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*coc-nvim.txt* LSP support for vim & neovim.
Version: 0.0.57
Author: Qiming Zhao <chemzqm at>
License: MIT license
CONTENTS *coc-contents*
Introduction |coc-introduction|
Requirement |coc-requirement|
Install |coc-install|
Configuration |coc-configuration|
Completion |coc-completion|
LanguageServer |coc-languageserver|
Interface |coc-interface|
Keymappings |coc-key-mappings|
Variables |coc-variables|
Functions |coc-functions|
Commands |coc-commands|
Autocmds |coc-autocmds|
Highlights |coc-highlights|
List |coc-list|
List command |coc-list-command|
List configuration |coc-list-configuration|
List mappings |coc-list-mappings|
List sources |coc-list-sources|
Location |coc-list-location|
Extensions |coc-list-extensions|
Diagnostics |coc-list-diagnostics|
Outline |coc-list-outline|
Symbols |coc-list-symbols|
Services |coc-list-services|
Commands |coc-list-commands|
Links |coc-list-links|
Output |coc-list-output|
Sources |coc-list-completion-sources|
Lists |coc-list-lists|
Statusline support |coc-status|
Manual |coc-status-manual|
Airline |coc-status-airline|
Lightline |coc-status-lightline|
FAQ |coc-faq|
Changelog |coc-changelog|
INTRODUCTION *coc-introduction*
Coc.nvim is created to make your (neo)vim have more intelligence like VSCode.
It can:~
- Provide APIs that work on both vim8 and neovim.
- Load VSCode like extensions.
- Configure coc.nvim and extensions by use jsonc configuration file.
- Configure language servers that implements LSP.
It's designed to work well with your other vim plugins as much as possible.
Note: unlike some of IDEs, it doesn't hijack your experience, you can turn
off any feature whenever you want.
REQUIREMENT *coc-requirement*
Note: this plugin requires neovim >= 0.3.0 or vim >= 8.0.
Node: is required to run javascript code.
If those requirements are not satisfied, the plugin will not be loaded
at all.
INSTALL *coc-install*
To use the [vim-plug](, add this: >
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
to your `init.vim` and run: >
For other plugin managers, use code from release branch.
Or use vim's buildin package feature like: >
# for vim8
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/coc/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/coc/start
curl --fail -L|tar xzfv -
# for neovim
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/coc/start
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/coc/start
curl --fail -L|tar xzfv -
CONFIGURATION *coc-configuration*
A JSONC formatted file named `coc-settings.json` is used for configuration.
Use the command |:CocConfig| to open the user configuration file, or create
`.vim/coc-settings.json` in your project root for folder-based configuration.
To enable completion and validation support of the settings file, install the
`coc-json` extension: `:CocInstall coc-json`.
Check out
for more details.
Builtin configurations:~
HTTP proxy URI, used for extensions that send request, default: `""`
default: `true`
Enable preselect feature on neovim, default: `true`
Maximum width of floating preview window., default: `80`
Maximum length of label shown in pum, default: `200`
Add preview option to `completeopt`, default: `false`
Enable floating window for documentation when possible, default: `true`
Max length of detail that should be shown in popup menu., default:
Where to add the detail in complete item when it's less than max
length., default: `"menu"`
Valid options: ["abbr","menu","preview"]
How should completion be triggered, default: `"always"`
Valid options: ["always","trigger","none"]
Priority of language sources., default: `99`
Input number to select complete item, it could be wrong when
using <up> and <down> to select complete item, default: `false`
Remove kind field from vim complete item., default: `false`
Remove menu field from vim complete item., default: `false`
The character used in abbr of complete item to indicate the item could
be expand as snippet., default: `"~"`
Maximum number of complete items shown in vim, default: `50`
Confirm completion instead of jump to next placeholder when completion
is activated., default: `false`
Make inserted word replace word characters after cursor position.,
default: `true`
Boost suggestions that appear closer to the cursor position.,
default: `true`
Trigger completion after InsertEnter, auto trigger should be 'always'
to enable this option, default: `false`
Timeout for completion, in milliseconds., default: `2000`
Minimal input length that triggers completion, default 1, default: `1`
Wait time between typing the trigger character and starting
completion, to wait for server content synchronization., default: `60`
When enabled, add function signature to `user_data.signature` to support
`echodoc.vim`, default: `false`
Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on commit characters.
For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit
character that accepts a suggestion and types that character. Requires
`CompleteChanged` event to work., default: `false`
Prevent vim from selecting the first item on completion start, default: `true`
When enabled, `completeopt` is not overridden. Autocompletion will be
disabled if `completeopt` doesn't have `noinsert` and `noselect`., default:
Max items count for source priority lower than 90.
Max items count for source priority bigger than or equal to 90.
Set custom labels to completion items' kinds., default: `{}`.
Example configuration: with >
"suggest.completionItemKindLabels": {
"keyword": "\uf1de",
"variable": "\ue79b",
"value": "\uf89f",
"operator": "\u03a8",
"function": "\u0192",
"reference": "\ufa46",
"constant": "\uf8fe",
"method": "\uf09a",
"struct": "\ufb44",
"class": "\uf0e8",
"interface": "\uf417",
"text": "\ue612",
"enum": "\uf435",
"enumMember": "\uf02b",
"module": "\uf40d",
"color": "\ue22b",
"property": "\ue624",
"field": "\uf9be",
"unit": "\uf475",
"event": "\ufacd",
"file": "\uf723",
"folder": "\uf114",
"snippet": "\ue60b",
"typeParameter": "\uf728",
"default": "\uf29c"
Set to false to disable diagnostic display, default: `true`
Used for filter diagnostics by diagnostic severity., default:
Valid options: ["hint","information","warning","error"]
When enabled, show all diagnostics of current line instead of current
position., default: `false`
Diagnostic message target., default: `"float"`
Valid options: ["echo","float"]
Join lines messages to reduce lines of floating window., default:
Enable diagnostic refresh on insert mode, default false., default:
Only refresh diagnostics after save, default false., default: `false`
Use Ale for displaying diagnostics in vim. This will disable coc for
displaying diagnostics. Restart required on change., default: `false`
Use NeoVim virtual text to display diagnostics, default: `false`
The prefix added virtual text diagnostics, default: `" "`
The number of non-empty lines from a diagnostic to display, default:
The text that will mark a line end from the diagnostic message,
default: `" \\ "`
Enable signs for diagnostics., default: `true`
When to enable echo messages of diagnostics., default: `"always"`
Valid options: ["always","jump","never"]
Create location list for error & warning, default: `true`
Offset number of buffer.addHighlight, neovim only., default: `1000`
Offset number of sign, default: `1000`
Text of error sign, default: `">>"`
Text of warning sign, default: `"⚠"`
Text of info sign, default: `">>"`
Text of hint sign, default: `">>"`
Maximum height of diagnostics floating window., default: `8`
Enable signature help when trigger character typed, require restart
service on change., default: `true`
Wait time for trigger signature, default: `50`.
