diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index 01d11df..c6c44e3 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ [submodule "vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go"] path = vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go url = https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/ +[submodule "vim/.vim/plugin/vim/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot"] + path = vim/.vim/plugin/vim/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot + url = https://github.com/sheerun/vim-polyglot diff --git a/config/.local/share/ranger/bookmarks b/config/.local/share/ranger/bookmarks index 7daa4ec..1334a59 100644 --- a/config/.local/share/ranger/bookmarks +++ b/config/.local/share/ranger/bookmarks @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ t:/home/tuan/Templates w:/home/tuan/workspace_l/Projects k:/home/tuan/Documents/Protokolle/FSE q:/home/tuan/.nextcloud/Quick Drop -':/home/tuan/.vim/pack +':/home/tuan/.vim/plugged diff --git a/vim/.vim/autoload/Colorizer.vim b/vim/.vim/autoload/Colorizer.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 066cf9f..0000000 --- a/vim/.vim/autoload/Colorizer.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2595 +0,0 @@ -" Plugin: Highlight Colornames and Values -" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt -" URL: http://www.github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight -" Last Change: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:49:17 +0100 -" Licence: Vim License (see :h License) -" Version: 0.11 -" GetLatestVimScripts: 3963 11 :AutoInstall: Colorizer.vim -" -" This plugin was inspired by the css_color.vim plugin from Nikolaus Hofer. -" Changes made: - make terminal colors work more reliably and with all -" color terminals -" - performance improvements, coloring is almost instantenously -" - detect rgb colors like this: rgb(R,G,B) -" - detect hvl coloring: hvl(H,V,L) -" - fix small bugs -" - Color ANSI Term values and hide terminal escape sequences - -" Init some variables "{{{1 -let s:cpo_save = &cpo -set cpo&vim - -" the 6 value iterations in the xterm color cube "{{{2 -let s:valuerange6 = [ 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF ] - -"" the 4 value iterations in the 88 color xterm cube "{{{2 -let s:valuerange4 = [ 0x00, 0x8B, 0xCD, 0xFF ] -" -"" 16 basic colors "{{{2 -let s:basic16 = [ - \ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0xCD, 0x00, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0xCD, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0xCD, 0xCD, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xEE ], - \ [ 0xCD, 0x00, 0xCD ], - \ [ 0x00, 0xCD, 0xCD ], - \ [ 0xE5, 0xE5, 0xE5 ], - \ [ 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x5C, 0x5C, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ] - \ ] - -" Cygwin / Window console / ConEmu has different color codes -if ($ComSpec =~# '^\%(command\.com\|cmd\.exe\)$' && - \ !s:HasGui()) || - \ (exists("$ConEmuPID") && - \ $ConEmuANSI ==# "OFF") || - \ ($TERM ==# 'cygwin' && &t_Co == 16) " Cygwin terminal - - " command.com/ConEmu Color Cube (currently only supports 16 colors) - let s:basic16 = [ - \ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0x80, 0x80 ], - \ [ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x80, 0x00, 0x80 ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 ], - \ [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ] - \ ] - let &t_Co=16 -endif - -" xterm-8 colors "{{{2 -let s:xterm_8colors = { -\ 'black': '#000000', -\ 'darkblue': '#00008B', -\ 'darkgreen': '#00CD00', -\ 'darkcyan': '#00CDCD', -\ 'darkred': '#CD0000', -\ 'darkmagenta': '#8B008B', -\ 'brown': '#CDCD00', -\ 'darkyellow': '#CDCD00', -\ 'lightgrey': '#E5E5E5', -\ 'lightgray': '#E5E5E5', -\ 'gray': '#E5E5E5', -\ 'grey': '#E5E5E5' -\ } - -" xterm-16 colors "{{{2 -let s:xterm_16colors = { -\ 'darkgrey': '#7F7F7F', -\ 'darkgray': '#7F7F7F', -\ 'blue': '#5C5CFF', -\ 'lightblue': '#5C5CFF', -\ 'green': '#00FF00', -\ 'lightgreen': '#00FF00', -\ 'cyan': '#00FFFF', -\ 'lightcyan': '#00FFFF', -\ 'red': '#FF0000', -\ 'lightred': '#FF0000', -\ 'magenta': '#FF00FF', -\ 'lightmagenta': '#FF00FF', -\ 'yellow': '#FFFF00', -\ 'lightyellow': '#FFFF00', -\ 'white': '#FFFFFF', -\ } -" add the items from the 8 color xterm variable to the 16 color xterm -call extend(s:xterm_16colors, s:xterm_8colors) - -" W3C Colors "{{{2 -let s:w3c_color_names = { -\ 'aliceblue': '#F0F8FF', -\ 'antiquewhite': '#FAEBD7', -\ 'aqua': '#00FFFF', -\ 'aquamarine': '#7FFFD4', -\ 'azure': '#F0FFFF', -\ 'beige': '#F5F5DC', -\ 'bisque': '#FFE4C4', -\ 'black': '#000000', -\ 'blanchedalmond': '#FFEBCD', -\ 'blue': '#0000FF', -\ 'blueviolet': '#8A2BE2', -\ 'brown': '#A52A2A', -\ 'burlywood': '#DEB887', -\ 'cadetblue': '#5F9EA0', -\ 'chartreuse': '#7FFF00', -\ 'chocolate': '#D2691E', -\ 'coral': '#FF7F50', -\ 'cornflowerblue': '#6495ED', -\ 'cornsilk': '#FFF8DC', -\ 'crimson': '#DC143C', -\ 'cyan': '#00FFFF', -\ 'darkblue': '#00008B', -\ 'darkcyan': '#008B8B', -\ 'darkgoldenrod': '#B8860B', -\ 'darkgray': '#A9A9A9', -\ 'darkgreen': '#006400', -\ 'darkkhaki': '#BDB76B', -\ 'darkmagenta': '#8B008B', -\ 'darkolivegreen': '#556B2F', -\ 'darkorange': '#FF8C00', -\ 'darkorchid': '#9932CC', -\ 'darkred': '#8B0000', -\ 'darksalmon': '#E9967A', -\ 'darkseagreen': '#8FBC8F', -\ 'darkslateblue': '#483D8B', -\ 'darkslategray': '#2F4F4F', -\ 'darkturquoise': '#00CED1', -\ 'darkviolet': '#9400D3', -\ 'deeppink': '#FF1493', -\ 'deepskyblue': '#00BFFF', -\ 'dimgray': '#696969', -\ 'dodgerblue': '#1E90FF', -\ 'firebrick': '#B22222', -\ 'floralwhite': '#FFFAF0', -\ 'forestgreen': '#228B22', -\ 'fuchsia': '#FF00FF', -\ 'gainsboro': '#DCDCDC', -\ 'ghostwhite': '#F8F8FF', -\ 'gold': '#FFD700', -\ 'goldenrod': '#DAA520', -\ 'gray': '#808080', -\ 'green': '#008000', -\ 'greenyellow': '#ADFF2F', -\ 'honeydew': '#F0FFF0', -\ 'hotpink': '#FF69B4', -\ 'indianred': '#CD5C5C', -\ 'indigo': '#4B0082', -\ 'ivory': '#FFFFF0', -\ 'khaki': '#F0E68C', -\ 'lavender': '#E6E6FA', -\ 'lavenderblush': '#FFF0F5', -\ 'lawngreen': '#7CFC00', -\ 'lemonchiffon': '#FFFACD', -\ 'lightblue': '#ADD8E6', -\ 'lightcoral': '#F08080', -\ 'lightcyan': '#E0FFFF', -\ 'lightgoldenrodyellow': '#FAFAD2', -\ 'lightgray': '#D3D3D3', -\ 'lightgreen': '#90EE90', -\ 'lightpink': '#FFB6C1', -\ 'lightsalmon': '#FFA07A', -\ 'lightseagreen': '#20B2AA', -\ 'lightskyblue': '#87CEFA', -\ 'lightslategray': '#778899', -\ 'lightsteelblue': '#B0C4DE', -\ 'lightyellow': '#FFFFE0', -\ 'lime': '#00FF00', -\ 'limegreen': '#32CD32', -\ 'linen': '#FAF0E6', -\ 'magenta': '#FF00FF', -\ 'maroon': '#800000', -\ 'mediumaquamarine': '#66CDAA', -\ 'mediumblue': '#0000CD', -\ 'mediumorchid': '#BA55D3', -\ 'mediumpurple': '#9370D8', -\ 'mediumseagreen': '#3CB371', -\ 'mediumslateblue': '#7B68EE', -\ 'mediumspringgreen': '#00FA9A', -\ 'mediumturquoise': '#48D1CC', -\ 'mediumvioletred': '#C71585', -\ 'midnightblue': '#191970', -\ 'mintcream': '#F5FFFA', -\ 'mistyrose': '#FFE4E1', -\ 'moccasin': '#FFE4B5', -\ 'navajowhite': '#FFDEAD', -\ 'navy': '#000080', -\ 'oldlace': '#FDF5E6', -\ 'olive': '#808000', -\ 'olivedrab': '#6B8E23', -\ 'orange': '#FFA500', -\ 'orangered': '#FF4500', -\ 'orchid': '#DA70D6', -\ 'palegoldenrod': '#EEE8AA', -\ 'palegreen': '#98FB98', -\ 'paleturquoise': '#AFEEEE', -\ 'palevioletred': '#D87093', -\ 'papayawhip': '#FFEFD5', -\ 'peachpuff': '#FFDAB9', -\ 'peru': '#CD853F', -\ 'pink': '#FFC0CB', -\ 'plum': '#DDA0DD', -\ 'powderblue': '#B0E0E6', -\ 'purple': '#800080', -\ 'red': '#FF0000', -\ 'rosybrown': '#BC8F8F', -\ 'royalblue': '#4169E1', -\ 'saddlebrown': '#8B4513', -\ 'salmon': '#FA8072', -\ 'sandybrown': '#F4A460', -\ 'seagreen': '#2E8B57', -\ 'seashell': '#FFF5EE', -\ 'sienna': '#A0522D', -\ 'silver': '#C0C0C0', -\ 'skyblue': '#87CEEB', -\ 'slateblue': '#6A5ACD', -\ 'slategray': '#708090', -\ 'snow': '#FFFAFA', -\ 'springgreen': '#00FF7F', -\ 'steelblue': '#4682B4', -\ 'tan': '#D2B48C', -\ 'teal': '#008080', -\ 'thistle': '#D8BFD8', -\ 'tomato': '#FF6347', -\ 'turquoise': '#40E0D0', -\ 'violet': '#EE82EE', -\ 'wheat': '#F5DEB3', -\ 'white': '#FFFFFF', -\ 'whitesmoke': '#F5F5F5', -\ 'yellow': '#FFFF00', -\ 'yellowgreen': '#9ACD32' -\ } - -" X11 color names taken from "{{{2 -" http://cvsweb.xfree86.org/cvsweb/*checkout*/xc/programs/rgb/rgb.txt?rev=1.2 -let s:x11_color_names = { -\ 'snow': '#FFFAFA', -\ 'ghostwhite': '#F8F8FF', -\ 'whitesmoke': '#F5F5F5', -\ 'gainsboro': '#DCDCDC', -\ 'floralwhite': '#FFFAF0', -\ 'oldlace': '#FDF5E6', -\ 'linen': '#FAF0E6', -\ 'antiquewhite': '#FAEBD7', -\ 'papayawhip': '#FFEFD5', -\ 'blanchedalmond': '#FFEBCD', -\ 'bisque': '#FFE4C4', -\ 'peachpuff': '#FFDAB9', -\ 'navajowhite': '#FFDEAD', -\ 'moccasin': '#FFE4B5', -\ 'cornsilk': '#FFF8DC', -\ 'ivory': '#FFFFF0', -\ 'lemonchiffon': '#FFFACD', -\ 'seashell': '#FFF5EE', -\ 'honeydew': '#F0FFF0', -\ 'mintcream': '#F5FFFA', -\ 'azure': '#F0FFFF', -\ 'aliceblue': '#F0F8FF', -\ 'lavender': '#E6E6FA', -\ 'lavenderblush': '#FFF0F5', -\ 'mistyrose': '#FFE4E1', -\ 'white': '#FFFFFF', -\ 'black': '#000000', -\ 'darkslategray': '#2F4F4F', -\ 'darkslategrey': '#2F4F4F', -\ 'dimgray': '#696969', -\ 'dimgrey': '#696969', -\ 'slategray': '#708090', -\ 'slategrey': '#708090', -\ 'lightslategray': '#778899', -\ 'lightslategrey': '#778899', -\ 'gray': '#BEBEBE', -\ 'grey': '#BEBEBE', -\ 'lightgrey': '#D3D3D3', -\ 'lightgray': '#D3D3D3', -\ 'midnightblue': '#191970', -\ 'navy': '#000080', -\ 'navyblue': '#000080', -\ 'cornflowerblue': '#6495ED', -\ 'darkslateblue': '#483D8B', -\ 'slateblue': '#6A5ACD', -\ 'mediumslateblue': '#7B68EE', -\ 'lightslateblue': '#8470FF', -\ 'mediumblue': '#0000CD', -\ 'royalblue': '#4169E1', -\ 'blue': '#0000FF', -\ 'dodgerblue': '#1E90FF', -\ 'deepskyblue': '#00BFFF', -\ 'skyblue': '#87CEEB', -\ 'lightskyblue': '#87CEFA', -\ 'steelblue': '#4682B4', -\ 'lightsteelblue': '#B0C4DE', -\ 'lightblue': '#ADD8E6', -\ 'powderblue': '#B0E0E6', -\ 'paleturquoise': '#AFEEEE', -\ 'darkturquoise': '#00CED1', -\ 'mediumturquoise': '#48D1CC', -\ 'turquoise': '#40E0D0', -\ 'cyan': '#00FFFF', -\ 'lightcyan': '#E0FFFF', -\ 'cadetblue': '#5F9EA0', -\ 'mediumaquamarine': '#66CDAA', -\ 'aquamarine': '#7FFFD4', -\ 'darkgreen': '#006400', -\ 'darkolivegreen': '#556B2F', -\ 'darkseagreen': '#8FBC8F', -\ 'seagreen': '#2E8B57', -\ 'mediumseagreen': '#3CB371', -\ 'lightseagreen': '#20B2AA', -\ 'palegreen': '#98FB98', -\ 'springgreen': '#00FF7F', -\ 'lawngreen': '#7CFC00', -\ 'green': '#00FF00', -\ 'chartreuse': '#7FFF00', -\ 'mediumspringgreen': '#00FA9A', -\ 'greenyellow': '#ADFF2F', -\ 'limegreen': '#32CD32', -\ 'yellowgreen': '#9ACD32', -\ 'forestgreen': '#228B22', -\ 'olivedrab': '#6B8E23', -\ 'darkkhaki': '#BDB76B', -\ 'khaki': '#F0E68C', -\ 'palegoldenrod': '#EEE8AA', -\ 'lightgoldenrodyellow': '#FAFAD2', -\ 'lightyellow': '#FFFFE0', -\ 'yellow': '#FFFF00', -\ 'gold': '#FFD700', -\ 'lightgoldenrod': '#EEDD82', -\ 'goldenrod': '#DAA520', -\ 'darkgoldenrod': '#B8860B', -\ 'rosybrown': '#BC8F8F', -\ 'indianred': '#CD5C5C', -\ 'saddlebrown': '#8B4513', -\ 'sienna': '#A0522D', -\ 'peru': '#CD853F', -\ 'burlywood': '#DEB887', -\ 'beige': '#F5F5DC', -\ 'wheat': '#F5DEB3', -\ 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-\ 'seashell2': '#EEE5DE', -\ 'seashell3': '#CDC5BF', -\ 'seashell4': '#8B8682', -\ 'antiquewhite1': '#FFEFDB', -\ 'antiquewhite2': '#EEDFCC', -\ 'antiquewhite3': '#CDC0B0', -\ 'antiquewhite4': '#8B8378', -\ 'bisque1': '#FFE4C4', -\ 'bisque2': '#EED5B7', -\ 'bisque3': '#CDB79E', -\ 'bisque4': '#8B7D6B', -\ 'peachpuff1': '#FFDAB9', -\ 'peachpuff2': '#EECBAD', -\ 'peachpuff3': '#CDAF95', -\ 'peachpuff4': '#8B7765', -\ 'navajowhite1': '#FFDEAD', -\ 'navajowhite2': '#EECFA1', -\ 'navajowhite3': '#CDB38B', -\ 'navajowhite4': '#8B795E', -\ 'lemonchiffon1': '#FFFACD', -\ 'lemonchiffon2': '#EEE9BF', -\ 'lemonchiffon3': '#CDC9A5', -\ 'lemonchiffon4': '#8B8970', -\ 'cornsilk1': '#FFF8DC', -\ 'cornsilk2': '#EEE8CD', -\ 'cornsilk3': '#CDC8B1', -\ 'cornsilk4': '#8B8878', -\ 'ivory1': '#FFFFF0', -\ 'ivory2': '#EEEEE0', -\ 'ivory3': '#CDCDC1', -\ 'ivory4': '#8B8B83', -\ 'honeydew1': '#F0FFF0', -\ 'honeydew2': '#E0EEE0', -\ 'honeydew3': '#C1CDC1', -\ 'honeydew4': '#838B83', -\ 'lavenderblush1': '#FFF0F5', -\ 'lavenderblush2': '#EEE0E5', -\ 'lavenderblush3': '#CDC1C5', -\ 'lavenderblush4': '#8B8386', -\ 'mistyrose1': '#FFE4E1', -\ 'mistyrose2': '#EED5D2', -\ 'mistyrose3': '#CDB7B5', -\ 'mistyrose4': '#8B7D7B', -\ 'azure1': '#F0FFFF', -\ 'azure2': '#E0EEEE', -\ 'azure3': '#C1CDCD', -\ 'azure4': '#838B8B', -\ 'slateblue1': '#836FFF', -\ 'slateblue2': '#7A67EE', -\ 'slateblue3': '#6959CD', -\ 'slateblue4': '#473C8B', -\ 'royalblue1': '#4876FF', -\ 'royalblue2': '#436EEE', -\ 'royalblue3': '#3A5FCD', -\ 'royalblue4': '#27408B', -\ 'blue1': '#0000FF', -\ 'blue2': '#0000EE', -\ 'blue3': '#0000CD', -\ 'blue4': '#00008B', -\ 'dodgerblue1': '#1E90FF', -\ 'dodgerblue2': '#1C86EE', -\ 'dodgerblue3': '#1874CD', -\ 'dodgerblue4': '#104E8B', -\ 'steelblue1': '#63B8FF', -\ 'steelblue2': '#5CACEE', -\ 'steelblue3': '#4F94CD', -\ 'steelblue4': '#36648B', -\ 'deepskyblue1': '#00BFFF', -\ 'deepskyblue2': '#00B2EE', -\ 'deepskyblue3': '#009ACD', -\ 'deepskyblue4': '#00688B', -\ 'skyblue1': '#87CEFF', -\ 'skyblue2': '#7EC0EE', -\ 'skyblue3': '#6CA6CD', -\ 'skyblue4': '#4A708B', -\ 'lightskyblue1': '#B0E2FF', -\ 'lightskyblue2': '#A4D3EE', -\ 'lightskyblue3': '#8DB6CD', -\ 'lightskyblue4': '#607B8B', -\ 