/playstate"
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec "playerctl play-pause; cmus-remote -u"
bindsym XF86AudioStop exec "playerctl stop; cmus-remote -s"
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec "playerctl next; cmus-remote -n"
bindsym XF86AudioPrevious exec "playerctl previous; cmus-remote -r"
# Application Shortcuts
bindsym $mod+b exec firefox
bindsym $mod+b exec env GTK_THEME=Materia:dark firefox
bindsym $mod+e exec source ~/.zshrc && termite -e 'ranger'
bindsym $mod+m exec thunderbird

View File

@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ font-1 = unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false;0
font-2 = siji:pixelsize=10;1
font-3 = FontAwesome:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
modules-left = spotify
modules-center = spotify-prev spotify-play spotify-stop spotify-next
modules-right = xkeyboard volume xbacklight wlan eth battery1 date
modules-left = volume xkeyboard
modules-center = date
modules-right =
cursor-click = pointer
cursor-scroll = ns-resize
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ font-3 = FontAwesome:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
modules-left = airvpn
modules-center = i3
modules-right = powermenu
modules-right = xbacklight wlan eth battery1 powermenu
cursor-click = pointer
cursor-scroll = ns-resize

View File

@ -4,3 +4,6 @@ set vcs_aware true
map f console scout -ftsea%space
map gg console mkdir%space
map np shell cp -r ~/Templates/LaTeX/Protokoll $(date +%g.%m.%%d)
map ny shell cp %f ../Protokoll_$(echo $(basename $(pwd)) | awk '{gsub("\\.","-");print}' $2).pdf
map nr shell cp ~/Templates/LaTeX/Invoice/invoice.tex Gefeba_Engineering_-_Rechnung_$(date +%g.%m)_-Elektro-1.tex

View File

@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ hyperlinks = true
# "system", "on" or "off"
cursor_blink = system
# "block", "underline" or "ibeam"
cursor_shape = ibeam
cursor_shape = block
# Hide links that are no longer valid in url select overlay mode
#filter_unmatched_urls = true
@ -42,39 +41,40 @@ scrollbar = off
# special
foreground = #f1ebeb
foreground_bold = #f1ebeb
cursor = #f1ebeb
foreground = #f8f8f2
foreground_bold = #f8f8f2
cursor = #f8f8f2
background = #272822
# black
color0 = #48483e
color8 = #76715e
color0 = #272822
color8 = #75715e
# red
color1 = #dc2566
color9 = #fa2772
color1 = #f92672
color9 = #f92672
# green
color2 = #8fc029
color10 = #a7e22e
color2 = #a6e22e
color10 = #a6e22e
# yellow
color3 = #d4c96e
color11 = #e7db75
color3 = #f4bf75
color11 = #f4bf75
# blue
color4 = #55bcce
color12 = #66d9ee
color4 = #66d9ef
color12 = #66d9ef
# magenta
color5 = #9358fe
color13 = #ae82ff
color5 = #ae81ff
color13 = #ae81ff
# cyan
color6 = #56b7a5
color14 = #66efd5
color6 = #a1efe4
color14 = #a1efe4
# white
color7 = #acada1
color15 = #cfd0c2
color7 = #f8f8f2
color15 = #f9f8f5

View File

@ -66,8 +66,12 @@ def lock_config():
lock_date_pos = '--datepos="{}:{}"'.format(date_x, date_y)
lock_date_size = '--datesize={}'.format(default_fontsize)
date = "{} {}".format(lock_date_pos, lock_date_size)
# date color
datecolor = '--datecolor=777777ff'
timecolor = '--timecolor=777777ff'
color = '{} {}'.format(datecolor, timecolor)
# done
datetime = "{} {}".format(l_time, date)
datetime = "{} {} {}".format(l_time, date, color)
# Indicator config
# Indicator inner

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
(org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/")
(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)