Change to higher value if your language server is slow.
Target of signature help, use float when possible by default.
Valid options: ["float","echo"]
Show signature help float window above cursor when possible, require
restart service on change., default: `true`
Hide signature float window when text changed, require restart service
on change., default: `false`
Maximum height of floating signature help window., default: `8`
Enable `codeLens` feature, require neovim with set virtual text
feature., default: `false`
Separator text for `codeLens` in virtual text, default: `"‣"`
Filetypes that should be ignored for resolve workspace folder.,
default: `["markdown","log","txt","help"]`
The character used as first character in prompt line, default: `">"`
Maximum height of list window., default: `10`
Sign offset of list, should be different from other plugins.,
default: `900`
Sign text for selected lines., default: `"*"`
Enable auto-resize feature., default: `true`
Limit lines for list buffer., default: `30000`
Max height for preview window of list., default: `12`
Highlight group used for highlight the range in preview window.,
default: `"Search"`
Key used for select next line on insert mode., default: `"<C-j>"`
Key used for select previous line on insert mode., default: `"<C-k>"`
"list.extendedSearchMode": ~
Enable extended search mode which allows multiple search patterns delimited by spaces.
Custom keymappings on normal mode., default: `{}`
Custom keymappings on insert mode., default: `{}`
Use vim's quickfix list for jump locations, need restart on change.,
default: `false`
Interval for check extension update, could be daily, weekly, never,
default: `"daily"`
Valid options: ["daily","weekly","never"]
Text shown in statusline to indicate snippet session is activated.,
default: `"SNIP"`
Target to show hover information, default is floating window when
Valid options: ["preview","echo","float"]
Enable color highlight if language server support it., default:
Auto close preview window on cursor move., default: `true`
Automatically update the value of `b:coc_current_function` on
`CursorHold` event, default: `false`
Filetypes that should run format on save., default: `[]`
Enable highlight for floating window., default: `true`
Root patterns to resolve workspaceFolder from parent folders of opened
files, resolved from up to down., default:
Executable path for, detected
from $PATH by default, default: `null`
Command used for location jump, like goto definition, goto references
etc., default: `"edit"`
Valid options: ["edit","split","vsplit","tabe","drop","tab drop"]
Message level for filter echoed messages, could be 'more', 'warning'
and 'error', default: `"more"`
Valid options: ["more","warning","error"]
Improve handling of pressing enter inside brackets (`<> {} [] ()`) by
adding a new empty line below and moving the cursor to it. Works with
`coc#on_enter()`, default: `true`
Set to true to enable format on type, default: `false`
Set to false to disable snippets support., default: `true`
Filetypes that should use `ctags` for outline instead of language
server., default: `[]`
Command or full path of npm or yarn executable for install/update
extenextensions, use `npm` by default.
Dictionary of languageservers, key is used as id of languageserver.,
default: `{}`
COMPLETION *coc-completion*
Completion is triggered automatically by default, you can change completion
behavior in the configuration file.
- 'completeopt' used by coc.nvim default to `noselect,menuone`.
- Your 'completeopt' option would be changed and restored during completion,
so you can still use `menu,preview` for vim's builtin completion.
- Snippet expand and additional edit feature of LSP requires confirm
completion to work.
- Neovim 0.4.0 is required for floating window to work.
Example configuration:~
Map <tab> to trigger completion and navigate to the next item: >
function! s:check_back_space() abort
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~ '\s'
inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" :
\ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
\ coc#refresh()
Map <c-space> to trigger completion: >
inoremap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
<CR> to confirm completion, use: >
inoremap <expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<CR>"
To make <CR> auto-select the first completion item and notify coc.nvim to
format on enter, use: >
inoremap <silent><expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm()
\: "\<C-g>u\<CR>\<c-r>=coc#on_enter()\<CR>"
Map <tab> for trigger completion, completion confirm, snippet expand and jump
like VSCode. >
inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() :
\ coc#expandableOrJumpable() ? "\<C-r>=coc#rpc#request('doKeymap', ['snippets-expand-jump',''])\<CR>" :
\ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
\ coc#refresh()
function! s:check_back_space() abort
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s'
let g:coc_snippet_next = '<tab>'
Note: the `coc-snippets` extension is required for this to work.
INTERFACE *coc-interface*
Coc doesn't come with a default global keymap, you need to configure the
mappings yourself.
Keymappings *coc-key-mappings*
Note: Mappings that start with `i_` works for insert mode `n_` works for
normal mode, `v_` works for visual mode.
<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-info) *n_coc-diagnostic-info*
Show diagnostic message of current position, no
<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next) *n_coc-diagnostic-next*
Jump to next diagnostic position.
<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev) *n_coc-diagnostic-prev*
Jump to previous diagnostic position.
<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next-error) *n_coc-diagnostic-next-error*
Jump to next diagnostic error position.
<Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev-error) *n_coc-diagnostic-prev-error*
Jump to previous diagnostic error position.
<Plug>(coc-definition) *n_coc-definition*
Jump to definition(s) of current symbol.
<Plug>(coc-declaration) *n_coc-declaration*
Jump to declaration(s) of current symbol.
<Plug>(coc-implementation) *n_coc-implementation*
Jump to implementation(s) of current symbol.
<Plug>(coc-type-definition) *n_coc-type-definition*
Jump to type definition(s) of current symbol.
<Plug>(coc-references) *n_coc-references*
Jump to references of current symbol.
<Plug>(coc-format-selected) *n_coc-format-selected*
Format selected range, would work in both visual mode
and normal mode, when used in normal mode, the
selection works on the motion object.