'slategray1': '#C6E2FF', -\ 'slategray2': '#B9D3EE', -\ 'slategray3': '#9FB6CD', -\ 'slategray4': '#6C7B8B', -\ 'lightsteelblue1': '#CAE1FF', -\ 'lightsteelblue2': '#BCD2EE', -\ 'lightsteelblue3': '#A2B5CD', -\ 'lightsteelblue4': '#6E7B8B', -\ 'lightblue1': '#BFEFFF', -\ 'lightblue2': '#B2DFEE', -\ 'lightblue3': '#9AC0CD', -\ 'lightblue4': '#68838B', -\ 'lightcyan1': '#E0FFFF', -\ 'lightcyan2': '#D1EEEE', -\ 'lightcyan3': '#B4CDCD', -\ 'lightcyan4': '#7A8B8B', -\ 'paleturquoise1': '#BBFFFF', -\ 'paleturquoise2': '#AEEEEE', -\ 'paleturquoise3': '#96CDCD', -\ 'paleturquoise4': '#668B8B', -\ 'cadetblue1': '#98F5FF', -\ 'cadetblue2': '#8EE5EE', -\ 'cadetblue3': '#7AC5CD', -\ 'cadetblue4': '#53868B', -\ 'turquoise1': '#00F5FF', -\ 'turquoise2': '#00E5EE', -\ 'turquoise3': '#00C5CD', -\ 'turquoise4': '#00868B', -\ 'cyan1': '#00FFFF', -\ 'cyan2': '#00EEEE', -\ 'cyan3': '#00CDCD', -\ 'cyan4': '#008B8B', -\ 'darkslategray1': '#97FFFF', -\ 'darkslategray2': '#8DEEEE', -\ 'darkslategray3': '#79CDCD', -\ 'darkslategray4': '#528B8B', -\ 'aquamarine1': '#7FFFD4', -\ 'aquamarine2': '#76EEC6', -\ 'aquamarine3': '#66CDAA', -\ 'aquamarine4': '#458B74', -\ 'darkseagreen1': '#C1FFC1', -\ 'darkseagreen2': '#B4EEB4', -\ 'darkseagreen3': '#9BCD9B', -\ 'darkseagreen4': '#698B69', -\ 'seagreen1': '#54FF9F', -\ 'seagreen2': '#4EEE94', -\ 'seagreen3': '#43CD80', -\ 'seagreen4': '#2E8B57', -\ 'palegreen1': '#9AFF9A', -\ 'palegreen2': '#90EE90', -\ 'palegreen3': '#7CCD7C', -\ 'palegreen4': '#548B54', -\ 'springgreen1': '#00FF7F', -\ 'springgreen2': '#00EE76', -\ 'springgreen3': '#00CD66', -\ 'springgreen4': '#008B45', -\ 'green1': '#00FF00', -\ 'green2': '#00EE00', -\ 'green3': '#00CD00', -\ 'green4': '#008B00', -\ 'chartreuse1': '#7FFF00', -\ 'chartreuse2': '#76EE00', -\ 'chartreuse3': '#66CD00', -\ 'chartreuse4': '#458B00', -\ 'olivedrab1': '#C0FF3E', -\ 'olivedrab2': '#B3EE3A', -\ 'olivedrab3': '#9ACD32', -\ 'olivedrab4': '#698B22', -\ 'darkolivegreen1': '#CAFF70', -\ 'darkolivegreen2': '#BCEE68', -\ 'darkolivegreen3': '#A2CD5A', -\ 'darkolivegreen4': '#6E8B3D', -\ 'khaki1': '#FFF68F', -\ 'khaki2': '#EEE685', -\ 'khaki3': '#CDC673', -\ 'khaki4': '#8B864E', -\ 'lightgoldenrod1': '#FFEC8B', -\ 'lightgoldenrod2': '#EEDC82', -\ 'lightgoldenrod3': '#CDBE70', -\ 'lightgoldenrod4': '#8B814C', -\ 'lightyellow1': '#FFFFE0', -\ 'lightyellow2': '#EEEED1', -\ 'lightyellow3': '#CDCDB4', -\ 'lightyellow4': '#8B8B7A', -\ 'yellow1': '#FFFF00', -\ 'yellow2': '#EEEE00', -\ 'yellow3': '#CDCD00', -\ 'yellow4': '#8B8B00', -\ 'gold1': '#FFD700', -\ 'gold2': '#EEC900', -\ 'gold3': '#CDAD00', -\ 'gold4': '#8B7500', -\ 'goldenrod1': '#FFC125', -\ 'goldenrod2': '#EEB422', -\ 'goldenrod3': '#CD9B1D', -\ 'goldenrod4': '#8B6914', -\ 'darkgoldenrod1': '#FFB90F', -\ 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'#CD3333', -\ 'brown4': '#8B2323', -\ 'salmon1': '#FF8C69', -\ 'salmon2': '#EE8262', -\ 'salmon3': '#CD7054', -\ 'salmon4': '#8B4C39', -\ 'lightsalmon1': '#FFA07A', -\ 'lightsalmon2': '#EE9572', -\ 'lightsalmon3': '#CD8162', -\ 'lightsalmon4': '#8B5742', -\ 'orange1': '#FFA500', -\ 'orange2': '#EE9A00', -\ 'orange3': '#CD8500', -\ 'orange4': '#8B5A00', -\ 'darkorange1': '#FF7F00', -\ 'darkorange2': '#EE7600', -\ 'darkorange3': '#CD6600', -\ 'darkorange4': '#8B4500', -\ 'coral1': '#FF7256', -\ 'coral2': '#EE6A50', -\ 'coral3': '#CD5B45', -\ 'coral4': '#8B3E2F', -\ 'tomato1': '#FF6347', -\ 'tomato2': '#EE5C42', -\ 'tomato3': '#CD4F39', -\ 'tomato4': '#8B3626', -\ 'orangered1': '#FF4500', -\ 'orangered2': '#EE4000', -\ 'orangered3': '#CD3700', -\ 'orangered4': '#8B2500', -\ 'red1': '#FF0000', -\ 'red2': '#EE0000', -\ 'red3': '#CD0000', -\ 'red4': '#8B0000', -\ 'deeppink1': '#FF1493', -\ 'deeppink2': '#EE1289', -\ 'deeppink3': '#CD1076', -\ 'deeppink4': '#8B0A50', -\ 'hotpink1': '#FF6EB4', -\ 'hotpink2': '#EE6AA7', -\ 'hotpink3': '#CD6090', -\ 'hotpink4': '#8B3A62', -\ 'pink1': '#FFB5C5', -\ 'pink2': '#EEA9B8', -\ 'pink3': '#CD919E', -\ 'pink4': '#8B636C', -\ 'lightpink1': '#FFAEB9', -\ 'lightpink2': '#EEA2AD', -\ 'lightpink3': '#CD8C95', -\ 'lightpink4': '#8B5F65', -\ 'palevioletred1': '#FF82AB', -\ 'palevioletred2': '#EE799F', -\ 'palevioletred3': '#CD6889', -\ 'palevioletred4': '#8B475D', -\ 'maroon1': '#FF34B3', -\ 'maroon2': '#EE30A7', -\ 'maroon3': '#CD2990', -\ 'maroon4': '#8B1C62', -\ 'violetred1': '#FF3E96', -\ 'violetred2': '#EE3A8C', -\ 'violetred3': '#CD3278', -\ 'violetred4': '#8B2252', -\ 'magenta1': '#FF00FF', -\ 'magenta2': '#EE00EE', -\ 'magenta3': '#CD00CD', -\ 'magenta4': '#8B008B', -\ 'orchid1': '#FF83FA', -\ 'orchid2': '#EE7AE9', -\ 'orchid3': '#CD69C9', -\ 'orchid4': '#8B4789', -\ 'plum1': '#FFBBFF', -\ 'plum2': '#EEAEEE', -\ 'plum3': '#CD96CD', -\ 'plum4': '#8B668B', -\ 'mediumorchid1': '#E066FF', -\ 'mediumorchid2': '#D15FEE', -\ 'mediumorchid3': '#B452CD', -\ 'mediumorchid4': '#7A378B', -\ 'darkorchid1': '#BF3EFF', -\ 'darkorchid2': '#B23AEE', -\ 'darkorchid3': '#9A32CD', -\ 'darkorchid4': '#68228B', -\ 'purple1': '#9B30FF', -\ 'purple2': '#912CEE', -\ 'purple3': '#7D26CD', -\ 'purple4': '#551A8B', -\ 'mediumpurple1': '#AB82FF', -\ 'mediumpurple2': '#9F79EE', -\ 'mediumpurple3': '#8968CD', -\ 'mediumpurple4': '#5D478B', -\ 'thistle1': '#FFE1FF', -\ 'thistle2': '#EED2EE', -\ 'thistle3': '#CDB5CD', -\ 'thistle4': '#8B7B8B', -\ 'gray0': '#000000', -\ 'grey0': '#000000', -\ 'gray1': '#030303', -\ 'grey1': '#030303', -\ 'gray2': '#050505', -\ 'grey2': '#050505', -\ 'gray3': '#080808', -\ 'grey3': '#080808', -\ 'gray4': '#0A0A0A', -\ 'grey4': '#0A0A0A', -\ 'gray5': '#0D0D0D', -\ 'grey5': '#0D0D0D', -\ 'gray6': '#0F0F0F', -\ 'grey6': '#0F0F0F', -\ 'gray7': '#121212', -\ 'grey7': '#121212', -\ 'gray8': '#141414', -\ 'grey8': '#141414', -\ 'gray9': '#171717', -\ 'grey9': '#171717', -\ 'gray10': '#1A1A1A', -\ 'grey10': '#1A1A1A', -\ 'gray11': '#1C1C1C', -\ 'grey11': '#1C1C1C', -\ 'gray12': '#1F1F1F', -\ 'grey12': '#1F1F1F', -\ 'gray13': '#212121', -\ 'grey13': '#212121', -\ 'gray14': '#242424', -\ 'grey14': '#242424', -\ 'gray15': '#262626', -\ 'grey15': '#262626', -\ 'gray16': '#292929', -\ 'grey16': '#292929', -\ 'gray17': '#2B2B2B', -\ 'grey17': '#2B2B2B', -\ 'gray18': '#2E2E2E', -\ 'grey18': '#2E2E2E', -\ 'gray19': '#303030', -\ 'grey19': '#303030', -\ 'gray20': '#333333', -\ 'grey20': '#333333', -\ 'gray21': '#363636', -\ 'grey21': '#363636', -\ 'gray22': '#383838', -\ 'grey22': '#383838', -\ 'gray23': '#3B3B3B', -\ 'grey23': '#3B3B3B', -\ 'gray24': '#3D3D3D', -\ 'grey24': '#3D3D3D', -\ 'gray25': '#404040', -\ 'grey25': '#404040', -\ 'gray26': '#424242', -\ 'grey26': '#424242', -\ 'gray27': '#454545', -\ 'grey27': '#454545', -\ 'gray28': '#474747', -\ 'grey28': '#474747', -\ 'gray29': '#4A4A4A', -\ 'grey29': '#4A4A4A', -\ 'gray30': '#4D4D4D', -\ 'grey30': '#4D4D4D', -\ 'gray31': '#4F4F4F', -\ 'grey31': '#4F4F4F', -\ 'gray32': '#525252', -\ 'grey32': '#525252', -\ 'gray33': '#545454', -\ 'grey33': '#545454', -\ 'gray34': '#575757', -\ 'grey34': '#575757', -\ 'gray35': '#595959', -\ 'grey35': '#595959', -\ 'gray36': '#5C5C5C', -\ 'grey36': '#5C5C5C', -\ 'gray37': '#5E5E5E', -\ 'grey37': '#5E5E5E', -\ 'gray38': '#616161', -\ 'grey38': '#616161', -\ 'gray39': '#636363', -\ 'grey39': '#636363', -\ 'gray40': '#666666', -\ 'grey40': '#666666', -\ 'gray41': '#696969', -\ 'grey41': '#696969', -\ 'gray42': '#6B6B6B', -\ 'grey42': '#6B6B6B', -\ 'gray43': '#6E6E6E', -\ 'grey43': '#6E6E6E', -\ 'gray44': '#707070', -\ 'grey44': '#707070', -\ 'gray45': '#737373', -\ 'grey45': '#737373', -\ 'gray46': '#757575', -\ 'grey46': '#757575', -\ 'gray47': '#787878', -\ 'grey47': '#787878', -\ 'gray48': '#7A7A7A', -\ 'grey48': '#7A7A7A', -\ 'gray49': '#7D7D7D', -\ 'grey49': '#7D7D7D', -\ 'gray50': '#7F7F7F', -\ 'grey50': '#7F7F7F', -\ 'gray51': '#828282', -\ 'grey51': '#828282', -\ 'gray52': '#858585', -\ 'grey52': '#858585', -\ 'gray53': '#878787', -\ 'grey53': '#878787', -\ 'gray54': '#8A8A8A', -\ 'grey54': '#8A8A8A', -\ 'gray55': '#8C8C8C', -\ 'grey55': '#8C8C8C', -\ 'gray56': '#8F8F8F', -\ 'grey56': '#8F8F8F', -\ 'gray57': '#919191', -\ 'grey57': '#919191', -\ 'gray58': '#949494', -\ 'grey58': '#949494', -\ 'gray59': '#969696', -\ 'grey59': '#969696', -\ 'gray60': '#999999', -\ 'grey60': '#999999', -\ 'gray61': '#9C9C9C', -\ 'grey61': '#9C9C9C', -\ 'gray62': '#9E9E9E', -\ 'grey62': '#9E9E9E', -\ 'gray63': '#A1A1A1', -\ 'grey63': '#A1A1A1', -\ 'gray64': '#A3A3A3', -\ 'grey64': '#A3A3A3', -\ 'gray65': '#A6A6A6', -\ 'grey65': '#A6A6A6', -\ 'gray66': '#A8A8A8', -\ 'grey66': '#A8A8A8', -\ 'gray67': '#ABABAB', -\ 'grey67': '#ABABAB', -\ 'gray68': '#ADADAD', -\ 'grey68': '#ADADAD', -\ 'gray69': '#B0B0B0', -\ 'grey69': '#B0B0B0', -\ 'gray70': '#B3B3B3', -\ 'grey70': '#B3B3B3', -\ 'gray71': '#B5B5B5', -\ 'grey71': '#B5B5B5', -\ 'gray72': '#B8B8B8', -\ 'grey72': '#B8B8B8', -\ 'gray73': '#BABABA', -\ 'grey73': '#BABABA', -\ 'gray74': '#BDBDBD', -\ 'grey74': '#BDBDBD', -\ 'gray75': '#BFBFBF', -\ 'grey75': '#BFBFBF', -\ 'gray76': '#C2C2C2', -\ 'grey76': '#C2C2C2', -\ 'gray77': '#C4C4C4', -\ 'grey77': '#C4C4C4', -\ 'gray78': '#C7C7C7', -\ 'grey78': '#C7C7C7', -\ 'gray79': '#C9C9C9', -\ 'grey79': '#C9C9C9', -\ 'gray80': '#CCCCCC', -\ 'grey80': '#CCCCCC', -\ 'gray81': '#CFCFCF', -\ 'grey81': '#CFCFCF', -\ 'gray82': '#D1D1D1', -\ 'grey82': '#D1D1D1', -\ 'gray83': '#D4D4D4', -\ 'grey83': '#D4D4D4', -\ 'gray84': '#D6D6D6', -\ 'grey84': '#D6D6D6', -\ 'gray85': '#D9D9D9', -\ 'grey85': '#D9D9D9', -\ 'gray86': '#DBDBDB', -\ 'grey86': '#DBDBDB', -\ 'gray87': '#DEDEDE', -\ 'grey87': '#DEDEDE', -\ 'gray88': '#E0E0E0', -\ 'grey88': '#E0E0E0', -\ 'gray89': '#E3E3E3', -\ 'grey89': '#E3E3E3', -\ 'gray90': '#E5E5E5', -\ 'grey90': '#E5E5E5', -\ 'gray91': '#E8E8E8', -\ 'grey91': '#E8E8E8', -\ 'gray92': '#EBEBEB', -\ 'grey92': '#EBEBEB', -\ 'gray93': '#EDEDED', -\ 'grey93': '#EDEDED', -\ 'gray94': '#F0F0F0', -\ 'grey94': '#F0F0F0', -\ 'gray95': '#F2F2F2', -\ 'grey95': '#F2F2F2', -\ 'gray96': '#F5F5F5', -\ 'grey96': '#F5F5F5', -\ 'gray97': '#F7F7F7', -\ 'grey97': '#F7F7F7', -\ 'gray98': '#FAFAFA', -\ 'grey98': '#FAFAFA', -\ 'gray99': '#FCFCFC', -\ 'grey99': '#FCFCFC', -\ 'gray100': '#FFFFFF', -\ 'grey100': '#FFFFFF', -\ 'darkgrey': '#A9A9A9', -\ 'darkgray': '#A9A9A9', -\ 'darkblue': '#00008B', -\ 'darkcyan': '#008B8B', -\ 'darkmagenta': '#8B008B', -\ 'darkred': '#8B0000', -\ 'lightgreen': '#90EE90' -\ } - -" Functions, to highlight certain types {{{1 -function! s:ColorRGBValues(val) "{{{2 - let s:position = getpos('.') - if IsInComment() - " skip coloring comments - return - endif - " strip parantheses and split on comma - let rgb = s:StripParentheses(a:val) - if empty(rgb) - call s:Warn("Error in expression". a:val. "! Please report as bug.") - return - endif - for i in range(3) - if rgb[i][-1:-1] == '%' - let val = matchstr(rgb[i], '\d\+') - if (val + 0 > 100) - let rgb[1] = 100 - endif - let rgb[i] = float2nr((val + 0.0)*255/100) - else - if rgb[i] + 0 > 255 - let rgb[i] = 255 - endif - endif - endfor - if len(rgb) == 4 - let rgb = s:ApplyAlphaValue(rgb) - endif - let clr = printf("%02X%02X%02X", rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]) - call s:SetMatcher(a:val, {'bg': clr}) -endfunction - -function! s:ColorHSLValues(val) "{{{2 - let s:position = getpos('.') - if IsInComment() - " skip coloring comments - return - endif - " strip parantheses and split on comma - let hsl = s:StripParentheses(a:val) - if empty(hsl) - call s:Warn("Error in expression". a:val. "! Please report as bug.") - return - endif - let str = s:PrepareHSLArgs(hsl) - - call s:SetMatcher(a:val, {'bg': str}) - return -endfu - -function! s:PreviewColorName(color) "{{{2 - let s:position = getpos('.') - let name=tolower(a:color) - let clr = s:colors[name] - " Skip color-name, e.g. white-space property - call s:SetMatcher('-\@\c-\@!', {'bg': clr[1:]}) -endfu - -function! s:PreviewColorHex(match) "{{{2 - let s:position = getpos('.') - if IsInComment() - " skip coloring comments - return - endif - let color = (a:match[0] == '#' ? a:match[1:] : a:match) - let pattern = color - if len(color) == 3 - let color = substitute(color, '.', '&&', 'g') - endif - if &t_Co == 8 && !s:HasGui() - " The first 12 color names, can be displayed by 8 color terminals - let list = values(s:xterm_8colors) - let idx = match(list, a:match) - if idx == -1 - " Color can't be displayed by 8 color terminal - return - else - let color = list[idx] - endif - endif - if len(split(pattern, '\zs')) == 8 - " apply alpha value - let l = split(pattern, '..\zs') - call map(l, 'printf("%2d", "0x".v:val)') - let l[3] = string(str2float(l[3])/255) " normalize to 0-1 - let l = s:ApplyAlphaValue(l) - let color = printf("%02X%02X%02X", l[0], l[1], l[2]) - endif - call s:SetMatcher(s:hex_pattern[0]. pattern. s:hex_pattern[2], {'bg': color}) -endfunction - -function! s:PreviewColorTerm(pre, text, post) "{{{2 - " a:pre: Ansi-Sequences determining the highlighting - " a:text: Text to color - " a:post: Ansi-Sequences resetting the coloring (might be empty) - let s:position = getpos('.') - let color = s:Ansi2Color(a:pre) - let clr_Dict = {} - - if &t_Co == 8 && !s:HasGui() - " The first 12 color names, can be displayed by 8 color terminals - let i = 0 - for clr in color - let list = values(s:xterm_8colors) - let idx = match(list, clr) - if idx == -1 - " Color can't be displayed by 8 color terminal - let color[i] = NONE - else - let color[i] = list[idx] - endif - let i+=1 - endfor - endif - let clr_Dict.fg = color[0] - let clr_Dict.bg = color[1] - let pre = escape(a:pre, '[]') - let post = escape(a:post, '[]') - let txt = escape(a:text, '\^$.