
209 lines
7.5 KiB

# you can edit this file to change keybindings lines that start with '#' are comments
# the syntax is pretty simple. Some examples:
#command k (command is executed when k is pressed)
#command <C-k> (command is executed when k is pressed while holding control)
#command <S-k> (command is executed when k is pressed while holding shift)
#command <A-k> (command is executed when k is pressed while holding alt)
#command <S-+> (command is executed when = is pressed while holding shift.
# Note that <S-=> would not work because of a bug in the command system so
# when prefixing non-ascii keys with shift, you have to specify the shift
# modified key in addition to the shift modifier)
#command <C-S-k> (command is executed when k is pressed while holding control and shift)
#command gg (command is executed when g is pressed twice)
#command gt (command is executed when g is pressed and then t is pressed)
#command g<C-n><S-d>t (command is executed when g is pressed and then n is pressed while holding\
# control and then d is pressed while holding shift and then t is pressed)
# ---------- NAVIGATION AND ZOOM ----------
# Goto the begining of document. If prefixed with a number, it will go to that page.
# for example 150gg goes to page 150.
goto_begining gg
goto_begining <C-<home>>
# Opens a prompt to enter page number and jump to that page
goto_page_with_page_number <home>
# Goto the end of the document
goto_end <end>
goto_end <S-g>
# movement (can be prefixed with a number)
move_down <down>
move_up <up>
move_left <right>
move_right <left>
move_down j
move_up k
move_left l
move_right h
# Goto forward for one page width. (can be prefixed with a number)
# (note that going forward for one page width is not usually what you want becaue if
# the page is larger than the screen you will miss some content. What you usually want is screen_down)
next_page <C-<pagedown>>
previous_page <C-<pageup>>
# Go down one screen width (can be prefixed with a number which tells how many screen widths should we go down)
screen_down <space>
screen_up <S-space>
screen_down <pagedown>
screen_up <pageup>
# Goto the next/prev chapter
next_chapter gc
prev_chapter g<S-c>
# Goto previous viewing state and delete the current (and future) state(s).
pop_state w
# if we are not at the end of viewing history, goto the next history point
next_state <l>
# goto the previous history point
prev_state <h>
prev_state <backspace>
next_state <C-<right>>
prev_state <C-<left>>
# Open table of contents.
goto_toc t
# zoom
zoom_in <S-+>
zoom_in =
zoom_out -
# Automatically set the zoom level and horizontal offset such that the current page is centered horizontally and
# it fills the screen width
fit_to_page_width <f9>
# same as fit_to_page_with but ignores page margins
fit_to_page_width_smart <f10>
# Open a file dialog to select a document.
open_document o
open_document_embedded <C-o>
open_document_embedded_from_current_path <C-S-o>
# Open a searchable list of previously opened documents.
open_prev_doc <S-o>
# ---------- SEARCH ----------
# search the document.
# example: /something (searches the document for 'something')
# you can also specify a page range to search:
# example: /<110,135>something (searches pages 110 to 135 (inclusive) for 'something')
search <C-f>
search /
# this is the same as search.
ranged_search r<C-f>
ranged_search r/
# searches the current chapter. This is essentially the same as search but the range prefix is autofilled
# with the range of the current lowest level subchapter.
chapter_search c<C-f>
chapter_search c/
# Goto the next search item. Can be prefixed with a number which is the same as performing the command n times
# for example if we are on the 10th search result and we input 15n, we go to the 25th search result.
next_item n
# Goto the previous search result. Can be prefixed with a number with similar rules as next_item.
previous_item <S-n>
# ---------- BOOKMARKS ----------
# Add a bookmark in the current location (opens a text input where you can specify the bookmark text)
add_bookmark b
delete_bookmark db
# Open bookmarks menu of the current document.
goto_bookmark gb
# Open bookmarks menu of all documents.
goto_bookmark_g g<S-b>
# ---------- HIGHLIGHTS ----------
# you can select a piece of text and press the `add_highlight` shortcut followed by a symbol (a character from a-z) to highlight
# the text
add_highlight h
# search in highlights of current document
goto_highlight gh
# search in highlights of all documents
goto_highlight_g g<S-h>
# click on a highlight and then press the `delete_highlight` shortcut to delete it.
delete_highlight dh
# ---------- MARKS ----------
# Mark the current location. After pressing the mark button, you must enter a symbol (a letter from a-z or A-Z).
# this marks the current location in the file with the entered symbol. Afterwards you will be able to return to
# the locations of the marks using goto_mark command.
# example: mm (marks the current location in the file with a mark named 'm')
set_mark m
# Goto a previously set mark. After pressing goto_mark you must enter a symbol associated with a previously set mark.
# example: `m (goes to the location of the mark named m)
goto_mark `
# ---------- PORTALS ----------
# If we are in default state, goto portal state with the current location in document as the portal source
# if we are already in the portal state, create the portal with the current location as destination.
link p
# Delete the portal with the closest source to current location
delete_link dp
# Goto the position of the portal with the closest source to current location
goto_link <tab>
# Similar to goto_link, except when prev_state is called, the destination of the link is update to be the state
# on which prev_state is called
edit_link <S-p>
edit_link <S-<tab>>
# Open/Close the helper window for portals
toggle_one_window <f12>
# ---------- MISC ----------
# copy selected text
copy y
toggle_fullscreen <f11>
# Toggles whether we highlight pdf links or not
toggle_highlight <f1>
# open command line
command <S-:>
# seach the selected text using one of the search engines defined using search_url_* settings in prefs.config (* can be any letter between 'a' and 'z')
external_search s
#search_selected_text_in_google_scholar ss
#search_selected_text_in_libgen sl
open_selected_url <S-q>
toggle_dark_mode <f8>
# toggle synctex mode. When in synctex mode, right clicking on a pdf launches the corresponding latex page.
toggle_synctex <f4>
# while in mouse drag mode, instead of selecting text you can pan the screen using mouse
toggle_mouse_drag_mode <f6>
# command the move the visual mark to the next/previous line
#move_visual_mark_up k
#move_visual_mark_down j
# In visual scroll mode, mouse wheel performs `move_visual_mark_up` and `move_visual_mark_down` commands
toggle_visual_scroll <f7>
toggle_presentation_mode <f5>
quit q