For example: >
vmap <leader>p <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
nmap <leader>p <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
makes `<leader>p` format the visually selected range, and you can use
`<leader>pap` to format a paragraph.
<Plug>(coc-format) *n_coc-format*
Format the whole buffer, normally you would like to
use a command like: >
command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format')
to format the current buffer.
<Plug>(coc-rename) *n_coc-rename*
Rename symbol under cursor to a new word.
<Plug>(coc-codeaction) *n_coc-codeaction*
Get and run code action(s) for current line.
<Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected) *n_coc-codeaction-selected*
Get and run code action(s) with the selected region.
Works with both normal and visual mode.
<Plug>(coc-openlink) *n_coc-openlink*
Open link under cursor.
<Plug>(coc-codelens-action) *n_coc-codelens-action*
Do command from codeLens of current line.
<Plug>(coc-fix-current) *n_coc-fix-current*
Try to run quickfix action for diagnostics on the
current line.
<Plug>(coc-float-hide) *n_coc-float-hide*
Hide all float windows.
<Plug>(coc-float-jump) *n_coc-float-jump*
Jump to first float window.
<Plug>(coc-refactor) *n_coc-refactor*
Open refactor window for refactor of current symbol.
<Plug>(coc-range-select) *n_coc-range-select*
<Plug>(coc-range-select) *v_coc-range-select*
Select next selection range.
Note: requires selection ranges feature of language
server, like: coc-tsserver, coc-python
<Plug>(coc-range-select-backward) *v_coc-range-select-backward*
Select previous selection range.
Note: requires selection ranges feature of language
server, like: coc-tsserver, coc-python
<Plug>(coc-funcobj-i) *n_coc-funcobj-i* *v_coc-funcobj-i*
Select inside function, mapped to `if` by default.
<Plug>(coc-funcobj-a) *n_coc-funcobj-a* *v_coc-funcobj-a*
Select current function, mapped to `af` by default.
VARIABLES *coc-variables*
b:coc_enabled *b:coc_enabled*
Set to `0` on buffer create if you don't want
coc.nvim send buffer events for this buffer, including
buffer create, change and unload.
b:coc_root_patterns *b:coc_root_patterns*
Root patterns used for resolving workspaceFolder for
the current file, will be used instead of
`"coc.preferences.rootPatterns"` setting. E.g.: >
autocmd FileType python let b:coc_root_patterns =
\ ['.git', '.env']
b:coc_suggest_disable *b:coc_suggest_disable*
Disable completion support of current buffer. E.g.: >
" Disable completion for python
autocmd FileType python let b:coc_suggest_disable = 1
b:coc_suggest_blacklist *b:coc_suggest_blacklist*
Words for which completion should be disabled. E.g.: >
" Disable completion for 'end' in lua files
autocmd FileType lua let b:coc_suggest_blacklist = ["end"]
b:coc_additional_keywords *b:coc_additional_keywords*
Addition keyword characters for generate keywords. E.g.: >
" Add keyword characters for css
autocmd FileType css let b:coc_additional_keywords = ["-"]
b:coc_current_function *b:coc_current_function*
Function string that current cursor in.
Set `"coc.preferences.currentFunctionSymbolAutoUpdate": true`
in coc-settings.json to update it on CursorHold.
g:coc_last_hover_message *g:coc_last_hover_message*
Last message echoed from `doHover`, can be used in
Note: not used when floating or preview window used
for `doHover`.
g:coc_start_at_startup *g:coc_start_at_startup*
Start coc service on startup, use |CocStart| to start
server when you set it to 0.
Default: 1
g:coc_user_config *g:coc_user_config*
User configuration object, define this variable when
you can't use |coc#config()|
g:coc_extension_root *g:coc_extension_root*
Location that coc extensions would be installed to,
empty to use default location:
g:coc_global_extensions *g:coc_global_extensions*
Global extension names to install when they aren't
installed, define this variable to a list of extension
names when you can't use |coc#add_extension()|
g:coc_cygqwin_path_prefixes *g:coc_cygqwin_path_prefixes*
When running under cygwin, the node process will work
with win32 paths, while your vim process will work
with POSIX paths. You can use this map to map between
paths. For example, your root folder might be
`c:/Users/myUser/workspace` mapped in cygwin as
`/home/myUser/workspace`. In this situation, your node
process might send the `c:/Users/myUser/workspace`
path to your vim process. To solve this, you need to
define this map:
`let g:coc_cygqwin_path_prefixes = `
` \{'c:/Users/myUser': '/home/myUser'}`
g:coc_enable_locationlist *g:coc_enable_locationlist*
Open location list when location list changes.
Default: 1
g:coc_snippet_next *g:coc_snippet_next*
Trigger key for going to the next snippet position,
applied in insert and select mode.
Only works when snippet session is activated.
Default: <C-j>
g:coc_snippet_prev *g:coc_snippet_prev*
Trigger key for going to the previous snippet
position, applied in insert and select mode.
Only works when snippet session is activated.
Default: <C-k>
g:coc_filetype_map *g:coc_filetype_map*
Map for document filetypes so the server could handle
current document as another filetype, ex: >
let g:coc_filetype_map = {
\ 'html.swig': 'html',
\ 'wxss': 'css',
\ }
Default: {}
Note: coc will always map filetype `javascript.jsx` to
`javascriptreact` and `typescript.tsx` to
g:coc_selectmode_mapping *g:coc_selectmode_mapping*
Add key mappings for making snippet select mode
easier. >
snoremap <silent> <BS> <c-g>c
snoremap <silent> <DEL> <c-g>c
snoremap <silent> <c-h> <c-g>c
snoremap <c-r> <c-g>"_c<c-r>
Default: 1
g:coc_node_path *g:coc_node_path*
Path to node executable to start coc service. ex: >
let g:coc_node_path = '/usr/local/opt/node@10/bin/node'
Use this when coc has problems with your system node,
Note: you have to use `$HOME` as home directory.
g:coc_force_debug *g:coc_force_debug*
Coc would use the precompiled bundle when the bundle
file exists, set this to 1 to use compiled code instead
of bundle.
Default: 0
g:coc_node_args *g:coc_node_args*
Arguments passed to node when starting coc
service from source code.
Useful for starting coc in debug mode, ex: >
let g:coc_node_args = ['--nolazy', '--inspect-brk=6045']
Default: []
g:coc_jump_locations *g:coc_jump_locations*
This variable would be set to jump locations when the
|CocLocationsChange| autocmd is fired.