*~[]') - " limit the pattern to the belonging line (should make syntax matching - " faster!) - let pattern = '\%(\%'.line('.').'l\)\%('. pre. '\)\@<='.txt. '\('.post.'\)\@=' - " needs matchaddpos - let clr_Dict.pos = [[ line('.'), col('.'), strlen(a:pre. a:text. a:post)]] - call s:SetMatcher(pattern, clr_Dict) -endfunction -function! s:PreviewColorNroff(match) "{{{2 - let s:position = getpos('.') - let clr_Dict = {} - let color = [] - if a:match[0] == '_' - let special = 'underline' - else - let special = 'bold' - endif - let synid=synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)) - if synid == 0 - let synid = hlID('Normal') - endif - let color=[synIDattr(synid, 'fg'), synIDattr(synid, 'bg')] - if color == [0, 0] || color == ['', ''] - let color = [synIDattr(hlID('Normal'), 'fg'), synIDattr(hlID('Normal'), 'bg')] - endif - - let clr_Dict.fg = color[0] - let clr_Dict.bg = color[1] - let clr_Dict.special=special - " limit the pattern to the belonging line (should make syntax matching - " faster!) - let pattern = '\%(\%'.line('.').'l\)'.a:match - " needs matchaddpos - let clr_Dict.pos = [[ line('.'), col('.'), 3]] - call s:SetMatcher(pattern, clr_Dict) -endfunction -function! s:PreviewTaskWarriorColors(submatch) "{{{2 - " a:submatch is something like 'black on rgb141' - - " this highlighting should overrule e.g. colorname highlighting - let s:position = getpos('.') - let s:default_match_priority += 1 - let color = ['', 'NONE', 'NONE'] - let color_Dict = {} - " The submatch is everything after the first equalsign! - let tpat = '\(inverse\|underline\|bright\|bold\)\?\%(\s*\)\(\S\{3,}\)'. - \ '\?\%(\s*\)\?\%(on\s\+'. - \ '\%(inverse\|underline\|bright\|bold\)\?\%(\s*\)\(\S\{3,}\)\)\?' - let colormatch = matchlist(a:submatch, tpat) - try - if !empty(colormatch) && !empty(colormatch[0]) - let i=-1 - for m in colormatch[1:3] - let i+=1 - if i == 0 - if (!empty(colormatch[1])) - let color_Dict.special=colormatch[1] - else - continue - endif - endif - if match(keys(s:colors), '\<'.m.'\>') > -1 - if i == 1 - let color_Dict.fg = s:colors[m][1:] " skip the # sign - elseif i == 2 - let color_Dict.bg = s:colors[m][1:] " skip the # sign - endif - continue - elseif match(m, '^rgb...') > -1 - let color[i] = m[3] * 36 + m[4] * 6 + m[5] + 16 " (start at index 16) - if color[i] > 231 - " invalid color - return - endif - elseif match(m, '^color') > -1 - let color[i] = matchstr(m, '\d\+')+0 - if color[i] > 231 - " invalid color - return - endif - elseif match(m, '^gray') > -1 - let color[i] = matchstr(m, '\d\+') + 232 - if color[i] > 231 - " invalid color - return - endif - endif - if i == 1 - let color_Dict.ctermfg = color[i] - elseif i == 2 - let color_Dict.ctermbg = color[i] - endif - endfor - - let cname = get(color_Dict, 'fg', 'NONE') - if cname ==# 'NONE' && get(color_Dict, 'ctermfg') - let cname = s:Term2RGB(color_Dict.ctermfg) - endif - call s:SetMatcher('=\s*\zs\<'.a:submatch.'\>$', color_Dict) - endif - finally - let s:default_match_priority -= 1 - let s:stop = 1 - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:PreviewVimColors(submatch) "{{{2 - " a:submatch is something like 'black on rgb141' - - " this highlighting should overrule e.g. colorname highlighting - let s:position = getpos('.') - let s:default_match_priority += 1 - if !exists("s:x11_color_pattern") - let s:x11_color_pattern = s:GetColorPattern(keys(s:x11_color_names)) - endif - let color_Dict = {} - let pat1 = '\%(\(cterm[fb]g\)\s*=\s*\)\@<=\<\(\d\+\)\>' - let pat2 = '\%(\(gui[fb]g\)\s*=\s*\)\@<=#\(\x\{6}\)\>' - let pat3 = '\%#=1\%(\(gui[fb]g\)\s*=\s*\)\@<=\('.s:x11_color_pattern.'\)' - - let cterm = matchlist(a:submatch, pat1) - let gui = matchlist(a:submatch, pat2) - if (!empty(gui) && (gui[2] ==# 'bg' || - \ gui[2] ==# 'fg' || - \ gui[2] ==# 'foreground' || - \ gui[2] ==# 'background')) - let gui=[] - endif - if empty(gui) - let gui = matchlist(a:submatch, pat3) - if !empty(gui) - let gui[2] = s:x11_color_names[tolower(gui[2])] - endif - endif - try - if !empty(cterm) - let color_Dict.ctermbg = cterm[2] - elseif !empty(gui) - let color_Dict.bg = gui[2] - endif - - if empty(gui) && empty(cterm) - return - endif - - call s:SetMatcher('\<'.a:submatch.'\>', color_Dict) - finally - let s:default_match_priority -= 1 - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:PreviewVimHighlightDump(match) "{{{2 - " highlights dumps of :hi - " e.g - "SpecialKey xxx term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=124 guifg=Cyan - let s:position = getpos('.') - let s:default_match_priority += 1 - let dict = {} - try - let match = split(a:match, '\_s\+') - if a:match =~# 'cleared' - " ipaddr xxx cleared - return - elseif a:match =~# 'links to' - " try to find a non-cleared group - let c1 = SynID(match[0]) - let group = match[0] - if empty(c1) - let group = match[-1] - endif - call s:SetMatch('Color_'.group, '^'.s:GetPatternLiteral(a:match), {}) - else - let dict.name = 'Color_'.match[0] - call remove(match, 0, 1) - let dict = s:DictFromList(dict, match) - call s:SetMatcher(s:GetPatternLiteral(a:match), dict) - endif - finally - let s:default_match_priority -= 1 - " other highlighting functions shouldn't run anymore - let s:stop = 1 - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:PreviewVimHighlight(match) "{{{2 - " like colorhighlight plugin, - " colorizer highlight statements in .vim files - let s:position = getpos('.') - let tmatch = a:match - let def = [] - let dict = {} - try - if a:match =~ '^\s*hi\%[ghlight]\s\+clear' - " highlight clear lines, don't colorize! - return - endif - " Special case: - " HtmlHiLink foo bar -> links foo to bar - " hi! def link foo bar -> links foo to bar - let match = matchlist(tmatch, '\C\%(\%[Html\]HiLink\|hi\%[ghlight]!\?\s*\%(def\%[ault]\s*\)\?link\)\s\+\(\w\+\)\s\+\(\w\+\)') - " Hopefully tmatch[1] has already been defined ;( - if len(match) - call s:SetMatch('Color_'.match[1], '^\V'.escape(a:match, '\\'), {}) - return - endif - let tmatch = substitute(tmatch, '^\c\s*hi\%[ghlight]!\?\(\s*def\%[ault]\)\?', '', '') - let match = map(split(tmatch), 'substitute(v:val, ''^\s\+\|\s\+$'', "", "g")') - if len(match) < 2 - return - else - let dict.name = 'Color_'.get(match, 0) - let dict = s:DictFromList(dict, match) - call s:SetMatcher(s:GetPatternLiteral(a:match), dict) - endif - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:IsInComment() "{{{1 - return s:skip_comments && - \ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'),1)), 'name') == "Comment" -endfu - -function! s:DictFromList(dict, list) "{{{1 - let dict = copy(a:dict) - let match = filter(a:list, 'v:val =~# ''=''') - for item in match - let [t1, t2] = split(item, '=') - let dict[t1] = t2 - endfor - return dict -endfunction - -function! s:GetPatternLiteral(pat) "{{{1 - return '\V'. substitute(escape(a:pat, '\\'), "\n", '\\n', 'g') -endfu -function! s:Term2RGB(index) "{{{1 - " Return index in colortable in RRGGBB form - return join(map(copy(s:colortable[a:index]), 'printf("%02X", v:val)'),'') -endfu - -function! s:Reltime(...) "{{{1 - return exists("a:1") ? reltime(a:1) : reltime() -endfu - -function! s:PrintColorStatistics() "{{{1 - if get(g:, 'colorizer_debug', 0) - echohl Title - echom printf("Colorstatistics at: %s", strftime("%H:%M")) - echom printf("Duration: %s", reltimestr(s:relstop)) - for name in sort(keys(extend(s:color_patterns, s:color_patterns_special))) - let value = get(extend(s:color_patterns, s:color_patterns_special), name) - echom printf("%15s: %ss", name, (value[-1] == [] ? ' 0.000000' : reltimestr(value[-1]))) - endfor - echohl Normal - endif -endfu - -function! s:ColorInit(...) "{{{1 - let s:force_hl = !empty(a:1) - let s:term_true_color = (exists('+tgc') && &tgc) - let s:stop = 0 - - " default matchadd priority - let s:default_match_priority = -2 - - " pattern/function dict - " Needed for s:ColorMatchingLines(), disabled, as this is too slow. - "let s:pat_func = {'#\x\{3,6\}': function('PreviewColorHex'), - " \ 'rgba\=(\s*\%(\d\+%\?\D*\)\{3,4})': - " \ function('ColorRGBValues'), - " \ 'hsla\=(\s*\%(\d\+%\?\D*\)\{3,4})': - " \ function('s:ColorHSLValues')} - - " Cache old values - if !exists("s:old_tCo") - let s:old_tCo = &t_Co - endif - - if !exists("s:swap_fg_bg") - let s:swap_fg_bg = 0 - endif - - if !exists("s:round") - let s:round = 0 - endif - - " Enable Autocommands - if exists("g:colorizer_auto_color") - call Colorizer#AutoCmds(g:colorizer_auto_color) - endif - - " Debugging - let s:debug = get(g:, 'colorizer_debug', 0) - - " Don't highlight comment? - let s:skip_comments = get(g:, 'colorizer_skip_comments', 0) - - " foreground / background contrast - let s:predefined_fgcolors = {} - let s:predefined_fgcolors['dark'] = ['444444', '222222', '000000'] - let s:predefined_fgcolors['light'] = ['bbbbbb', 'dddddd', 'ffffff'] - if !exists('g:colorizer_fgcontrast') - " Default to black / white - let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - 1 - elseif g:colorizer_fgcontrast >= len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - call s:Warn("g:colorizer_fgcontrast value invalid, using default") - let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - 1 - endif - - if !exists("s:old_fgcontrast") - " if the value was changed since last time, - " be sure to clear the old highlighting. - let s:old_fgcontrast = g:colorizer_fgcontrast - endif - - if exists("g:colorizer_swap_fgbg") - if s:swap_fg_bg != g:colorizer_swap_fgbg - let s:force_hl = 1 - endif - let s:swap_fg_bg = g:colorizer_swap_fgbg - endif - - if exists("g:colorizer_colornames") - if exists("s:color_names") && - \ s:color_names != g:colorizer_colornames - let s:force_hl = 1 - endif - let s:color_names = g:colorizer_colornames - else - let s:color_names = 1 - endif - - let s:color_syntax = get(g:, 'colorizer_syntax', 0) - if get(g:, 'colorizer_only_unfolded', 0) && exists(":foldd") == 1 - let s:color_unfolded = 'foldd ' - else - let s:color_unfolded = '' - endif - - if hlID('Color_Error') == 0 - hi default link Color_Error Error - endif - - if !s:force_hl && s:old_fgcontrast != g:colorizer_fgcontrast - \ && s:swap_fg_bg == 0 - " Doesn't work with swapping fg bg colors - let s:force_hl = 1 - let s:old_fgcontrast = g:colorizer_fgcontrast - endif - - " User manually changed the &t_Co option, so reset it - if s:old_tCo != &t_Co - unlet! s:colortable - endif - - if !exists("s:init_css") || !exists("s:colortable") || - \ empty(s:colortable) - " Only calculate the colortable when running - if &t_Co == 8 - let s:colortable = map(range(0,7), 's:Xterm2rgb16(v:val)') - elseif &t_Co == 16 - let s:colortable = map(range(0,15), 's:Xterm2rgb16(v:val)') - elseif &t_Co == 88 - let s:colortable = map(range(0,87), 's:Xterm2rgb88(v:val)') - " terminal with 256 colors or gVim - elseif &t_Co == 256 || empty(&t_Co) - let s:colortable = map(range(0,255), 's:Xterm2rgb256(v:val)') - endif - if s:debug && exists("s:colortable") - let g:colortable = s:colortable - endif - let s:init_css = 1 - elseif s:force_hl - call Colorizer#ColorOff() - endif - let s:conceal = [&l:cole, &l:cocu] - - let s:hex_pattern = get(g:, 'colorizer_hex_pattern', - \ ['#', '\%(\x\{3}\|\x\{6}\|\x\{8\}\)', '\%(\>\|[-_]\)\@=']) - - if s:HasGui() || &t_Co >= 8 || s:HasColorPattern() - " The list of available match() patterns - let w:match_list = s:GetMatchList() - " If the syntax highlighting got reset, force recreating it - if ((empty(w:match_list) || !hlexists(w:match_list[0].group) || - \ (empty(SynID(w:match_list[0].group)) && !s:force_hl))) - let s:force_hl = 1 - endif - if &t_Co > 16 || s:HasGui() - let s:colors = (exists("g:colorizer_x11_names") ? - \ s:x11_color_names : s:w3c_color_names) - elseif &t_Co == 16 - " should work with 16 colors terminals - let s:colors = s:xterm_16colors - else - let s:colors = s:xterm_8colors - endif - if exists("g:colorizer_custom_colors") - call extend(s:colors, g:colorizer_custom_colors, 'force') - endif - let s:colornamepattern = s:GetColorPattern(keys(s:colors)) - "call map(w:match_list, 'v:val.pattern') - else - throw "nocolor" - endif - - " Dictionary, containing all information on what to color - " Key: Name - " Value: List, containing 1) Pattern to find color - " 2) func ref to call on the match of 1 - " 3) Name of variable, to enable or this enty - " 4) condition, that must be fullfilled, before - " using this entry - " ´ 5) reltime for dumping statistics - let s:color_patterns = { - \ 'rgb': ['rgb(\s*\%(\d\+%\?[^)]*\)\{3})', - \ function("s:ColorRGBValues"), 'colorizer_rgb', 1, [] ], - \ 'rgba': ['rgba(\s*\%(\d\+%\?\D*\)\{3}\%(\%(0\?\%(.\d\+\)\?\)\|1\))', - \ function("s:ColorRGBValues"), 'colorizer_rgba', 1, [] ], - \ 'hsla': ['hsla\=(\s*\%(\d\+%\?\D*\)\{3}\%(\%(0\?\%(.\d\+\)\?\)\|1\)\=)', - \ function("s:ColorHSLValues"), 'colorizer_hsla', 1, [] ], - \ 'vimcolors': ['\%(gui[fb]g\|cterm[fb]g\)\s*=\s*\<\%(\d\+\|#\x\{6}\|\w\+\)\>', - \ function("s:PreviewVimColors"), 'colorizer_vimcolors', '&ft ==# "vim"', [] ], - \ 'vimhighlight': ['^\s*\%(\%[Html]HiLink\s\+\w\+\s\+\w\+\)\|'. - \ '\(^\s*hi\%[ghlight]!\?\s\+\(clear\)\@!\S\+.*\)', - \ function("s:PreviewVimHighlight"), 'colorizer_vimhighlight', '&ft ==# "vim"', [] ], - \ 'taskwarrior': ['^color[^=]*=\zs.\+$', - \ function("s:PreviewTaskWarriorColors"), 'colorizer_taskwarrior', 'expand("%:e") ==# "theme"', [] ], - \ 'hex': [join(s:hex_pattern, ''), function("s:PreviewColorHex"), 'colorizer_hex', 1, [] ], - \ 'vimhighl_dump': ['^\v\w+\s+xxx%((\s+(term|cterm%([bf]g)?