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Tuan-Dat Tran a4c28e719e Updated dunst and added automatic monitor switching
Signed-off-by: Tuan-Dat Tran <tuan-dat.tran@tudattr.dev>
2024-03-22 13:26:13 +01:00
config Updated dunst and added automatic monitor switching 2024-03-22 13:26:13 +01:00
resources fixed screenshot script 2024-03-15 16:13:37 +01:00
vim/.config/nvim Added .gitconfig 2024-03-15 16:02:52 +01:00
zsh zsh configs 2024-03-17 21:17:46 +01:00
.gitignore Changes on Wed 07 Sep 2022 10:02:34 PM CEST 2022-09-07 22:02:34 +02:00
LICENSE Default Terminal termite, typo in .emacs comments, notification on copying dotfiles to git, added warprc, Starting writing setup instructions 2018-01-06 16:38:52 +01:00
README.md Updated dunst and added automatic monitor switching 2024-03-22 13:26:13 +01:00
_config.yml Default Terminal termite, typo in .emacs comments, notification on copying dotfiles to git, added warprc, Starting writing setup instructions 2018-01-06 16:38:52 +01:00
behemoth.sh Fixed submodule issue for emacs/.emacs.d/ 2024-02-16 08:17:19 +01:00



This is my ArchLinux configuration. Tested on Acer Travelmate X349-G2-M and Lenovo Thinkpad E14 G5. First one was a Intel machine, the current one a AMD machine, hence the changes towards AMD graphics.

Install dependencies

paru -S syncthing feh bottom zellij eza bat maim vlc python-pillow i3lock-color \
vlc fd ripgrep unzip npm bacon simple-scan dunst picom zathura-pdf-mupdf dust \
adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts obs-studio git zsh wget lightdm zathura pcmanfm \
lightdm-webkit2-greeter xorg-server i3-gaps xorg-xbacklight xorg-xrandr xclip \
alsa-utils pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth playerctl xdotool \
pavucontrol btrfs-progs udiskie blueman acpi acpid tlp conky stow openssh xsel \
firefox veracrypt keepassxc ranger rofi chromium delta-git tesseract-data-eng \
neofetch xf86-video-amdgpu lib32-mesa libva-mesa-driver lxappearance mesa-vdpau \
lib32-libva-mesa-driver lib32-mesa-vdpau tesseract-data-eng p7zip pandoc-cli \
nvtop wireguard-tools nmap bind wireshark-qt iperf3 cargo-flamegraph amd-ucode \
ethtool smartmontools adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fonts docker docker-compose \
docker-buildx systemd-resolvconf tailscale cargo-bloat brotherconfig4





echo "%$SUDOGRP ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers


usermod -a -G network $USER
usermod -a -G video $USER
usermod -a -G docker $USER
usermod -a -G $SUDOGRP $USER

Get Started

git clone https://git.tudattr.dev/tudattr/dotfiles .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
stow config
stow vim
stow zsh


I'm using pcmanfm with [Sweet - New Flavor]. The downloaded file needs to be extracted into ~/.themes/. The Icons are from the related icon set: [Candy Icons].


Plugins for ohmyzsh


git clone https://github.com/z-shell/zsh-eza ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-eza




to /etc/environment.



  • tlp
  • acpid

Printer MFC

I notice this is becoming more of a documentation on how to set my own laptop, but... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

sudo brsaneconfig4 -a name=MFC-L2710DW model=MFC-L2710DW nodename=