Each location item contains:
'filename': full file path.
'lnum': line number (1 based).
'col': column number(1 based).
'text': line content of location.
g:coc_process_pid *g:coc_process_pid*
Process pid of coc service.
g:coc_status_error_sign *g:coc_status_error_sign*
Error character used for statusline, default: `E`
g:coc_status_warning_sign *g:coc_status_warning_sign*
Warning character used for statusline, default: `W`
g:coc_watch_extensions *g:coc_watch_extensions*
Extensions to watch for reload, used for developing
extensions only, need watchman installed.
g:coc_quickfix_open_command *g:coc_quickfix_open_command*
Open command used for open quickfix.
Used by quickfix action of list sources.
Default: |copen|
g:WorkspaceFolders *g:WorkspaceFolders*
Current workspace folders, used for restoring from a
session file, add `set sessionoptions+=globals` to
vimrc for restoring globals.
g:node_client_debug *g:node_client_debug*
Enable debug mode of node client on vim8, use command: >
:call coc#client#open_log()
to open the log file.
g:coc_cursors_activated *g:coc_cursors_activated*
Use expression `get(g:, 'coc_cursors_activated',0)` to
check if cursors session is activated.
g:coc_config_home *g:coc_config_home*
Configure the directory which will be used to look
for coc-settings.json and install extensions.
Some variables are provided by coc.nvim so you can use them in your
statusline. See |coc-status| for detail.
b:coc_diagnostic_info *b:coc_diagnostic_info*
Diagnostic information of current buffer, the format
would look like:
`{'error': 0, 'warning': 0, 'information': 0, 'hint':0}`
can be used to customize statusline. See |coc-status|.
g:coc_status *g:coc_status*
Status string contributed by extensions, used for
status line.
FUNCTIONS *coc-functions*
Coc functions are normally used by user defined command/keymap or other
Note: some functions only work after the coc service has been initialized.
To run a function on startup, use an autocmd like: >
autocmd User CocNvimInit call CocAction('runCommand',
\ 'tsserver.watchBuild')
coc#config({section}, {value})
Change user configuration by vim script, no changes would be made to
user configuration file. ex: >
call coc#config('coc.preferences', {
\ 'timeout': 1000,
call coc#config('languageserver', {
\ 'ccls': {
\ "command": "ccls",
\ "trace.server": "verbose",
\ "filetypes": ["c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp"]
\ }
Note: this function can be called multiple times.
Note: this function can be called before the service has been
Note: this function can work alongside the user configuration file,
but it's not recommended to use both.
coc#add_extension({name}, ...) *coc#add_extension()*
Config extensions to install, a terminal buffer would be opened to
install missing extensions after service started, ex: >
call coc#add_extension('coc-json', 'coc-tsserver', 'coc-rls')
This function can be called before service initialized.
This function can be called multiple times.
coc#add_command({id}, {command}, [{title}]) *coc#add_command()*
Add custom vim command to commands list opened by
`:CocList commands` .
Example: >
call coc#add_command('mundoToggle', 'MundoToggle',
\ 'toggle mundo window')
Start or refresh completion at current cursor position, bind this to
'imap' to trigger completion, ex: >
inoremap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
Check if a snippet is expandable at the current position.
Requires `coc-snippets` extension installed.
Check if a snippet is jumpable at the current position.
Check if a snippet is expandable or jumpable at the current position.
Requires `coc-snippets` extension installed.
Notify coc.nvim that `<enter>` has been pressed.
Currently used for the formatOnType feature, ex: >
inoremap <silent><expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm()
\: "\<C-g>u\<CR>\<c-r>=coc#on_enter()\<CR>"
Noteto enable formatOnType, add ` "coc.preferences.formatOnType": true`
in your settings file.
Return a status string that can be used in the status line, the status
includes diagnostic information from `b:coc_diagnostic_info` and
extension contributed statuses from `g:coc_status`. For statusline
integration, see |coc-status|
Select first completion item if no completion item is selected, then
confirm the completion.
Note: for this function to work as expected, either |CompleteChanged|
autocmd should exists or only <C-n> and <C-p> should be used to select
a completion item.
Neovim only, run health check, triggered by ':checkhealth'
Get the job command used for starting the coc service.
Get the config directory that contains the user's coc-settings.json.
Install compiled javascript code of coc.nvim.
{config} could contains:
- `terminal` use terminal when specified.
- `tag` use latest tag when specified.
Return extensions root of coc.nvim.
Rebuild coc extensions.
Check if coc float window exists.
Check if coc float window is scrollable.
Return expr for scrolling a floating window forward or backward. ex: >
nnoremap <expr><C-f> coc#util#has_float() ? coc#util#float_scroll(1) : "\<C-f>"
nnoremap <expr><C-b> coc#util#has_float() ? coc#util#float_scroll(0) : "\<C-b>"
CocRequest({id}, {method}, [{params}])
Send a request to language client of {id} with {method} and optional
{params}. eg: >
call CocRequest('tslint', 'textDocument/tslint/allFixes',
\ {'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///tmp'}})
vim error will be raised if the response contains an error.
CocRequestAsync({id}, {method}, [{params}, [{callback}]])
Async request for remote language client. {callback} is called with
error and response.
CocRegistNotification({id}, {method}, {callback})
Regist notification callback for specified client {id} and {method},
example: >
autocmd User CocNvimInit call CocRegistNotification('ccls',
\ '$ccls/publishSemanticHighlight', function('s:Handler'))
{callback} is called with single param as notification result.
Note: when register notification with same {id} and {method}, only the
later registered would work.
CocLocations({id}, {method}, [{params}, {openCommand}])
Send location request to language client of {id} with
{method} and optional {params}. eg: >
call CocLocations('ccls', '$ccls/call', {'callee': v:true})
call CocLocations('ccls', '$ccls/call', {}, 'vsplit')
{openCommand}: optional command to open buffer, default to
`coc.preferences.jumpCommand` , |:edit| by default. When it's
`v:false` locations list would always used.
CocLocationsAsync({id}, {method}, [{params}, {openCommand}])
Same as |CocLocations()|, but send notification to server instead
of request.
CocAction({action}, [...{args}])
Run {action} of coc with optional extra {args}.