|gui%(%([bf]g|sp))?'. - \ ')\=[#0-9A-Za-z_,]+)+)?%(\_\s+links to \w+)?%( cleared)@!', - \ function("s:PreviewVimHighlightDump"), 'colorizer_vimhighl_dump', 'empty(&ft)', [] ] - \ } - - " term_conceal: patterns to hide, currently: $ and the color patterns  - let s:color_patterns_special = { - \ 'term': ['\%(\%x1b\[0m\)\?\(\%(\%x1b\[\d\+\%([:;]\d\+\)*m\)\+\)\([^\e]*\)\(\%x1b\%(\[0m\|\[K\)\)\=', - \ function("s:PreviewColorTerm"), 'colorizer_term', [] ], - \ 'term_nroff': ['\%(\(.\)\%u8\1\)\|\%(_\%u8.\)', function("s:PreviewColorNroff"), 'colorizer_nroff', [] ], - \ 'term_conceal': [ ['\%(\(\%(\%x1b\[0m\)\?\%x1b\[\d\+\%([;:]\d\+\)*\a\)\|\%x1b\[K$\)', - \ '\%d13', '\%(\%x1b\[K\)', '\%(\%x1b\]\d\+;\d\+;\)', '\%(\%x1b\\\)', - \ '\%x1b(B\%x1b\[m', '\%x1b\[m\%x0f', '_\%u8.\@=', '\(.\)\%u8\%(\1\)\@='], - \ '', - \ 'colorizer_term_conceal', [] ] - \ } - - if exists("s:colornamepattern") && s:color_names - let s:color_patterns["colornames"] = [ s:colornamepattern, - \ function("s:PreviewColorName"), 'colorizer_colornames', 1, [] ] - endif -endfu - -function! s:AddOffset(list) "{{{1 - return a:list - let result=[] - for val in a:list - let val = ('0X'.val) + 0 - if val < get(g:, 'colorizer_min_offset', 0) - let val = get(g:, 'colorizer_add_offset', 0) - endif - call add(result, val) - endfor - return result -endfu -function! s:SwapColors(list) "{{{1 - if empty(a:list[0]) && empty(a:list[1]) - return a:list - elseif s:swap_fg_bg > 0 - return [a:list[1]] + ['NONE'] - elseif s:swap_fg_bg == -1 - return [a:list[1], a:list[0]] - else - return a:list - endif -endfu - -function! s:FGforBG(bg) "{{{1 - " takes a 6hex color code and returns a matching color that is visible - let fgc = g:colorizer_fgcontrast - if fgc == -1 - return a:bg - endif - if a:bg ==# 'NONE' - return (&bg==#'dark' ? s:predefined_fgcolors['dark'][fgc] : s:predefined_fgcolors['light'][fgc]) - endif - let r = '0x'.a:bg[0:1]+0 - let g = '0x'.a:bg[2:3]+0 - let b = '0x'.a:bg[4:5]+0 - if r*30 + g*59 + b*11 > 12000 - return s:predefined_fgcolors['dark'][fgc] - else - return s:predefined_fgcolors['light'][fgc] - end -endfunction - -function! s:DidColor(clr, pat) "{{{1 - let idx = index(w:match_list, a:pat) - if idx > -1 - let attr = SynID(a:clr) - if (!empty(attr) && get(w:match_list, idx) ==# a:pat) - return 1 - endif - endif - return 0 -endfu - -function! s:DoHlGroup(group, Dict) "{{{1 - if !s:force_hl - let syn = SynID(a:group) - if !empty(syn) - " highlighting already exists - return - endif - endif - - if empty(a:Dict) - " try to link the given highlight group - call s:Exe("hi link ". a:group. " ". matchstr(a:group, 'Color_\zs.*')) - return - endif - - let hi = printf('hi %s ', a:group) - let fg = get(a:Dict, 'fg', '') - let bg = get(a:Dict, 'bg', '') - let [fg, bg] = s:SwapColors([fg, bg]) - let [fg, bg] = s:AddOffset([fg, bg]) - - if !empty(fg) && fg[0] !=# '#' && fg !=# 'NONE' - let fg='#'.fg - endif - if !empty(bg) && bg[0] !=# '#' && bg !=# 'NONE' - let bg='#'.bg - endif - if !empty(fg) - let hi .= printf('guifg=%s', fg) - endif - if has_key(a:Dict, "gui") - let hi.=printf(" gui=%s ", a:Dict['gui']) - endif - if has_key(a:Dict, "guifg") - let hi.=printf(" guifg=%s ", a:Dict['guifg']) - endif - if !empty(bg) - let hi .= printf(' guibg=%s', bg) - endif - let hi .= printf('%s', !empty(get(a:Dict, 'special', '')) ? - \ (' gui='. a:Dict.special) : '') - if !s:HasGui() - let fg = get(a:Dict, 'ctermfg', '') - let bg = get(a:Dict, 'ctermbg', '') - let [fg, bg] = s:SwapColors([fg, bg]) - if !empty(bg) || bg == 0 - let hi.= printf(' ctermbg=%s', bg) - endif - if !empty(fg) || fg == 0 - let hi.= printf(' ctermfg=%s', fg) - endif - let hi .= printf('%s', !empty(get(a:Dict, 'special','')) ? - \ (' cterm='. a:Dict.special) : '') - if has_key(a:Dict, "term") - let hi.=printf(" term=%s ", a:Dict['term']) - endif - if has_key(a:Dict, "cterm") - let hi.=printf(" cterm=%s ", a:Dict['cterm']) - endif - endif - call s:Exe(hi) -endfunction - -function! s:Exe(stmt) "{{{1 - "Don't error out for invalid colors - try - exe a:stmt - catch - " Only report errors, when debugging info is turned on - if s:debug - call s:Warn("Invalid statement: ".a:stmt) - endif - endtry -endfu - -function! s:SynID(group, ...) "{{{1 - let property = exists("a:1") ? a:1 : 'fg' - let c1 = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), property) - " since when can c1 be negative? Is this a vim bug? - " it used to be empty on errors or non-existing properties... - if empty(c1) || c1 < 0 - return '' - else - return c1 - endif -endfu - -function! s:GenerateColors(dict) "{{{1 - let result=copy(a:dict) - - if !has_key(result, 'bg') && has_key(result, 'ctermbg') - let result.bg = s:Term2RGB(result.ctermbg) - elseif !has_key(result, 'bg') && has_key(result, 'guibg') - let result.bg = result.guibg - endif - if !has_key(result, 'fg') && has_key(result, 'ctermfg') - let result.fg = s:Term2RGB(result.ctermfg) - elseif !has_key(result, 'fg') && has_key(result, 'guifg') - let result.fg = result.guifg - endif - - if !has_key(result, 'fg') && - \ has_key(result, 'bg') - let result.fg = toupper(s:FGforBG(result.bg)) - endif - if !has("gui_running") - " need to make sure, we have ctermfg/ctermbg values - if !has_key(result, 'ctermfg') && - \ has_key(result, 'fg') - let result.ctermfg = (s:term_true_color ? result.fg : s:Rgb2xterm(result.fg)) - endif - if !has_key(result, 'ctermbg') && - \ has_key(result, 'bg') - let result.ctermbg = (s:term_true_color ? result.bg : s:Rgb2xterm(result.bg)) - endif - endif - for key in keys(result) - if empty(result[key]) - let result[key] = 0 - endif - endfor - return result -endfunction - -function! s:SetMatcher(pattern, Dict) "{{{1 - let param = s:GenerateColors(a:Dict) - let clr = get(param, 'name', '') - if empty(clr) - let clr = 'Color_'. get(param, 'fg'). '_'. get(param, 'bg'). - \ (!empty(get(param, 'special', '')) ? - \ ('_'. get(param, 'special')) : '') - endif - call s:SetMatch(clr, a:pattern, param) -endfunction - -function! s:SetMatch(group, pattern, param_dict) "{{{1 - call s:DoHlGroup(a:group, a:param_dict) - if has_key(a:param_dict, 'pos') - call matchaddpos(a:group, a:param_dict.pos, s:default_match_priority) - " do not add the pattern to the matchlist - "call add(w:match_list, a:pattern) - return - endif - if s:DidColor(a:group, a:pattern) - return - endif - " let 'hls' overrule our syntax highlighting - call matchadd(a:group, a:pattern, s:default_match_priority) - call add(w:match_list, a:pattern) -endfunction - - -function! s:Xterm2rgb16(color) "{{{1 - " 16 basic colors - let r=0 - let g=0 - let b=0 - let r = s:basic16[a:color][0] - let g = s:basic16[a:color][1] - let b = s:basic16[a:color][2] - return [ r, g, b ] -endfunction - -function! s:Xterm2rgb88(color) "{{{1 - " 16 basic colors - let r=0 - let g=0 - let b=0 - if a:color < 16 - return s:Xterm2rgb16(a:color) - - " 4x4x4 color cube - elseif a:color >= 16 && a:color < 80 - let color=a:color-16 - let r = s:valuerange4[(color/16)%4] - let g = s:valuerange4[(color/4)%4] - let b = s:valuerange4[color%4] - " gray tone - elseif a:color >= 80 && a:color <= 87 - let color = (a:color-80) + 0.0 - let r = 46.36363636 + color * 23.18181818 + - \ (color > 0.0 ? 23.18181818 : 0.0) + 0.0 - let r = float2nr(r) - let g = r - let b = r - endif - - let rgb=[r,g,b] - return rgb -endfunction - -function! s:Xterm2rgb256(color) "{{{1 - " 16 basic colors - let r=0 - let g=0 - let b=0 - if a:color < 16 - return s:Xterm2rgb16(a:color) - - " color cube color - elseif a:color >= 16 && a:color < 232 - let color=a:color-16 - let r = s:valuerange6[(color/36)%6] - let g = s:valuerange6[(color/6)%6] - let b = s:valuerange6[color%6] - - " gray tone - elseif a:color >= 232 && a:color <= 255 - let r = 8 + (a:color-232) * 0x0a - let g = r - let b = r - endif - let rgb=[r,g,b] - return rgb -endfunction - -function! s:RoundColor(...) "{{{1 - let result = [] - let minlist = [] - let min = 1000 - let list = (&t_Co == 256 ? s:valuerange6 : s:valuerange4) - if &t_Co > 16 - for item in a:000 - for val in list - let t = abs(val - item) - if (min > t) - let min = t - let r = val - endif - endfor - call add(result, r) - call add(minlist, min) - let min = 1000 - endfor - endif - if &t_Co <= 16 - let result = [ a:1, a:2, a:3 ] - let minlist = [ 255, 255, 255 ] - endif - " Check with the values from the 16 color xterm, if the difference - " is lower - let result = s:Check16ColorTerm(result, minlist) - return result -endfunction - -function! s:Check16ColorTerm(rgblist, minlist) "{{{1 -" We only check those values for 256 color terminals here: -" [205,0,0] [0,205,0] [205,205,0] [205,0,205] -" [0,205,205] [0,0,238] [92,92,255] -" The other values are already included in the s:colortable list - let min = a:minlist[0] + a:minlist[1] + a:minlist[2] - if &t_Co == 256 - for value in [[205,0,0], [0,205,0], [205,205,0], [205,0,205], - \ [0,205,205], [0,0,238], [92,92,255]] - " euclidian distance would be needed, - " but this works good enough and is faster. - let t = abs(value[0] - a:rgblist[0]) + - \ abs(value[1] - a:rgblist[1]) + - \ abs(value[2] - a:rgblist[2]) - if min > t - return value - endif - endfor - elseif &t_Co == 88 - for value in [[0,0,238], [229,229,229], [127,127,127], [92,92,255]] - let t = abs(value[0] - a:rgblist[0]) + - \ abs(value[1] - a:rgblist[1]) + - \ abs(value[2] - a:rgblist[2]) - if min > t - return value - endif - endfor - else " 16 color terminal - " Check for values from 16 color terminal - let best = [] - let min = 100000 - let list = (&t_Co == 16 ? s:basic16 : s:basic16[:7]) - for value in list - let t = abs(value[0] - a:rgblist[0]) + - \ abs(value[1] - a:rgblist[1]) + - \ abs(value[2] - a:rgblist[2]) - if min > t - let min = t - let best = value - endif - endfor - return best - endif - return a:rgblist -endfunction - -function! s:Ansi2Color(chars) "{{{1 - " chars look like this - "  - if !exists("s:term2ansi") - let s:term2ansi = {} - " Color values taken from - " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors - let s:term2ansi.std = { 30: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 0, 0, 0), - \ 31: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 205, 0, 0), - \ 32: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 0, 205, 0), - \ 33: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 205, 205, 0), - \ 34: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 0, 0, 238), - \ 35: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 205, 0, 205), - \ 36: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 0, 205, 205), - \ 37: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 229, 229, 229) - \ } - let s:term2ansi.bold = { 30: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 127, 127, 127), - \ 31: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 255, 0, 0), - \ 32: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 0, 255, 0), - \ 33: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 255, 255, 0), - \ 34: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 92, 92, 255), - \ 35: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 255, 0, 255), - \ 36: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 0, 255, 255), - \ 37: printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", 255, 255, 255) - \ } - endif - - let fground = "" - let bground = "" - let check = [0,0] " check fground and bground color - - if a:chars =~ '48;5;\d\+' - let check[0] = 0 - elseif a:chars=~ '.*3[0-7]\(;1\)\?[m;]' - let check[0] = 1 - elseif a:chars =~ '.*38\([:;]\)2\1' - let check[0] = 2 " Uses True Color Support - endif - if a:chars =~ '48;5;\d\+' - let check[1] = 3 - elseif a:chars =~ '.*48\([:;]\)2\1' - let check[1] = 2 - elseif a:chars=~ '.*4[0-7]\(;1\)\?[m;]' - let check[1] = 1 - endif - - if check[0] == 2 - " Check for TrueColor Support - " Esc[38;2;;; - " 38: background color - " 48: foregournd color - " delimiter could be either : or ; - " skip leading ESC [ and trailing m char - let pat = split(a:chars[2:-2], '[:;]') - if pat[0] == 38 " background color - let fground = printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", pat[2], pat[3], pat[4]) - elseif a:pat[1] == 48 " foreground color - let bground = printf("%.2X%.2X%.2X", pat[2], pat[3], pat[4]) - endif - elseif check[1] == 3 - let nr = matchstr(a:chars, '\%x1b\[48;5;\zs\d\+\zem') - let bground = s:Term2RGB(nr) - else - for val in ["std", "bold"] - for key in keys(s:term2ansi[val]) - let bright = (val == "std" ? "" : ";1") - - if check[0] " Check for a match of the foreground color - if a:chars =~ ".*".key.bright."[m;]" - let fground = s:term2ansi[val][key] - endif - endif - if check[1] "Check for background color - if a:chars =~ ".*".(key+10).bright."[m;]" - let bground = s:term2ansi[val][key] - endif - endif - if !empty(bground) && !empty(fground) - break - endif - endfor - if !empty(fground) && !empty(bground) - break - endif - endfor - endif - return [(empty(fground) ? 'NONE' : fground), (empty(bground) ? "NONE" : bground)] -endfunction - -function! s:TermConceal(pattern) "{{{1 - " Conceals a list of patterns - if exists("b:Colorizer_did_syntax") - return - endif - let s:position = getpos('.') - " concealing - for pat in a:pattern - exe "syn match ColorTermESC /". pat. "/ conceal containedin=ALL" - endfor - setl cocu=nv cole=2 - let b:Colorizer_did_syntax=1 -endfu -function! s:GetColorPattern(list) "{{{1 - "let list = map(copy(a:list), ' ''\%(-\@-\@!