#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess import time import os def find_proc(proc_name): this_proc = "pythonspotify-play.py" proc_path = '/proc' proc = next(os.walk('{}/'.format(proc_path)))[1] for process in proc: cmdline_path = '{}/{}/cmdline'.format(proc_path,process) try: with open(cmdline_path, 'r') as cmd: proc_content = cmd.readline() if (proc_name in proc_content): return True except FileNotFoundError: pass return False def spotify_running(): return find_proc('/usr/bin/spotify') def main(): state = -1 home = os.path.expanduser("~") while spotify_running(): with open(home + '/.scripts/playstate', 'r') as f: try: file_state = int(f.readline().strip('\n')) except ValueError: pass if state != file_state: state = file_state if state == 0: print("") subprocess.run(["playerctl","pause"]) elif state == 1: print("") subprocess.run(["playerctl","play"]) time.sleep(0.1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()