CocActionAsync({action}, [...{args}, [{callback}]])
Call CocAction without blocking vim UI, the callback is called with
`error` as the first argument and `response` as the second argument.
Check if provider exists for specified feature. Supported features:
`rename` `onTypeEdit` `documentLink` `documentColor` `foldingRange`
`format` `codeAction` `workspaceSymbols` `formatRange` `hover`
`signature` `documentSymbol` `documentHighlight` `definition`
`declaration` `typeDefinition` `reference` `implementation` `codeLens`
Available Actions ~
"sourceStat" *coc-action-sourceStat*
get the list of completion source stats for the current buffer.
"refreshSource" [{source}] *coc-action-refreshSource*
refresh all sources or a source with a name of {source}.
"toggleSource" {source} *coc-action-toggleSource*
enable/disable {source}.
"diagnosticList" *coc-action-diagnosticList*
Get all diagnostic items of the current neovim session.
"diagnosticInfo" *coc-action-diagnosticInfo*
Show diagnostic message at the current position, do not truncate.
"jumpDefinition" [{openCommand}] *coc-action-jumpDefinition*
jump to definition position of the current symbol.
Return `v:false` when location not found.
|coc-list| is used when more than one position is available.
{openCommand}: optional command to open buffer, default to
`coc.preferences.jumpCommand` in `coc-settings.json`
"jumpDeclaration" [{openCommand}] *coc-action-jumpDeclaration*
jump to declaration position of the current symbol.
Return `v:false` when location not found.
same behavior as "jumpDefinition".
When {openCommand} is `v:false`, location list would be always used.
"jumpImplementation" [{openCommand}] *coc-action-jumpImplementation*
Jump to implementation position of the current symbol.
Return `v:false` when location not found.
same behavior as "jumpDefinition"
"jumpTypeDefinition" [{openCommand}] *coc-action-jumpTypeDefinition*
Jump to type definition position of the current symbol.
Return `v:false` when location not found.
same behavior as "jumpDefinition"
"jumpReferences" [{openCommand}] *coc-action-jumpReferences*
Jump to references position of the current symbol.
Return `v:false` when location not found.
same behavior as "jumpDefinition"
"doHover" *coc-action-doHover*
Show documentation of the current word in a preview window.
Return `v:false` when hover not found.
Use `coc.preferences.hoverTarget` to change hover behavior.
Note: the behavior would change in neovim, where floating windows are
"showSignatureHelp" *coc-action-showSignatureHelp*
Echo signature help of current function, return `v:false` when
signature not found. You may want to set up an autocmd like this: >
autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call
\ CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')
"getCurrentFunctionSymbol" *coc-action-getCurrentFunctionSymbol*
Return the function string that current cursor in.
"documentSymbols" *coc-action-documentSymbols*
Get a list of symbols in the current document.
"rename" *coc-action-rename*
Rename the symbol under the cursor position, user will be prompted for
a new name.
"workspaceSymbols" *coc-action-workspaceSymbols*
Search for workspace symbols.
"selectionRanges" *coc-action-selectionRanges*
Get selection ranges of current position from language server.
"services" *coc-action-services*
Get an information list for all services.
"toggleService" {serviceId} *coc-action-toggleService*
Start or stop a service.
"format" *coc-action-format*
Format current buffer using the language server.
Return `v:false` when format failed.
"formatSelected" [{mode}] *coc-action-formatSelected*
Format the selected range, {mode} should be one of visual mode: `v` ,
`V`, `char`, `line`.
When {mode} is omitted, it should be called using |formatexpr|.
"codeAction" [{mode}] [{only}] *coc-action-codeAction*
Prompt for a code action and do it.
{mode} should be result of visualmode(), when used in visualmode,
could be empty string or v:null for none visualmode.
{only} can be title of a codeAction or list of CodeActionKind.
"codeLensAction" *coc-action-codeLensAction*
Invoke the command for codeLens of current line (or the line that
contains codeLens just above). Prompt would be shown when multiple
actions are available.
"commands" *coc-action-commands*
Get a list of available service commands for the current buffer.
"runCommand" [{name}] [...{args}] *coc-action-runCommand*
Run a global command provided by the language server. If {name} is not
provided, a prompt with a list of commands is shown to be selected.
{args} are passed as arguments of command.
You can bind your custom command like so: >
command! -nargs=0 OrganizeImport
\ :call CocActionAsync('runCommand', 'tsserver.organizeImports')
"fold" {{kind}} *coc-action-fold*
Fold the current buffer, optionally use {kind} for filtering folds,
{kind} could be either 'comment', 'imports' or 'region'
Return `v:false` when failed.
"highlight" *coc-action-highlight*
Highlight the symbols under the cursor.
Overwrite the highlight groups `CocHighlightText`, `CocHighlightRead`
and `CocHighlightWrite` for customizing the colors.
To enable highlight on CursorHold, create an autocmd like this: >
autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')
"openLink" [{command}] *coc-action-openlink*
Open a link under the cursor with {command}.
{command} default to `edit`.
File and URL links are supported, return `v:false` when failed.
Note: it needs language server support documentLink feature to work.
"extensionStats" *coc-action-extensionStats*
Get all extension states as a list. Including `id`, `root` and
State could be `disabled`, `activated` and `loaded`.
"toggleExtension" {id} *coc-action-toggleExtension*
Enable/disable an extension.
"uninstallExtension" {id} *coc-action-uninstallExtension*
Uninstall an extension.
"reloadExtension" {id} *coc-action-reloadExtension*
Reload an activated extension.
"deactivateExtension" {id} *coc-action-deactivateExtension*
Deactivate an extension of {id}.
"pickColor" *coc-action-pickColor*
Change the color at the current cursor position.
Requires language server support for the document color request.
Note: only works on mac or when you have python support on vim and
have the gtk module installed.
"colorPresentation" *coc-action-colorPresentation*
Change the color presentation at the current color position.
Requires a language server that supports color representation
"codeActions" [{visualmode}] [{only}] *coc-action-codeActions*
Get codeActions of current range.
{visualmode} can be result of |visualmode()| for visual selected
range, When it's empty string or not exists use current line.
{only} can be used to limit codeActionKind, possible values:
'refactor', 'quickfix' and 'source'.
"quickfixes" [{visualmode}] *coc-action-quickfixes*
Get quickfix codeActions of current buffer.