\)'' ') - "let list = map(copy(a:list), ' ''\%(-\@-\@!\)'' ') - let list = copy(a:list) - " Force the old re engine. It should be faster without backtracking. - return '\%#=1\%(\<\('.join(copy(a:list), '\|').'\)\>\)' -endfunction - -function! s:GetMatchList() "{{{1 - " this is window-local! - return filter(getmatches(), 'v:val.group =~ ''^\(Color_\w\+\)\|NONE''') -endfunction - -function! s:CheckTimeout(pattern, force) "{{{1 - " Abort, if pattern is not found within 100 ms and force - " is not set - return (!empty(a:force) || search(a:pattern, 'cnw', '', 100)) -endfunction - -function! s:SaveRestoreOptions(save, dict, list) "{{{1 - if a:save - return s:SaveOptions(a:list) - else - for [key, value] in items(a:dict) - if key !~ '@' - call setbufvar('', '&'. key, value) - else - call call('setreg', [key[1]] + value) - endif - unlet value - endfor - endif -endfun - -function! s:SaveOptions(list) "{{{1 - let save = {} - for item in a:list - if item !~ '^@' - exe "let save.". item. " = &l:". item - else - let save[item] = [] - call add(save[item], getreg(item[1])) - call add(save[item], getregtype(item)) - endif - if item == 'ma' && !&l:ma - setl ma - elseif item == 'ro' && &l:ro - setl noro - elseif item == 'lz' && &l:lz - setl lz - elseif item == 'ed' && &g:ed - setl noed - elseif item == 'gd' && &g:gd - setl nogd - endif - endfor - return save -endfunction - -function! s:StripParentheses(val) "{{{1 - return split(matchstr(a:val, '^\(hsl\|rgb\)a\?\s*(\zs[^)]*\ze)'), '\s*,\s*') -endfunction - -function! s:ApplyAlphaValue(rgb) "{{{1 - " Add Alpha Value to RGB values - " takes a list of [ rr, gg, bb, aa] values - " alpha can be 0-1 - let bg = SynID('Normal', 'bg') - if empty(bg) - return a:rgb[0:3] - else - if (bg =~? '\d\{1,3}') && bg < 256 - " Xterm color code - " (add dummy in front of it, will be split later) - let bg = '#'.join(s:colortable[bg]) - endif - let rgb = [] - let bg_ = split(bg[1:], '..\zs') - let alpha = str2float(a:rgb[3]) - if alpha > 1 - let alpha = 1 + 0.0 - elseif alpha < 0 - let alpha = 0 + 0.0 - endif - let i = 0 - for value in a:rgb[0:2] - let value += 0 " convert to nr - let value = float2nr(ceil(value * alpha) + ceil((bg_[i]+0)*(1-alpha))) - if value > 255 - let value = 255 - elseif value < 0 - let value = 0 - endif - call add(rgb, value) - let i+=1 - unlet value " reset type of value - endfor - return rgb - endif -endfunction - -function! s:HSL2RGB(h, s, l, ...) "{{{1 - let s = a:s + 0.0 - let l = a:l + 0.0 - if l <= 0.5 - let m2 = l * (s + 1) - else - let m2 = l + s - l * s - endif - let m1 = l * 2 - m2 - let r = float2nr(s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, a:h + 120)) - let g = float2nr(s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, a:h)) - let b = float2nr(s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, a:h - 120)) - if a:0 - let rgb = s:ApplyAlphaValue([r, g, b, a:1]) - endif - return printf("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) -endfunction - -function! s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, h) "{{{1 - let h = (a:h + 0.0)/360 - if h < 0 - let h = h + 1 - elseif h > 1 - let h = h - 1 - endif - if h * 6 < 1 - let res = a:m1 + (a:m2 - a:m1) * h * 6 - elseif h * 2 < 1 - let res = a:m2 - elseif h * 3 < 2 - let res = a:m1 + (a:m2 - a:m1) * (2.0/3.0 - h) * 6 - else - let res = a:m1 - endif - return round(res * 255) -endfunction - -function! s:Rgb2xterm(color) "{{{1 -" selects the nearest xterm color for a rgb value like #FF0000 -" hard code values for 000000 and FFFFFF, they will be called many times -" so make this fast - if a:color ==# 'NONE' - return 'NONE' - endif - if len(a:color) <= 3 - " a:color is already a terminal color - return a:color - endif - if !exists("s:colortable") - call s:ColorInit('') - endif - let color = (a:color[0] == '#' ? a:color[1:] : a:color) - if ( color == '000000') - return 0 - elseif (color == 'FFFFFF') - return 15 - else - let r = '0x'.color[0:1]+0 - let g = '0x'.color[2:3]+0 - let b = '0x'.color[4:5]+0 - - " Try exact match first - let i = index(s:colortable, [r, g, b]) - if i > -1 - return i - endif - - " Grey scale ? - if ( r == g && r == b ) - if &t_Co == 256 - " 0 and 15 have already been take care of - if r < 5 - return 0 " black - elseif r > 244 - return 15 " white - endif - " grey cube starts at index 232 - return 232+(r-5)/10 - elseif &t_Co == 88 - if r < 23 - return 0 " black - elseif r < 69 - return 80 - elseif r > 250 - return 15 " white - else - " should be good enough - return 80 + (r-69)/23 - endif - endif - endif - - " Round to the next step in the xterm color cube - " euclidian distance would be needed, - " but this works good enough and is faster. - let round = s:RoundColor(r, g, b) - " Return closest match or -1 if not found - return index(s:colortable, round) - endif -endfunction - -function! s:Warn(msg) "{{{1 - let msg = 'Colorizer: '. a:msg - echohl WarningMsg - echomsg msg - echohl None - let v:errmsg = msg -endfu - -function! s:LoadSyntax(file) "{{{1 - unlet! b:current_syntax - exe "sil! ru! syntax/".a:file. ".vim" -endfu -function! s:HasGui() "{{{1 - return has("gui_running") || (exists("+tgc") && &tgc) -endfu -function! s:HasColorPattern() "{{{1 - let _pos = winsaveview() - try - if !exists("s:colornamepattern") - let s:colornamepattern = s:GetColorPattern(keys(s:colors)) - endif - let pattern = values(s:color_patterns) + [s:colornamepattern] - call cursor(1,1) - for pat in pattern - if s:CheckTimeout(pat, '') - return 1 - endif - endfor - return 0 - - finally - call winrestview(_pos) - endtry -endfunction - -function! s:PrepareHSLArgs(list) "{{{1 - let hsl=a:list - let hsl[0] = (matchstr(hsl[0], '\d\+') + 360)%360 - let hsl[1] = (matchstr(hsl[1], '\d\+') + 0.0)/100 - let hsl[2] = (matchstr(hsl[2], '\d\+') + 0.0)/100 - if len(hsl) == 4 - return s:HSL2RGB(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], hsl[3]) - endif - return s:HSL2RGB(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2]) -endfu -function! s:SyntaxMatcher(enable) "{{{1 - if !a:enable - return - endif - let did_clean = {} - " - let list=s:GetMatchList() - if len(list) > 1000 - " This will probably slow - call s:Warn("Colorizer many colors detected, syntax highlighting will probably slow down Vim considerably!") - endif - if &ft =~? 'css' - " cssColor defines some color names like yellow or red and overrules - " our colors - sil! syn clear cssColor - endif - for hi in list - if !get(did_clean, hi.group, 0) - let did_clean[hi.group] = 1 - exe "sil! syn clear" hi.group - endif - if a:enable - if has_key(hi, 'pattern') - exe "syn match" hi.group "excludenl /". escape(hi.pattern, '/'). "/ display containedin=ALL" - else - " matchaddpos() - let line=hi.pos1[0] - let pos =hi.pos1[1]-1 - let len =hi.pos1[1]+hi.pos1[2]-2 - exe printf('syn match %s excludenl /\%%%dl\%%>%dc\&.*\%%<%dc/ display containedin=ALL', hi.group, line, pos, len) - endif - " We have syntax highlighting, can clear the matching - " ignore errors (just in case) - sil! call matchdelete(hi.id) - endif - endfor -endfu - -function! Colorizer#ColorToggle() "{{{1 - if !exists("w:match_list") || empty(w:match_list) - call Colorizer#DoColor(0, 1, line('$')) - else - call Colorizer#ColorOff() - endif -endfu - -function! Colorizer#ColorOff() "{{{1 - for _match in s:GetMatchList() - sil! call matchdelete(_match.id) - endfor - call Colorizer#LocalFTAutoCmds(0) - if exists("s:conceal") - let [&l:cole, &l:cocu] = s:conceal - if !empty(hlID('ColorTermESC')) - syn clear ColorTermESC - endif - endif - unlet! b:Colorizer_did_syntax w:match_list s:conceal -endfu - -function! Colorizer#DoColor(force, line1, line2, ...) "{{{1 - " initialize plugin - try - if v:version < 800 - call s:Warn("Colorizer needs Vim 8.0") - return - endif - call s:ColorInit(a:force) - if exists("a:1") && !empty(a:1) - let s:color_syntax = ( a:1 =~# '^\%(syntax\|nomatch\)$' ) - endif - catch /nocolor/ - " nothing to do - call s:Warn("Your terminal doesn't support colors or no colors". - \ 'found in the current buffer!') - return - endtry - let error = "" - - let _a = winsaveview() - let save = s:SaveRestoreOptions(1, {}, - \ ['mod', 'ro', 'ma', 'lz', 'ed', 'gd', '@/']) - let s:relstart = s:Reltime() - - " highlight Hex Codes: - " - " The :%s command is a lot faster than this: - ":g/#\x\{3,6}\>/call s:ColorMatchingLines(line('.')) - " Should color #FF0000 - " #F0F - " #FFF - " - if &t_Co > 16 || s:HasGui() - " Also support something like - " CSS rgb(255,0,0) - " rgba(255,0,0,1) - " rgba(255,0,0,0.8) - " rgba(255,0,0,0.2) - " rgb(10%,0,100%) - " hsl(0,100%,50%) -> hsl2rgb conversion RED - " hsla(120,100%,50%,1) Lime - " hsl(120,100%,25%) Darkgreen - " hsl(120, 100%, 75%) lightgreen - " hsl(120, 75%, 75%) pastelgreen - " highlight rgb(X,X,X) values - for Pat in values(s:color_patterns) - let start = s:Reltime() - if !get(g:, Pat[2], 1) || (get(g:, Pat[2]. '_disable', 0) > 0) - let Pat[4] = s:Reltime(start) - " Coloring disabled - continue - endif - - " 4th element in pattern is condition, that must be fullfilled, - " before we continue - if !empty(Pat[3]) && !eval(Pat[3]) - let Pat[4] = s:Reltime(start) - continue - endif - - " Check, the pattern isn't too costly... - if s:CheckTimeout(Pat[0], a:force) && !s:IsInComment() - let cmd = printf(':sil keeppatterns %d,%d%ss/%s/\=call(Pat[1], [submatch(0)])/egin', - \ a:line1, a:line2, s:color_unfolded, Pat[0]) - try - if Pat[2] ==# 'colorizer_vimhighlight' && !empty(bufname('')) - " try to load the corresponding syntax file so the syntax - " groups will be defined - let s:extension = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':t:r') - let s:old_syntax = exists("b:current_syntax") ? b:current_syntax : '' - call s:LoadSyntax(s:extension) - endif - - exe cmd - let Pat[4] = s:Reltime(start) - - if s:stop - break - endif - - catch - " some error occured, stop when finished (and don't setup auto - " comands - let error.=" Colorize: ". string(Pat) - break - - finally - if exists("s:extension") - call s:LoadSyntax(&ft) - unlet! s:extension - endif - endtry - endif - endfor - else - call s:Warn('Color configuration seems wrong, skipping colorization! Check t_Co setting!') - endif - - for Pat in [ s:color_patterns_special.term, s:color_patterns_special.term_nroff ] - let start = s:Reltime() - if (s:CheckTimeout(Pat[0], a:force)) && !s:IsInComment() - - if !get(g:, Pat[2], 1) || (get(s:, Pat[2]. '_disable', 0) > 0) - " Coloring disabled - continue - endif - - if Pat[2] is# 'colorizer_nroff' - let arg = '[submatch(0)]' - else - let arg = '[submatch(1), submatch(2), submatch(3)]' - endif - let cmd = printf(':sil keeppatterns %d,%d%ss/%s/\=call(Pat[1],%s)/egin', - \ a:line1, a:line2, s:color_unfolded, Pat[0], arg) - try - exe cmd - let Pat[3] = s:Reltime(start) - " Hide ESC Terminal Chars - let start = s:Reltime() - call s:TermConceal(s:color_patterns_special.term_conceal[0]) - let s:color_patterns_special.term_conceal[3] = s:Reltime(start) - catch - " some error occured, stop when finished (and don't setup auto - " comands - let error=" ColorTerm " - break - endtry - endif - endfor - - " convert matches into synatx highlighting, so TOhtml can display it - " correctly - call s:SyntaxMatcher(s:color_syntax) - if !exists("#FTColorizer#BufWinEnter#") && empty(error) - " Initialise current window. - call Colorizer#LocalFTAutoCmds(1) - call Colorizer#ColorWinEnter(1, 1) " don't call DoColor recursively! - endif - let s:relstop = s:Reltime(s:relstart) - if !empty(error) - " Some error occured, stop trying to color the file - call Colorizer#ColorOff() - call s:Warn("Some error occured here: ". error) - if exists("s:position") - call s:Warn("Position: ". string(s:position)) - call matchadd('Color_Error', '\%'.s:position[1].'l\%'.s:position[2].'c.