* .dotfiles These are the personal dotfiles for my laptop. Main tools I am currently using are (may be out of date): - alacritty - emacs (Doom Emacs) - vim - nu - starship - picom - i3wm - zellij - synthing (as my home directory) #+CAPTION: Neofetch #+ATTR_HTML: :width 960px [[./resources/23-04-10_10-30-18-alacritty.png]] ** Getting started *** Font setup Since we're using a powerline font we need to install them first. #+begin_src shell git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts.git --depth=1 ./fonts/install.sh rm -rf fonts/ #+end_src *** Installing the dotfiles To deploy the .dotfiles we use the tool stow. #+begin_src shell git clone https://github.com/TuDatTr/dotfiles .dotfiles && cd .dotfiles stow emacs stow zsh stow config #+end_src ** Author - Tuan-Dat Tran - [[https://gitlab.com/TuDatTr/][TuDatTr]] ** License This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see LICENSE file for details.