Add {visualmode} as second argument get quickfix actions with range of
latest |visualmode()|
"doCodeAction" {codeAction} *coc-action-doCodeAction*
Do a codeAction.
"doQuickfix" *coc-action-doQuickfix*
Do the first quickfix action for the current line.
Return `v:false` when no quickfix action found.
"addRanges" {ranges} *coc-action-addRanges*
Ranges must be provided as array of range type:
"getWordEdit" *coc-action-getWordEdit*
Get workspaceEdit of current word, language server used when possible,
extract word from current buffer as fallback.
COMMANDS *coc-commands*
:CocStart *:CocStart*
Start the coc server, do nothing if it's already started.
:CocRestart *:CocRestart*
Restart coc service.
Use this command when you want coc to start all over again.
:CocDisable *:CocDisable*
Disable all events of coc.
:CocEnable *:CocEnable*
Enable events of coc.
:CocConfig *:CocConfig*
Edit the user config file `coc-settings.json`
:CocLocalConfig *:CocLocalConfig*
Edit or create `.vim/coc-settings.json` of the current working
:CocInstall [{option}] {name} ... *:CocInstall*
Install one or more coc extensions.
{option}: could be `-sync` for use blocked process to download
instead of terminal.
Examples: >
" Install latest coc-omni
:CocInstall coc-omni
" Install coc-omni 1.0.0
:CocInstall coc-omni@1.0.0
" Install snippet extension from github
:CocUninstall {name} *:CocUninstall*
Uninstall an extension, use <tab> to complete the extension
:CocUpdate *:CocUpdate*
Update all coc extensions to the latest version.
:CocUpdateSync *:CocUpdateSync*
Block version of update coc extensions.
:CocRebuild *:CocRebuild*
Run `npm rebuild` for coc extensions.
May be required when environment nodejs get upgraded.
:CocCommand {name} [{args}] ... *:CocCommand*
Run a command contributed by extensions, use `<tab>` for name
:{range}CocAction [{only}] *:CocAction*
Get codeActions of current document in actions list,
with optional {range}.
{only} can be 'quickfix' or 'source' as CodeActionKind.
:{range}CocFix *:CocFix*
Same as `:CocAction quickfix` for quickfix actions.
:CocOpenLog *:CocOpenLog*
Open the log file of coc.nvim. To change the log level
(default `info`), use the environment variable
export NVIM_COC_LOG_LEVEL=debug
or add: >
let $NVIM_COC_LOG_LEVEL='debug'
to the beggining of your `.vimrc` (before the plugin is
:CocInfo *:CocInfo*
Show version and log information in a split window, useful for
submitting a bug report.
AUTOCMD *coc-autocmds*
:autocmd User CocLocationsChange {command}
For building a custom view of locations, set
|g:coc_enable_locationlist| to 0 and use this autocmd with
with |g:coc_jump_locations|
For example, to disable auto preview of location list, use:
let g:coc_enable_locationlist = 0
autocmd User CocLocationsChange CocList --normal -A location
:autocmd User CocNvimInit {command}
Triggered after the coc services have started.
If you want to trigger an action of coc after vim has started,
this autocmd should be used because coc is always started
:autocmd User CocStatusChange {command}
Triggered after `g:coc_status` changed, can be used for
refresh stautsline.
:autocmd User CocDiagnosticChange {command}
Triggered after the diagnostic status has changed.
Could be used for updating the statusline.
:autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder {command}
Triggered after a jump to a placeholder. Can be used for
showing signature help like so: >
autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')
:autocmd User CocOpenFloat {command}
Triggered when a floating window is opened.
:autocmd User CocTerminalOpen {command}
Triggered when the terminal is shown, can be used for adjusting the
window height.
HIGHLIGHTS *coc-highlights*
To customize a highlight, simply use |:highlight| command of vim in your
vimrc, like: >
" make error texts have a red color
highlight CocErrorHighlight ctermfg=Red guifg=#ff0000
Note: don't use `:hi default` for overwriting the highlights.
Note: highlight commands should appear after the |:colorscheme| command or use
|ColorScheme| autocmd to make sure customized highlight works after color
scheme change.
CocErrorSign *CocErrorSign*
Default: `hi CocErrorSign ctermfg=Red guifg=#ff0000`
The highlight used for error signs.
CocWarningSign *CocWarningSign*
Default: `hi CocWarningSign ctermfg=Brown guifg=#ff922b`
The highlight used for warning signs.
CocInfoSign *CocInfoSign*
Default: `hi CocInfoSign ctermfg=Yellow guifg=#fab005`
The highlight used for information signs.
CocHintSign *CocHintSign*
Default: `hi CocHintSign ctermfg=Blue guifg=#15aabf`
The highlight used for hint signs.
CocErrorVirtualText *CocErrorVirtualText*
Default: `hi default link CocErrorVirtualText CocErrorSign`
The highlight used for error signs.
CocWarningVirtualText *CocWarningVirtualText*
Default: `hi default link CocWarningVirtualText CocWarningSign`
The highlight used for warning signs.
CocInfoVirtualText *CocInfoVirtualText*
Default: `hi default link CocInfoVirtualText CocInfoSign`
The highlight used for information signs.
CocHintVirtualText *CocHintVirtualText*
Default: `hi default link CocHintVirtualText CocHintSign`
The highlight used for hint signs.
CocErrorHighlight *CocErrorHighlight*
Default: `hi default link CocErrorHighlight CocUnderline`
The highlight used for error text.
CocWarningHighlight *CocWarningHighlight*
Default: `hi default link CocWarningHighlight CocUnderline`
The highlight used for warning text.
CocInfoHighlight *CocInfoHighlight*
Default: `hi default link CocInfoHighlight CocUnderline`
The highlight used for information text.
CocHintHighlight *CocHintHighlight*
Default: `hi default link CocHintHighlight CocUnderline`
The highlight used for hint text.
CocHighlightText *CocHighlightText*
Default `hi default link CursorColumn`
The highlight used for document highlight feature. Normally used for
highlighting same symbols in the buffer at the current cursor position.
CocHighlightRead *CocHighlightRead*
Default `hi default link CocHighlightRead CocHighlightText`
Highlight for `Read` kind of document symbol.