*\>') - endif - endif - call s:PrintColorStatistics() - call s:SaveRestoreOptions(0, save, []) - call winrestview(_a) -endfu - -function! Colorizer#RGB2Term(arg,bang) "{{{1 - if a:arg =~ '^rgb' - let clr = s:StripParentheses(a:arg) - let color = printf("#%02X%02X%02X", clr[0], clr[1], clr[2]) - else - let color = a:arg[0] == '#' ? a:arg : '#'.a:arg - endif - - call s:ColorInit(1) - let tcolor = s:Rgb2xterm(color) - if empty(a:bang) - call s:DoHlGroup("Color_". color[1:], s:GenerateColors({'bg': color[1:]})) - exe "echohl" "Color_".color[1:] - echo a:arg. " => ". tcolor - echohl None - endif - return tcolor -endfu - -function! Colorizer#Term2RGB(arg) "{{{1 - let index = a:arg + 0 - if a:arg > 255 || a:arg < 0 - call s:Warn('invalid index') - return - endif - - let _t_Co=&t_Co - let &t_Co = 256 - call s:ColorInit(1) - - let rgb = s:Term2RGB(index) - call s:DoHlGroup("Color_". rgb, s:GenerateColors({'bg': rgb, 'ctermbg': index})) - exe "echohl" "Color_".rgb - echo "TerminalColor: ". a:arg. " => ". rgb - echohl None - let &t_Co = _t_Co -endfu - - -function! Colorizer#HSL2Term(arg) "{{{1 - let hsl = s:StripParentheses(a:arg) - if empty(hsl) - call s:Warn("Error evaluating expression". a:val. "! Please report as bug.") - return a:val - endif - let str = s:PrepareHSLArgs(hsl) - - let tcolor = s:Rgb2xterm('#'.str) - call s:DoHlGroup("Color_".str, s:GenerateColors({'bg': str})) - exe "echohl" str - echo a:arg. " => ". tcolor - echohl None -endfu - -function! Colorizer#AutoCmds(enable) "{{{1 - if a:enable && !get(g:, 'colorizer_debug', 0) - aug Colorizer - au! - au InsertLeave * sil call Colorizer#ColorLine('!', line('w0'), line('w$')) - au TextChangedI * sil call Colorizer#ColorLine('', line('.'),line('.')) - au GUIEnter,ColorScheme * sil call Colorizer#DoColor('!', 1, line('$')) - au WinEnter,BufWinEnter * sil call Colorizer#ColorWinEnter() - aug END - else - aug Colorizer - au! - aug END - aug! Colorizer - endif -endfu - -function! Colorizer#LocalFTAutoCmds(enable) "{{{1 - if a:enable - aug FTColorizer - au! - au InsertLeave silent call - \ Colorizer#ColorLine('', line('w0'), line('w$')) - au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI call Colorizer#ColorLine('',line('.'), line('.')) - au WinEnter,BufWinEnter silent call Colorizer#ColorWinEnter() - "au BufLeave call Colorizer#ColorOff() - au GUIEnter,ColorScheme silent - \ call Colorizer#DoColor('!', 1, line('$')) - if get(g:, 'colorizer_cursormoved', 0) - au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * call Colorizer#ColorLine('', line('.'),line('.')) - au CusorHold, CursorHoldI * silent call Colorizer#ColorLine('!', line('w0'), line('w$')) - endif - aug END - if !exists("b:undo_ftplugin") - " simply unlet a dummy variable - let b:undo_ftplugin = 'unlet! b:Colorizer_foobar' - endif - " Delete specific auto commands, because the filetype - " has been changed. - let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! au! FTColorizer"' - let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe "sil! aug! FTColorizer"' - let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| exe ":ColorClear"' - else - aug FTColorizer - au! - aug END - aug! FTColorizer - endif -endfu - -function! Colorizer#ColorWinEnter(...) "{{{1 - let force = a:0 ? a:1 : 0 - " be fast! - if !force - let ft_list = split(get(g:, "colorizer_auto_filetype", ""), ',') - if match(ft_list, "^".&ft."$") == -1 - " current filetype doesn't match g:colorizer_auto_filetype, - " so nothing to do - return - endif - if get(b:, 'Colorizer_changedtick', 0) == b:changedtick && - \ !empty(getmatches()) - " nothing to do - return - endif - endif - let g:colorizer_only_unfolded = 1 - let _c = getpos('.') - if !exists("a:2") - " don't call it recursively! - call Colorizer#DoColor('', 1, line('$')) - endif - let b:Colorizer_changedtick = b:changedtick - unlet! g:colorizer_only_unfolded - call setpos('.', _c) -endfu - -function! Colorizer#ColorLine(force, start, end) "{{{1 - if get(b:, 'Colorizer_changedtick', 0) == b:changedtick && empty(a:force) - " nothing to do - return - else - call Colorizer#DoColor(a:force, a:start, a:end) - let b:Colorizer_changedtick = b:changedtick - endif -endfu - -function! Colorizer#SwitchContrast() "{{{1 - if exists("s:swap_fg_bg") && s:swap_fg_bg - call s:Warn('Contrast Adjustment does not work with swapped foreground colors!') - return - endif - if !exists("s:predefined_fgcolors") - " init variables - call s:ColorInit('') - endif - " make sure, g:colorizer_fgcontrast is set up - if !exists('g:colorizer_fgcontrast') - " Default to black / white - let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - 1 - endif - let g:colorizer_fgcontrast-=1 - if g:colorizer_fgcontrast < -1 - let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - 1 - endif - echom 'Colorizer: using fgcontrast' g:colorizer_fgcontrast - call Colorizer#DoColor(1, 1, line('$')) -endfu - -function! Colorizer#SwitchFGBG() "{{{1 - let range = [ 0, 1, -1 ] - if !exists("s:round") - let s:round = 0 - else - let s:round = (s:round >= 2 ? 0 : s:round+1) - endif - let s:swap_fg_bg = range[s:round] - call Colorizer#DoColor(1, 1, line('$')) -endfu - -" DEBUG TEST "{{{1 -if !get(g:, 'colorizer_debug', 0) - let &cpo = s:cpo_save - unlet s:cpo_save - finish -endif - -fu! ColorizerXtermColors() "{{{2 - let list=[] - for c in range(0, 254) - let css_color = s:Xterm2rgb256(c) - call add(list, css_color) - endfor - return list -endfu - -fu! ColorizerGet(args) "{{{2 - exe "return s:".a:args -endfu - -" Plugin folklore and Vim Modeline " {{{1 -let &cpo = s:cpo_save -unlet s:cpo_save -" vim: set foldmethod=marker et fdl=0: diff --git a/vim/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim b/vim/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 3582fbf..0000000 --- a/vim/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,264 +0,0 @@ -" pathogen.vim - path option manipulation -" Maintainer: Tim Pope -" Version: 2.4 - -" Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload). -" -" For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or -" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `execute pathogen#infect()` to the top of your -" .vimrc is the only other setup necessary. -" -" The API is documented inline below. - -if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp - finish -endif -let g:loaded_pathogen = 1 - -" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a relative path to invoke -" pathogen#interpose() or an absolute path to invoke pathogen#surround(). -" Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand(): "bundle/{}" finds all -" subdirectories inside "bundle" inside all directories in the runtime path. -" If no arguments are given, defaults "bundle/{}", and also "pack/{}/start/{}" -" on versions of Vim without native package support. -function! pathogen#infect(...) abort - if a:0 - let paths = filter(reverse(copy(a:000)), 'type(v:val) == type("")') - else - let paths = ['bundle/{}', 'pack/{}/start/{}'] - endif - if has('packages') - call filter(paths, 'v:val !~# "^pack/[^/]*/start/[^/]*$"') - endif - let static = '^\%([$~\\/]\|\w:[\\/]\)[^{}*]*$' - for path in filter(copy(paths), 'v:val =~# static') - call pathogen#surround(path) - endfor - for path in filter(copy(paths), 'v:val !~# static') - if path =~# '^\%([$~\\/]\|\w:[\\/]\)' - call pathogen#surround(path) - else - call pathogen#interpose(path) - endif - endfor - call pathogen#cycle_filetype() - if pathogen#is_disabled($MYVIMRC) - return 'finish' - endif - return '' -endfunction - -" Split a path into a list. -function! pathogen#split(path) abort - if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif - if empty(a:path) | return [] | endif - let split = split(a:path,'\\\@]','\\&','') - endif -endfunction - -" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath. -function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) abort - let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp)) - let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count) - if file ==# '' - return '' - else - return fnamemodify(file,':p') - endif -endfunction - -" vim:set et sw=2 foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^\"\ Section\:'?'>1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^fu'?'a1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^endf'?'s1'\:'=': diff --git a/vim/.vim/doc/Colorizer.txt b/vim/.vim/doc/Colorizer.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5c9173a..0000000 --- a/vim/.vim/doc/Colorizer.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,520 +0,0 @@ -*Colorizer.txt* A plugin to color colornames and codes - -Author: Christian Brabandt -Version: 0.11 Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:49:17 +0100 -Copyright: (c) 2009-2013 by Christian Brabandt - The VIM LICENSE applies to Colorizer.txt - (see |copyright|) except use ColorizerPlugin instead of "Vim". - NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USE AT-YOUR-OWN-RISK. - -============================================================================== -Contents *Colorizer* -============================================================================== - - 1. Colorizer Manual.............................|Colorizer-manual| - 1.1 :ColorHighlight......................|:ColorHighlight| - 1.2 :ColorClear..........................|:ColorClear| - 1.3 :RGB2Term............................|:RGB2Term| - 1.4 :HSL2RGB.............................|:HSL2RGB| - 1.5 :Term2RGB............................|:Term2RGB| - 1.6 :ColorContrast.......................|:ColorContrast| - 1.7 :ColorSwapFgBg.......................|:ColorSwapFgBg| - 1.8 :ColorToggle.........................|:ColorToggle| - 2. Configuration................................|Colorizer-config| - 2.1 Automatic loading...................|Colorizer-auto| - 2.2 Automatically highlight filetypes...|Colorizer-hl-ft| - 2.3 Skip coloring comments..............|Colorizer-comments| - 2.4 Adjust the contrast.................|Colorizer-contrast| - 2.5 Highlight colornames................|Colorizer-hl-names| - 2.6 Use X11 colornames..................|Colorizer-names| - 2.7 Use syntax highlighting.............|Colorizer-syntax| - 2.8 Specify patterns to highlight.......|Colorizer-pattern| - 2.9 Colorizing Taskwarrior files........|Colorizer-taskwarrior-files| - 2.10 Colorizing vim syntax files.........|Colorizer-vim-files| - 2.11 Use custom colornames...............|Colorizer-custom-colornames| - 2.12 Colorizing :hi statements...........|Colorizer-vim-hi| - 3. Colorizer Mappings...........................|Colorizer-maps| - 4. Colorizer Tips...............................|Colorizer-tips| - 5. Colorizer Feedback...........................|Colorizer-feedback| - 6. Colorizer History............................|Colorizer-history| - -============================================================================== -1. Colorizer Manual *Colorizer-manual* -============================================================================== - -Functionality - -This plugin is based on the css_color plugin by Nikolaus Hofer. The idea is to -highlight color names and codes in the same color that they represent. - -The plugin understands the W3C colors (used for CSS files for example), the -color names from the X11 Window System and also codes in hex notation, like -#FF0000 (which represents Red in the RGB color system). Additionally, it -supports the CSS color specifications, e.g. rgb(RR,GG,BB) color representation -in either absolute or percentage values and also the HVL color -representation like hvl(H,V,L) - -It works best in the gui version of Vim, but the plugin also supports 256 and -88 color terminals and translates the colors to those supported by the -terminal. 16 and 8 color terminals should work theoretically too, but have not -been widely tested. Note that translating the colors to the terminal might -impose a performance penalty, depending on the terminal type and the number of -matches in the file. - -This plugin defines the following commands: - - *:ColorHighlight* -:[range]ColorHighlight[!] [args] - -Scan the lines given by [range] for color code names and highlight those. If -[range] is omitted, the whole file will be scanned. If the ! is used, the -plugin will redefine all highlighting groups. If ! is not used, it will -skip patterns, that would take too long and make Vim unresponsive. - -[args] can by any of "syntax" or "match". "syntax" means to convert the -highlighting to syntax highlighting. This is useful, so a plugin like -|2html.vim| can convert the colors correctly to HTML. The default is -"match", which uses the |matchadd()| function. (Prepending "no" is -supported and will disable that setting and use the opposite). - - *:ColorClear* -:ColorClear Turn off color highlighting. - - *:RGB2Term* -:RGB2Term Translate the color code given as argument to - the closest color that can be displayed in the - terminal. The color must be given in the - format #RRGGBB (the hex format of the colors red, - green and blue (the '#' is optional), or - alternatively like rgb(X,X,X) - - Uses the number of colors your terminal is capable - of (or 256 colors for gVim). - - *:HSL2RGB* -:HSL2RGB hsl(h,v,l) Translate the HVL color defined by the string - 'hsl(h,v%,l%)' into a color that the current - terminal can display. Note that the color must be - given in the format 'hsl(HH, V, L)' where HH - defines the Hue as absolute value between 0 and - 255 and V and L represent a percentage for value - and Lightness. - - *:Term2RGB* -:Term2RGB number Translate terminal color to an RGB color - (using the xterm 256 color cube). - - *:ColorContrast* -:ColorContrast Switch between all different color contrast - settings (foreground colors). - *:ColorSwapFgBg* -:ColorSwapFgBg Switch between foreground and background colors. - This will toggle in 3 ways. From Swapping - foreground and background colors, to only - highlighting the foreground color back to normal - foreground background color. - - *:ColorToggle* -:ColorToggle Switch between highlighting colors and no - highlighting. - -============================================================================== -2 Colorizer Configuration *Colorizer-config* -============================================================================== - -2.1 Automatic loading *Colorizer-auto* ---------------------- - -The Colorizer plugin can be configured to automatically load when opening a -new file. Note that this might slow down the loading process, especially on -the terminal. To enable this, simply set the variable 'g:colorizer_auto_color' -to 1, e.g. by defining it in your |.vimrc| > - - :let g:colorizer_auto_color = 1 -< -(Not recommended, see below at |Colorizer-hl-ft| for the preferred way) - -2.2 Automatically highlight filetypes *Colorizer-hl-ft* -------------------------------------- - -If you want to have certain filetypes automatically highlighted, you can use -the variable g:colorizer_auto_filetype, e.g. to enable highlighting for -HTML and CSS files by default, add the following to your |.vimrc|: > - - :let