View File

@ -4,35 +4,31 @@ filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc'
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
Plugin 'ledger/vim-ledger'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
Plugin 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plugin 'esalter-va/vim-checklist'
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc'
Plugin 'vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
call vundle#end()
" Filetypes
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.md set filetype=md
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex set filetype=tex
au BufNewFile,BufRead config set filetype=config
" Functions
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=+ Shell call s:RunShellCommand(<q-args>)
function! s:RunShellCommand(cmdline)
echo a:cmdline
let expanded_cmdline = a:cmdline
for part in split(a:cmdline, ' ')
if part[0] =~ '\v[%#<]'
let expanded_part = fnameescape(expand(part))
let expanded_cmdline = substitute(expanded_cmdline, part, expanded_part, '')
botright new
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
call setline(1, 'You entered: ' . a:cmdline)
call setline(2, 'Expanded Form: ' .expanded_cmdline)
call setline(3,substitute(getline(2),'.','=','g'))
execute '$read !'. expanded_cmdline
setlocal nomodifiable
" Arch defaults
"" Move the swap file location to protect against CVE-2017-1000382
if exists('$XDG_CACHE_HOME')
let &g:directory=$XDG_CACHE_HOME
let &g:directory=$HOME . '/.cache'
let &g:directory.='/vim/swap//'
"" Create swap directory if it doesn't exist
if ! isdirectory(expand(&g:directory))
silent! call mkdir(expand(&g:directory), 'p', 0700)
" Basics
syntax on
@ -41,11 +37,12 @@ set encoding=utf-8
colorscheme monokai
set autowrite
set smartcase
set spelllang=en_gb,de_de
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set nofoldenable
" Line Numbers
set number
set relativenumber
"set number
"set relativenumber
" Tab behavior
set expandtab
@ -57,38 +54,57 @@ set softtabstop=4
set splitbelow
set splitright
" Remaps
map / <Plug>(incsearch-forward)
map ? <Plug>(incsearch-backward)
map g/ <Plug>(incsearch-stay)
nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J>
nnoremap <C-K> <C-W><C-K>
nnoremap <C-L> <C-W><C-L>
nnoremap <C-H> <C-W><C-H>
nmap 0 ^
" Latex
let g:tex_nospell=1
" Shortcuts
inoremap <Tab><Tab> <Esc>/<x_x><Enter>c5l
vnoremap <Tab><Tab> <Esc>/<x_x><Enter>c5l
map <Tab><Tab> <Esc>/<x_x><Enter>c5l
map <Space><Tab> <Esc>/<x_x><Enter>c5l
inoremap <Space><Tab> <Esc>/<x_x><Enter>c5l
vnoremap <Space><Tab> <Esc>/<x_x><Enter>c5l
inoremap ;; <x_x>
imap jj <Esc>
inoremap ;date <C-R>=strftime("%Y/%m/%d")<Enter>
inoremap ;time <C-R>=strftime("%H:%M:%S")<Enter>
" Diaeresis for e.g. german
inoremap "a ä
inoremap "o ö
inoremap "u ü
inoremap "A Ä
inoremap "U Ü
inoremap "O Ö
inoremap ;ss ß
inoremap ;euro
"" Latex
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ;l \item
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ;beg \begin{<o_o>}<Enter><x_x><Enter>\end{<o_o>}<Enter><Enter><x_x><Esc>4k0:MultipleCursorsFind<Space><o_o><Enter>c
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ;sec \section{<x_x>}<Enter><Enter><x_x><Esc>2k<Tab><Tab>
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ;ssec \subsection{<x_x>}<Enter><Enter><x_x><Esc>2k<Tab><Tab>
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ;sssec \subsubsection{<x_x>}<Enter><Enter><x_x><Esc>2k<Tab><Tab>
""" Compile to pdf and open it in evince
autocmd FileType tex map <C-c><C-c> mx:silent !pdflatex % && evince %<.pdf &<Enter>ggGG`x
" This callback will be executed when the entire command is completed
function! BackgroundCommandClose(channel)
" Read the output from the command into the quickfix window
unlet g:backgroundCommandOutput
"" Ledger
autocmd FileType ledger inoremap ;a <C-R>=strftime("%Y/%m/%d")<Enter> * <x_x><Enter><Space><Space><Space><Space><x_x><Space><Space><Space><Space><x_x><Enter><Enter><x_x><Esc>3k0
autocmd FileType ledger map <C-R>b :! ledger -f % reg Brieftasche$<Enter>
autocmd FileType ledger map <C-R>g :! ledger -f % reg Girokonto$<Enter>
autocmd FileType ledger map <C-R>p :! ledger -f % reg PayPal$<Enter>
function! RunBackgroundCommand(command)
" Make sure we're running VIM version 8 or higher.
if v:version < 800
echoerr 'RunBackgroundCommand requires VIM version 8 or higher'
if exists('g:backgroundCommandOutput')
echo 'Already running task in background'
echo 'Running task in background'
" Launch the job.
" Notice that we're only capturing out, and not err here. This is because, for some reason, the callback
" will not actually get hit if we write err out to the same file. Not sure if I'm doing this wrong or?
let g:backgroundCommandOutput = tempname()
call job_start(a:command, {'close_cb': 'BackgroundCommandClose', 'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': g:backgroundCommandOutput})
" So we can use :BackgroundCommand to call our function.
command! -nargs=+ -complete=shellcmd RunBackgroundCommand call RunBackgroundCommand(<q-args>)
"" Markdown
autocmd FileType markdown,rmd map <C-c><C-c> mx:silent !pandoc % --pdf-engine=xelatex -o %<.pdf && evince %<.pdf &<Enter>ggGG`x
autocmd FileType markdown,rmd map <C-c>t :ChecklistToggleCheckbox<Enter>
autocmd FileType markdown,rmd inoremap ;h ---<Enter><Tab>title: <x_x><Enter>author: Tuan-Dat Tran<Enter><Esc>0i---<Enter><x_x><Esc>4k0