CocHighlightWrite *CocHighlightWrite*
Default `hi default link CocHighlightWrite CocHighlightText`
Highlight for `Write` kind of document symbol.
CocErrorLine *CocErrorLine*
Default `undefined`
Line highlight of sign for a line that contains error diagnostic.
CocWarningLine *CocWarningLine*
Default `undefined`
Line highlight of sign for a line that contains warning diagnostic.
CocInfoLine *CocInfoLine*
Default `undefined`
Line highlight of sign for a line that contains info diagnostic.
CocHintLine *CocHintLine*
Default `undefined`
Highlight for a line with diagnostic hint.
CocCodeLens *CocCodeLens*
Default: `ctermfg=Gray guifg=#999999`
Highlight group of virtual text for codeLens.
CocFloating *CocFloating*
Default: `Pmenu`
Highlight group of a floating window.
CocErrorFloat *CocErrorFloat*
Default: `hi default link CocErrorFloat CocErrorSign`
The highlight used for a floating window with errors.
CocWarningFloat *CocWarningFloat*
Default: `hi default link CocWarningFloat CocWarningSign`
The highlight used for a floating window with warnings.
CocInfoFloat *CocInfoFloat*
Default: `hi default link CocInfoFloat CocInfoSign`
The highlight used for a floating window with information.
CocHintFloat *CocHintFloat*
Default: `hi default link CocHintFloat CocHintSign`
The highlight used for a floating window with hints.
CocCursorRange *CocCursorRange*
Default: `hi default link CocCursorRange Search`
The highlight used for cursor ranges.
CocHoverRange *CocHoverRange*
Default: `hi default link CocHoverRange Search`
The highlight used for current hover range.
LIST SUPPORT *coc-list*
Built-in list support to make working with lists of items easier.
The following features are supported:
* Insert & normal mode.
* Default key-mappings for insert & normal mode.
* Customize key-mappings for insert & normal mode.
* Commands for reopening & doing actions with a previous list.
* Different match modes.
* Interactive mode.
* Auto preview on cursor move.
* Number select support.
* Built-in actions for locations.
* Parse ANSI code.
* Mouse support.
* Select actions using <tab>.
* Multiple selections using <space> in normal mode.
* Select lines by visual selection.
LIST COMMAND *coc-list-command*
:CocList [{...options}] [{source}] [{...args}] *CocList*
Open coc list of {source}, Ex: >
:CocList --normal location
For current jump locations.
See |coc-list-options| for available list options,
{args} are sent to source during the fetching of list.
Press `?` on normal mode to get supported {args} of current
When {source} is empty, lists source is used.
:CocListResume *CocListResume*
Reopen last opened list, input and cursor position will be
:CocPrev *CocPrev*
Invoke default action for the previous item in the last list.
Doesn't open the list window if it's closed.
:CocNext *CocNext*
Invoke the default action for the next item in the last list.
Doesn't open the list window if it's closed.
Command options *coc-list-options*
Show list as top window.
Open list in new tabpage.
Start list in normal mode, recommended for short list.
Disable sort made by fuzzy score or most recently used, use it when
it's already sorted.
Specify the input on session start.
Use strict matching instead of fuzzy matching.
Use regex matching instead of fuzzy matching.
Ignore case when using strict matching or regex matching.
Type a line number to select an item and invoke the default action on
insert mode. Type `0` to select the 10th line.
Use interactive mode, list items would be reloaded on input
change, filter and sort would be done by list implementation.
Note: it won't work if the list doesn't support interactive mode.
Note: filtering and sorting would be done by a remote service.
Start a preview for the current item on the visible list.
LIST CONFIGURATION *coc-list-configuration*
Use `coc-settings.json` for configuration of lists.
The general configuration of list starts with `list.` checkout
|coc-configuration| or type `list.` in your settings file to get the list.
For configuration of a specified list, use section that starts with:
`list.source.{name}`, where `{name}` is the name of list.
Configure default options:~
Use `list.source.{name}.defaultOptions` setting like: >
// make symbols list use normal mode and interactive by default
"list.source.symbols.defaultOptions": ["--interactive", "--number-select"],
Note: some list like symbols only work in interactive mode, you must
include `--interactive` to `defaultOptions`.
Note: default options will not be used when there're options or arguments
passed with |:CocList| command.
Config default arguments:~
Use `list.source.{name}.defaultArgs` setting like: >
// use regex match for grep source
"list.source.grep.defaultArgs": ["-regex"],
Note: default arguments used only when arguments from |:CocList| command is
Type `?` on normal mode to get supported arguments.
LIST MAPPINGS *coc-list-mappings*
Default mappings in insert mode:
<Esc> - cancel list session.
<C-c> - stop loading task.
<C-l> - reload list.
<C-o> - change to normal mode.
<Down> - select next line.
<Up> - select previous line.
<Left> - move cursor left.
<Right> - move cursor right.
<End> - move cursor to end of prompt.
<C-e> - same as <End>.
<Home> - move cursor to start of prompt.
<C-a> - same as <Home>.
<C-f> - scroll window forward.
<C-b> - scroll window backward.
<Backspace> - remove previous character of cursor.
<C-h> - remove previous character of cursor.
<C-w> - remove previous word of cursor.
<C-u> - remove characters before cursor.
<C-n> - navigate to next input in history.
<C-p> - navigate to previous input in history.
<C-s> - switch matcher for filter items.
<C-r> - insert content from vim register.
<Tab> - select action.
Default mappings in normal mode:
<Esc> - cancel list session.
<C-c> - stop source from fetching more items.
<C-l> - reload list.
<C-a> - mark all visible items selected.
<Tab> - select action.
<Space> - toggle select of current item.
i,I,o,O,a,A - change to insert mode.
p - preview action.
: - cancel list session without closing window.
? - show help of current list.
t - do 'tabe' action.
d - do 'drop' action.
s - do 'split' action.
Use |coc-list-mappings-custom| to override default mappings.
Configurations `"list.normalMappings"` and `"list.insertMappings"` are used
for customizing the list key-mappings, ex: >
"list.insertMappings": {
"<C-r>": "do:refresh",
"<C-f>": "feedkeys:\\<C-f>",
"<C-b>": "feedkeys:\\<C-b>",
"<C-n>": "normal:j",
"<C-p>": "normal:k",
"<C-t>": "action:tabe",
"<C-x>": "call:MyFunc",
// paste yanked text to prompt
"<C-v>": "eval:@@"
"list.normalMappings": {
"c": "expr:MyExprFunc"
"d": "action:delete"
Note: you should only use mappings that start with `<C-` or `<A-` for insert
Note: <Esc> can't be remapped for other actions.