g:colorizer_auto_filetype='css,html' -< -After restarting Vim, the plugin will become active whenever the filetype is -set to either html or css. - -2.3 Skip coloring comments *Colorizer-comments* --------------------------- - -You can skip comments from being colored by setting the variable -g:colorizer_skip_comments to 1: > - - :let g:colorizer_skip_comments = 1 -< -The plugin will skip all matches of color codes and names that appear inside -comments (this only works when syntax highlighting is enabled |:syn-on|) - -Note however, that if the same color is used inside comments and outside -comments, it will also be highlighted inside the comments, because -coloring is done matching only the color pattern and once this is done outside -of comments, this will also match inside comments. - -2.4 Adjust the contrast *Colorizer-contrast* ------------------------ - -Colorizer can be adjusted to blur the contrast between foreground and -background color. For this, the variable 'g:colorizer_fgcontrast' can be used. -It can be given any value between -1 and 2 with 2 being the default. Each -smaller value will decrease the contrast a little bit, with -1 being special, -as there is the foreground color equals the background color. Use -|:ColorContrast| to cycle through the different values. - -2.5 Highlight colornames *Colorizer-hl-names* ------------------------- - -If for any reason you don't want the plugin to highlight colornames, you can -prevent this by setting the g:colorizer_colornames variable to 0, e.g. put > - - :let g:colorizer_colornames = 0 -< -into your |.vimrc| - -2.6 Use X11 colornames *Colorizer-names* ----------------------- - -Colorizer can be configured to support all color names defined by the X11 -Window System. By default it only supports the colors defined by the W3C for -the CSS specification. To use the X11 color names, set the variable -'g:colorzer_x11_names' to 1, e,g. put in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:colorizer_x11_names = 1 -< - -2.7 Use syntax highlighting *Colorizer-syntax* ---------------------------- - -The plugin by default uses the |matchadd()| functions for highlighting colors -on the fly. Unfortunately, this is a problem, if you want to have the result -successfully transformed to a HTML file using the |2html.vim| plugin. Therefore, -the Colorizer plugin can also convert the highlighting to correct syntax -highlighting. Use either the > - - :ColorHighlight syntax -< -command (see |:ColorHighlight|) or set the variable 'g:colorizer_syntax' to 1, -e.g. in your |.vimrc| put > - - let g:colorizer_syntax = 1 -< - -2.8 Specify pattern to highlight *Colorizer-pattern* --------------------------------- - -By default, Colorizer detects the following patterns and highlights them as -hex colors (for better readability it is separated into 3 parts): > - - # %(\x\{3}\|\x\{6}\) \%(\>\|[-_]\)\@=/' -< - -This means it always looks for a '#' followed by either a 3 or 6 hexadecimal -digits denoting the RGB hex color codes, followed by either the word-boundary -(|/\>|), a hyphen or a underscore. But only the first and middle part will be -highlighted (i.e. the RGB color codes). - -You can of course specify a different pattern for your needs by setting the -g:colorizer_hex_pattern variable. e.g. to display '#RRGGBB' and have all of it -highlighted, use > - - let g:colorizer_hex_pattern = ['#', '\%(\x\{3}\|\x\{6}\)', ''] - -2.9 Colorizing Taskwarrior files *Colorizer-taskwarrior-files* --------------------------------- - -For taskwarrior files, this plugin can also highlight those colors. By -default, this will only work, if the file name ends with '.theme' - -For an example, see this website: -http://taskwarrior.org/news/182 - -2.10 Colorizing vim syntax files *Colorizer-vim-files* --------------------------------- - -Colorizer also supports highlighting vim syntax files. For this to work, the -'filetype' must be set to vim, then the plugin tries to identify the colors -and highlight them. - -2.11 Use custom colornames *Colorizer-custom-colornames* --------------------------- - -You can add separate colornames to be colored. For this to work, set the -variable g:colorizer_custom_colors to your liking, e.g. like this: > - - let g:colorizer_custom_colors = { 'blue': '#ff0000'} - -Guess what, this will color the word blue in red. - -2.12 Colorizing :highlight statements *Colorizer-vim-hi* -------------------------------------- - -Colorizer also supports highlighting |:hi| statements, that are used by vim -colorschemes and syntax files as well as a dump of the |:hi| command -To colorizer :hi statements, the 'filetype' must be set to vim, while for :hi -dumps, the 'filetype' must be empty. - -============================================================================== -3. Colorizer Mappings *Colorizer-maps* -============================================================================== - -By default, the Colorizer plugin does not map any key, so that it won't -pollute the global mapping namespace. If you want however to have the -following default maps set up, set the global variable g:colorizer_auto_map -in your |.vimrc| like this: > - - :let g:colorizer_auto_map = 1 - -< -This will set up the following key mappings (if they are not already taken): - -Keys Name Function ----- ---- -------- -cC Colorizer Toggle highlighting of Colors. In visual - mode it only highlights the colors in the - selected region (normal and visual mode). -cT ColorContrast Cycle through contrast setting - |:ColorContrast| (normal and visual mode) -cF ColorFgBg Toggle foreground and background color - |:ColorSwapFgBg| - -It uses the prefix c to set all functionality up. By default, -is defined as '\' (||). Use the name provided in the second column to -map the function to a different key. - -============================================================================== -4. Colorizer Tips *Colorizer-tips* -============================================================================== - -You can enable the plugin to be loaded for certain filetypes automatically. -This makes sense for example for CSS files or HTML files. To do so, create the -following autocommand in your |.vimrc| > - - :au BufNewFile,BufRead *.css,*.html,*.htm :ColorHighlight! -< -This will automatically highlight all existing color codes and names if you -edit either a HTML file or a CSS file. Note that this does not update the -highlighting, after you have been changing the file. - -The recommended way to do this is to use the g:colorizer_auto_filetype -variable and set this to the desired filetypes. |Colorizer-hl-ft| - - *Colorizer-slowdown* ----------------- -Slow performance ----------------- -Depending on your file, any of the highlighting functions might cause an -performance decrease. This can be analyed, by setting the variable -g:colorizer_debug to 1 in e.g. your |.vimrc| like this: > - - :let g:colorizer_debug = 1 -< -The next time, you call |:ColorHighlight|, the plugin will output runtime -statistics, from which you can see, which function caused the slowdowns. -Consider this output: - - Colorstatistics at: 12:20 ` - Duration: 0.034110 ` - colornames: 0.030865s ` - hex: 0.000968s ` - hsla: 0.000350s ` - rgb: 0.000354s ` - rgba: 0.000491s ` - taskwarrior: 0.000020s ` - term: 0.000219s ` - term_conceal: 0.000105s ` - vimcolors: 0.000036s ` - vimhighl_dump: 0.000025s ` - vimhighlight: 0.000025s ` - -From this you can see, that the colorname highlighting caused the largest -slowdown, it took 0.03 seconds to complete. This is expected, as the -colornames pattern is long and contains many branches. - -Functions with a value less then 100 have probably been skipped and were not -being executed. - -If you want to skip certain functions, you can set the variable -g:colorizer__disable and then those functions won't be called anymore -(e.g. do disable the colorname highlighting, put in your |.vimrc| this: > - - let g:colorizer_colornames_disable = 1 -< -If the slowdown is still noticeable, you might want to create -a new issue at the plugins repository (|Colorizer-feedback|). You should -provide a sample file, so that I will be able to reproduce the issue. - -Note, this needs a Vim with the |+reltime| feature. -============================================================================== -5. Colorizer Feedback *Colorizer-feedback* -============================================================================== - -Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the -vim-page: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3963 - -You can also follow the development of the plugin at github: -http://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight - -Bugs can also be reported there: -https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues - -Alternatively, you can also report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in -the third line of this document. Please don't hesitate to contact me, I -won't bite ;) - -If you like the plugin, write me an email (look in the third line for my mail -address). And if you are really happy, vote for the plugin and consider -looking at my Amazon whishlist: http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/2BKAHE8J7Z6UW - -============================================================================== -6. Colorizer History *Colorizer-history* -============================================================================== - -0.12 (unreleased) {{{1 -- TermConceal should also conceal  -- properly escape terminal colors, so that |Colorizer-syntax| works correctly -- use matchaddpos() for highlighting ansi term colors (should speed up vim - highlighting considerably) -- only reset TermConceal syntax group (reported by audriusk in - https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/41, thanks!) -- correctly check for patch 7.4.083 (:keeppatterns modifier, reported by - gbell12 in https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/42, thanks!) -- disable BufLeave autocommand to disable colors -- basic Neovim support (also should work with TrueColor in Terminal) -- Make |:RGB2term| always init colortable, so that when resetting 't_Co' - it will work correctly -- Make it work with Vims Term Truecolor feature (patch 7.4.1770) -- Make it work with neovim fixes https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/45 - and https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/46 -- Support css colors: #rrggbbaa format -- handle hsla values correctly -- clear css cssColor syntax rule when ":ColorHighlight syntax" in css files is - used. fixes https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/50 reported by - msva, thanks! -- make TermConceal also hide the sgr0 attributes (to reset the terminal) - fixes https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/53 reported by - LucHermitte, thanks! -- also conceal and highlight nroff sequences like T^HT (as bold) and _^HT (as - underlined) - -0.11 Jan 15, 2015 {{{1 -- use |TextChanged| autocommand if possible -- Support Ansi True Color support if possible -- Hide ^[[K$ for terminal colors (reported by masukomi at - https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/36, thanks!) -- Do not expand() to expand shellvars (fixed by Daniel Hahler in - https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/37, thanks!) -- Document, how to analyze slowdown |Colorizer-slowdown| -- |:ColorContrast| would error, if the plugin has not been initialized - (reported by Daniel Hahler in - https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/38, thanks!) -- always define reltime variable (reported by mantislin in - https://github.com/chrisbra/Colorizer/issues/39, thanks!) -- Only call conceal function once for ansiterm colors -- reduce calls to DoColor in autocommands (to only do, when something changed) - -0.10 Mar 27, 2014 {{{1 -- Also highlight Ansi Term sequences -- Match colornames using the "old" RE Engine, if Vim supports it. -- Make |:RGB2Xterm| output the color name in its color -- Rename |:RGB2Xterm| to |:RGB2Term| -- Highlight Taskwarrior file -- Code refactoring -- Make |:ColorSwapFgBg| work as expected (did not always toggle reliably - between all states) -- Correctly parse Ansi Term colors -- |:Term2RGB| -- Highlight Vim color files correctly -- merge colorhighlight plugin https://github.com/blueyed/colorhighlight.vim - -0.9: Aug 14, 2013: {{{1 -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/15 (rgba highlighting - didn't work for floating point value of alpha, reported by LiTuX.S, thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/16 (rgb() pattern did - match too much, reported by taecilla, thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/19 (error on calling - ColorWinEnter() command, reported by wedgwood, thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/20 and - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/21 - (also color on split commands, reported by wedgwood and Andri Möll, Thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/22 (Make sure, patterns - like white-space won't get colored, reported by Andri Möll, Thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/23 (ColorToggle got - confused when several windows with highlighting exists, reported by Andri - Möll, Thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/24 (turning off coloring - should also remove the autocommands, reported by Andri Möll, Thanks!) - -0.8: Dec 14, 2012 {{{1 -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/13 (colorizing should not - stop at word-boundaries, reported by teschmitz, thanks!) -- https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/14 (convert highlighting - to syntax groups, so TOhtml works, reported by teschmitz, thanks!) - -0.7: Jul 25, 2012 {{{1 -- Highlight rgb colors with whitespace after comma (reported by sergey-vlasov - in https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/12, thanks!) -- Save and restore the search register, so the plugin doesn't clobber it -- check for 'ed' and 'gd' defaults - -0.6: May 17, 2012 {{{1 -- Fix various issues with hsl coloring (reported by teschmitz in - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/9, thanks!) -- Make it possible, to skip coloring comments (reported by teschmitz in - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/10, thanks!) -- search highlighting should overrule color highlighting(reported by teschmitz - in https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/11, thanks!) -- updated documentation (suggested by teschmitz, thanks!) - -0.5: Apr 03, 2012 {{{1 -- Fix issue 7 (reported by teschmitz in - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/7, thanks!) -0.4: Mar, 23, 2012 {{{1 -- |:ColorSwapFgBg| (suggested by teschmitz, in - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/3, thanks!) -- make automatic color loading work (reported by wedgwood in - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/6, thanks!) - |Colorizer-auto| and |Colorizer-hl-ft| -- more documentation updates -- added Mappings (suggested by Ingo Karkat, thanks!) |Colorizer-maps| -- prevent highlighting of color names (suggested by Tarlika Schmitz in - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/5, thanks!) - |Colorizer-hl-names| -- enable filetype specific autocommands, so that for certain filetypes - colors are highlighted automatically |Colorizer-hl-ft| - (suggested by Tarlika Schmitz, thanks!) - -0.3: Mar 15, 2012 {{{1 -- Use the g:colorizer_fgcontrast variable to have lesser contrast between - foreground and background colors (patch by Ingo Karkat, thanks!) -- gvim did not color rgb(...) codes -- did not correctly highlight 3 letter color codes (issue - https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight/issues/1, - reported by Taybin Rutkin, thanks!) -- support autoloading (requested by Ingo Karkat, thanks!) -- add |GLVS| support -- |:ColorContrast| to interactively switch between contrast settings - (suggested by Ingo Karkat, thanks!) -0.2: Mar 02, 2012 {{{1 - -- Initial upload -- development versions are available at the github repository -- put plugin on a public repository - (http://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight) - -0.1: Mar 02, 2012 {{{1 -- first internal version - }}} -============================================================================== -Modeline: -vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:et:fdm=marker:fdl=0:norl diff --git a/vim/.vim/doc/tags b/vim/.vim/doc/tags deleted file mode 100644 index c10d4a4..0000000 --- a/vim/.vim/doc/tags +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -:ColorClear Colorizer.txt /*:ColorClear* -:ColorContrast Colorizer.txt /*:ColorContrast* -:ColorHighlight Colorizer.txt /*:ColorHighlight* -:ColorSwapFgBg Colorizer.txt /*:ColorSwapFgBg* -:ColorToggle Colorizer.txt /*:ColorToggle* -:HSL2RGB Colorizer.txt /*:HSL2RGB* -:RGB2Term Colorizer.txt /*:RGB2Term* -:Term2RGB Colorizer.txt /*:Term2RGB* -Colorizer Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer* -Colorizer-auto Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-auto* -Colorizer-comments Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-comments* -Colorizer-config Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-config* -Colorizer-contrast Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-contrast* -Colorizer-custom-colornames Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-custom-colornames* -Colorizer-feedback Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-feedback* -Colorizer-history Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-history* -Colorizer-hl-ft Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-hl-ft* -Colorizer-hl-names Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-hl-names* -Colorizer-manual Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-manual* -Colorizer-maps Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-maps* -Colorizer-names Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-names* -Colorizer-pattern Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-pattern* -Colorizer-slowdown Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-slowdown* -Colorizer-syntax Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-syntax* -Colorizer-taskwarrior-files Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-taskwarrior-files* -Colorizer-tips Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-tips* -Colorizer-vim-files Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-vim-files* -Colorizer-vim-hi Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer-vim-hi* -Colorizer.txt Colorizer.txt /*Colorizer.txt* diff --git a/vim/.vim/ftplugin/go.vim b/vim/.vim/ftplugin/go.vim index ccb5970..68d8f64 100644 --- a/vim/.vim/ftplugin/go.vim +++ b/vim/.vim/ftplugin/go.vim @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ " Basics set autoindent noexpandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " Shortcuts - +abbrev funct funcTest(t*testing.T){}kwwi +abbrev trun t.Run("", func(t *testing.T){})%la +abbrev fori for i := 0; i < ; i++{}k2f;i " Compiling nnoremap :GoFmt nnoremap :!clear:GoRun -nnoremap :!clear:GoBuild -nnoremap :!clear:GoTest -nnoremap :!clear:GoTestFunc -nnoremap :!clear:GoDebugStart +nnoremap :GoBuild +nnoremap :GoTest +nnoremap :GoDebugStart nnoremap gd :GoDef nnoremap :GoDoc map :!clear; GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o %<.exe % -abbrev funct funcTest(t*testing.T){}kwwi -abbrev trun t.Run("", func(t *testing.T){})%la + diff --git a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go b/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go deleted file mode 160000 index be73eeb..0000000 --- a/vim/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit be73eeb6321f44cec74252ea8e2b2f046516e5ca diff --git a/vim/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot b/vim/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot new file mode 160000 index 0000000..35ea4d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 35ea4d2b9072594b6c0ccf87bde7978ed9f94755 diff --git a/vim/.vim/plugged/vimtex b/vim/.vim/plugged/vimtex new file mode 160000 index 0000000..2f407de --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/.vim/plugged/vimtex @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 2f407de42781648809628b566d4b7cd7d7ea0722 diff --git a/vim/.vim/plugin/ColorizerPlugin.vim b/vim/.vim/plugin/ColorizerPlugin.vim deleted file mode 100644 index cd9dab0..0000000 --- a/vim/.vim/plugin/ColorizerPlugin.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -" Plugin: Highlight Colornames and Values -" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt -" URL: http://www.github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight -" Last Change: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:49:17 +0100 -" Licence: Vim License (see :h License) -" Version: 0.11 -" GetLatestVimScripts: 3963 11 :AutoInstall: Colorizer.vim -" -" This plugin was inspired by the css_color.vim plugin from Nikolaus Hofer. -" Changes made: - make terminal colors work more reliably and with all -" color terminals -" - performance improvements, coloring is almost instantenously -" - detect rgb colors like this: rgb(R,G,B) -" - detect hsl coloring: hsl(H,V,L) -" - fix small bugs - -" Init some variables "{{{1 -" Plugin folklore "{{{2 -if v:version < 700 || exists("g:loaded_colorizer") || &cp - finish -endif -let g:loaded_colorizer = 1 - -let s:cpo_save = &cpo -set cpo&vim - -" helper functions "{{{1 -fu! ColorHiArgs(A,L,P) - return "syntax\nmatch\nnosyntax\nnomatch" -endfu - -" define commands "{{{1 -command! -bang -range=% -nargs=? -complete=custom,ColorHiArgs ColorHighlight - \ :call Colorizer#DoColor(, , , ) -command! -bang -nargs=1 RGB2Term - \ :call Colorizer#RGB2Term(, ) -command! -nargs=1 Term2RGB :call Colorizer#Term2RGB() - -command! -bang ColorClear :call Colorizer#ColorOff() -command! -bang ColorToggle :call Colorizer#ColorToggle() -command! -nargs=1 HSL2RGB :call Colorizer#HSL2Term() -command! ColorContrast :call Colorizer#SwitchContrast() -command! ColorSwapFgBg :call Colorizer#SwitchFGBG() - -" define mappings "{{{1 -nnoremap Colorizer :ColorToggle -xnoremap Colorizer :ColorHighlight -nnoremap ColorContrast :ColorContrast -xnoremap ColorContrast :ColorContrast -nnoremap ColorFgBg :ColorSwapFgBg -xnoremap ColorFgBg :ColorSwapFgBg - -if get(g:, 'colorizer_auto_map', 0) - " only map, if the mapped keys are not yet taken by a different plugin - " and the user hasn't mapped the function to different keys - if empty(maparg('cC', 'n')) && empty(hasmapto('Colorizer', 'n')) - nmap cC Colorizer - endif - if empty(maparg('cC', 'x')) && empty(hasmapto('Colorizer', 'x')) - xmap cC Colorizer - endif - if empty(maparg('cT', 'n')) && empty(hasmapto('ColorContrast', 'n')) - nmap cT ColorContrast - endif - if empty(maparg('cT', 'x')) && empty(hasmapto('ColorContrast', 'n')) - xmap cT ColorContrast - endif - if empty(maparg('cF', 'n')) && empty(hasmapto('ColorFgBg', 'n')) - nmap cF ColorFgBg - endif - if empty(maparg('cF', 'x')) && empty(hasmapto('ColorFgBg', 'x')) - xmap cF ColorFgBg - endif -endif - -" Enable Autocommands "{{{1 -if exists("g:colorizer_auto_color") - " Prevent autoloading - exe "call Colorizer#AutoCmds(g:colorizer_auto_color)" -endif - -if exists("g:colorizer_auto_filetype") - " Setup some autocommands for specific filetypes. - aug FT_ColorizerPlugin - au! - exe "au Filetype" g:colorizer_auto_filetype - \ "call Colorizer#LocalFTAutoCmds(1)\| - \ :ColorHighlight" - aug END -endif - -" Plugin folklore and Vim Modeline " {{{1 -let &cpo = s:cpo_save -unlet s:cpo_save -" vim: set foldmethod=marker et fdl=0: diff --git a/vim/.vim/plugin/plugins.vim b/vim/.vim/plugin/plugins.vim index 7d934fe..99e2cab 100644 --- a/vim/.vim/plugin/plugins.vim +++ b/vim/.vim/plugin/plugins.vim @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ filetype on call plug#begin() Plug 'lervag/vimtex' +Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' call plug#end() diff --git a/vim/.vim/plugin/remaps.vim b/vim/.vim/plugin/remaps.vim index 8369681..3fb6e6e 100644 --- a/vim/.vim/plugin/remaps.vim +++ b/vim/.vim/plugin/remaps.vim @@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ nnoremap :earlier nnoremap :later noremap Y "+y noremap :tabedit **/* -noremap :ter noremap :tabedit:ter:q +noremap :syntax sync fromstart +inoremap :syntax sync fromstart noremap == ==j nmap 0 ^ nmap ' ` diff --git a/vim/.vim/plugin/skeletons.vim b/vim/.vim/plugin/skeletons.vim index 36ad0d1..75d36a1 100644 --- a/vim/.vim/plugin/skeletons.vim +++ b/vim/.vim/plugin/skeletons.vim @@ -1,2 +1,8 @@ -nnoremap ctf :-read $HOME/.vim/skeleton/writeup.mdA +augroup templates + au! + " read in template files + autocmd BufNewFile *.* silent! execute '0r $HOME/.vim/templates/skeleton.'.expand(":e") + " parse special text in the templates after the read + autocmd BufNewFile * %substitute#\[:VIM_EVAL:\]\(.\{-\}\)\[:END_EVAL:\]#\=eval(submatch(1))#ge +augroup END diff --git a/vim/.vim/templates/skeleton.md b/vim/.vim/templates/skeleton.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de53695 --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/.vim/templates/skeleton.md @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +% Dokukmentation für die alte Infrastruktur +% Tuan-Dat Tran +% [:VIM_EVAL:]strftime('%Y-%m-%d')[:END_EVAL:] + +# INSERT diff --git a/vim/.vim/templates/skeleton.tex b/vim/.vim/templates/skeleton.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0dd9c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/.vim/templates/skeleton.tex @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,ngerman,notitlepage]{article} + +% PACKAGES +\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} +\usepackage{datetime} % Correct Date Formating +\usepackage[a4paper, left=2.5cm, right=2cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry} +\usepackage{graphicx} +\usepackage{latexsym} % Blankboxes +\usepackage{listings} +\usepackage{mathtools} +\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} +\usepackage{tabularx} +\usepackage{tikz} +\usepackage{titling} % mktitleformatting + +% SHORTCUTS +\newcommand{\module}{Platzhalter} +\newcommand{\blattnr}{PlatzhalterNr} + +% INFO +\author{Tuan-Dat Tran} +\title{\module\\\blattnr} + +% FORMATTING +\setlength{\droptitle}{-3cm} +\DeclareRobustCommand{\rchi}{{\mathpalette\irchi\relax}} +\newcommand{\irchi}[2]{\raisebox{\depth}{$#1\chi$}} + +% BEGINNING +\begin{document} +\maketitle +\end{document} diff --git a/vim/.vim/templates/writeup.md b/vim/.vim/templates/writeup.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cdbe0b --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/.vim/templates/writeup.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# + +**Category:** +**Points:** + +## Challenge +> + +## Solution + +### Flag +``