View File

@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ plugins=(
@ -28,26 +25,32 @@ POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FORMAT="%D{%H:%M:%S}"
# Alias
alias matrix="cmatrix"
alias df="df -h"
alias mkvirtenv="python -m virtualenv --system-site-packages"
alias e="emacsclient -t"
alias ek="pkill emacs"
alias ej="emacs --daemon"
alias nyan="nyancat"
alias rm="rm -i"
alias -s tex=e
alias -s cpp=e
alias -s org=e
alias rm="rm -I"
alias -s tex=vim
alias -s cpp=vim
alias -s org=vim
alias diff="diff -s"
alias stunden="e $HOME/Nextcloud/Arbeit/"
alias budget="e $HOME/Nextcloud/orgs/Budget/MyBudget.ledger"
alias stunden="et $HOME/Nextcloud/Arbeit/Stunden/Stundenzettel.xlsx &; disown %1;"
alias budget="emacs -nw $HOME/Nextcloud/orgs/Budget/MyBudget.ledger"
alias vudget="vim $HOME/Nextcloud/orgs/Budget/MyBudget.ledger"
alias q="exit"
alias ranger='ranger --choosedir=$HOME/.rangerdir; LASTDIR=`cat $HOME/.rangerdir`; cd "$LASTDIR"'
alias steam='steam -silent %U'
alias steam='steam'
alias vrc='vim ~/.vimrc'
alias erc='e ~/.emacs.d/'
alias erc='emacs -nw ~/.emacs.d/'
alias mp3='youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
alias zrc='vim ~/.zshrc'
alias vpn_eu='sudo openvpn --config Downloads/AirVPN_Europe_UDP-443.ovpn'
alias vpn_us='sudo openvpn --config Downloads/AirVPN_America_UDP-443.ovpn'
source $ZSH/
# Variables
@ -61,3 +64,6 @@ export VISUAL=$EDITOR
export HIGHLIGHT_DATADIR="~/.config/highlight/"
export GOPATH="$HOME/workspace/go/"
# Functions