#!/bin/bash 1;5002;0c # A script to manage my dotfiles and copy them to my git dotfiles=$HOME/workspace/Git/TuDatTr/dotfiles # -avv for debugging purposes # -a for normal use copy(){ # rsync -avv $HOME/$1 $dotfiles/$1 rsync -a $HOME/$1 $dotfiles/$1 } # i3 gaps # Powerline fonts must be installed printf "\nCopying i3 configs...\n" copy .config/i3/ # Termite printf "\nCopying Termite configs...\n" copy .config/termite/ # Git printf "\nCopying Git configs...\n" copy .gitignore copy .gitconfig # Scripts printf "\nCopying Scripts...\n" copy .scripts/ # zsh printf "\nCopying zsh configs...\n" copy .zshrc # Emacs # printf "For Emacs (with elpy) following python modules are needed: jedi rope importmagic autopep8 yapf flake8" # printf "You must also add '~/.local/bin' to your path." printf "\nCopying emacs configs...\n" copy .emacs copy .emacs.d/snippets/ # Latex templates copy Templates/