The mapping expression should be `command:arguments`, available commands:
'do' - special actions provided by coc list, including:
'refresh' - reload list.
'selectall' - mark all visible items selected.
'switch' - switch matcher used for filter items.
'exit' - exit list session.
'stop' - stop loading task.
'cancel' - cancel list session but leave list window open.
'toggle' - toggle selection of current item.
'previous' - move cursor to previous item.
'next' - move cursor to next item.
'defaultaction' - execute default action.
'help' - show help.
'prompt' - do prompt action, including:
'previous' - change to previous input in history.
'next' - change to next input in history.
'start' - move cursor to start.
'end' - move cursor to end.
'left' - move cursor left.
'right' - move cursor right.
'deleteforward' - remove previous character.
'deletebackward' - remove next character.
'removetail' - remove characters afterwards.
'removeahead' - remove character ahead.
'insertregister' - insert content from vim register.
'paste' - append text from system clipboard to prompt.
'eval' - append text to prompt from result of viml expression.
'action' - execute action of list, use <tab> to find available actions.
'feedkeys' - feedkeys to list window, use `\\` in JSON to escape special characters.
'normal' - execute normal command in list window.
'normal!' - execute normal command without remap.
'command' - execute command.
'call' - call vim function with |coc-list-context| as only argument.
'expr' - same as 'call' but expect the function return action name.
Context argument contains the following properties:
'name' - name of the list, ex: `'location'`.
'args' - arguments of the list.
'input' - current input of prompt.
'winid' - window id on list activated.
'bufnr' - buffer number on list activated.
'targets' - list of selected targets, checkout |coc-list-target| for properties.
Target contains the following properties:
'label' - mandatory property that is shown in the buffer.
'filtertext' - optional filter text used for filtering items.
'location' - optional location of item, check out
'data' - optional additional properties.
LIST SOURCES *coc-list-sources*
location *coc-list-location*
Last jump locations.
- 'preview' : preview location in preview window.
- 'open': open location by use
`"coc.preferences.jumpCommand"`, default action
- 'tabe': Use |:tabe| to open location.
- 'drop': Use |:drop| to open location.
- 'vsplit': Use |:vsplit| to open location.
- 'split': Use |:split| to open location.
- 'quickfix': Add selected items to vim's quickfix.
extensions *coc-list-extensions*
Manage coc extensions.
- 'toggle' activate/deactivate extension, default action.
- 'disable' disable extension.
- 'enable' enable extension.
- 'lock' lock/unlock extension to current version.
- 'doc' view extension's README doc.
- 'reload' reload extension.
- 'uninstall' uninstall extension.
diagnostics *coc-list-diagnostics*
All diagnostics for the workspace.
- Same as |coc-list-location|
outline *coc-list-outline*
Symbols in the current document.
- Same as |coc-list-location|
symbols *coc-list-symbols*
Search workspace symbols.
- Same as |coc-list-location|
services *coc-list-services*
Manage registered services.
- 'toggle': toggle service state, default action.
commands *coc-list-commands*
Workspace commands.
- 'run': run selected command, default action.
links *coc-list-links*
Links in the current document.
- 'open': open the link, default action.
- 'jump': jump to link definition.
output *coc-list-output*
Current output channels
- 'open': open output channel in split window, default action.
sources *coc-list-completion-sources*
Available completion sources.
- 'toggle': activate/deactivate source, default action.
- 'refresh': refresh source.
- 'open': open the file where source defined.
lists *coc-list-lists*
Get available lists.
- 'open': open selected list, default action.
actions *coc-list-actions*
Get available code actions.
- 'do': execute selected action.
Diagnostics info and other status info contributed by extensions could be
shown in statusline.
The easiest way is add `%{coc#status()}` to your 'statusline' option. Ex: >
set statusline^=%{coc#status()}
Create function:
function! StatusDiagnostic() abort
let info = get(b:, 'coc_diagnostic_info', {})
if empty(info) | return '' | endif
let msgs = []
if get(info, 'error', 0)
call add(msgs, 'E' . info['error'])
if get(info, 'warning', 0)
call add(msgs, 'W' . info['warning'])
return join(msgs, ' ') . ' ' . get(g:, 'coc_status', '')
Add `%{StatusDiagnostic()}` to your 'statusline' option.
With vim-airline:
Error and warning display should work in vim-airline out of box.
Disable vim-airline integration:
let g:airline#extensions#coc#enabled = 0
Change error symbol:
let airline#extensions#coc#error_symbol = 'Error:'
Change warning symbol:
let airline#extensions#coc#warning_symbol = 'Warning:'
Change error format:
let airline#extensions#coc#stl_format_err = '%E{[%e(#%fe)]}'
Change warning format:
let airline#extensions#coc#stl_format_warn = '%W{[%w(#%fw)]}'
With lightline.vim:
Use configuration like: >
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'wombat',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'cocstatus', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'cocstatus': 'coc#status'
\ },
\ }
" Use auocmd to force lightline update.
autocmd User CocStatusChange,CocDiagnosticChange call lightline#update()
CUSTOM SOURCE *coc-custom-source*
Creating a custom source in VimL is supported.
Check out
FAQ *coc-faq*
Q: I need documentation for completion items.
A: Preview window of vim is disabled by default. You can enable it by
adding `"suggest.enablePreview":true` to your settings file.
However, it doesn't work when the server only sends documentation on
complete item change, you will need floating window support then,
check out:
Q: I want to use ale for diagnostics.
A: Yes, you can make coc send diagnostics to ale, just add >
"coc.preferences.diagnostic.displayByAle": true,
to your coc-settings.json
Q: I want codeLens feature of LSP.
A: CodeLens support uses the virtual text feature of neovim, its's not
enabled by default. To enable it, add: >
"codeLens.enable": true,
to your coc-settings.json
Q: I want to highlight codes in markdown documentation.
A: Use a markdown plugin which could provide fancy code highlighting,
like, and use settings like:
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['css', 'js=javascript']
in your .vimrc.
CHANGELOG *coc-changelog*
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