

DZ65RGB/v3 Yuannan's Layout Imgur Album

Alpha Vim Editing Layer Mouse and Autoclicker Hyper functions and RGB Layer

Yuannan's DZ65 Custom Profile. Autoclicker, Vim, and more!


  1. Much better mouse support. Now able to:
    • Move mouse around with 3 levels of acceleration
    • Click and nav using mouse buttons 1-5
    • Mouse scroll in all 4 directions, autoclick with 5 different levels of speed!
    • Increase or Decrease the autoclick speed from the preset array of {500, 50, 20, 10, 1} clicks per second *(Read Notes). Press Shift while using the Increase or Decrease button to do the opposite. Designed to work with other keymaps and keyboards!
  2. Ctrl and Caps swapped. The new indicator is dynamically colored and has been moved to the CTRL key to reflect the keymap.
  3. Improved navigation via Vim like keys.
  4. Dynamic Macros now enabled!
  5. Custom Editing Macros such as:
    • Deleting entire line
    • Deleting from cursor to start of line
    • Deleting form cursor to end of line
  6. VIA support.
  7. Improved granularity of the RGB Matrix. Now with steps of 8/256, which is 32 steps!
  8. The default toggle for RGB now sets the matrix to be on low brightness. Why? If the matrix is completely toggled off then the indicators for Caps Locks and FN are also completely off. You can completely turn it off by pressing shift while processing the "RGB_TOG" keycode. (It is {FN1+FN2+Shift+Space} on this keymap.)
  9. Disabled some effects to free up more space.


Note Autoclicker Speed

The click events are now programmed with the new Deferred Execution API (https://docs.qmk.fm/#/custom_quantum_functions?id=deferred-execution).

While it's programmed to input with a delay of 1ms (500CPS), the result will vary depending on your board and host. This is a massive improvment compared to timer based events. This new API is much faster and will work with less interference from other tasks on the board.

Note Autoclick Linux libinput (Linux autoclicker not working)

Linux's input driver (libinput) has a debounce feature. This is useful in normal usage as a person cannot feasibly click more than 20CPS. However when the keyboard tries to input 50+CPS and sometimes up to ~500CPS this is a problem.

Create a file at "/etc/libinput/local-overrides.quirks" with the contents:

[Never Debounce]

This disables the debounce feature for libnput. This maybe be different if you use evdev, On Arch Linux the driver packages are {"libinput", "xf86-input-libinput"} compared to {"libevdev", "xf86-input-evdev"}. I have {"libinput", "xf86-input-libinput"} installed. In addition I have {"libevdev"} installed as a dependency of other packages. You maybe need to change the driver for your device if you have both installed. For me it was working just fine. Check what driver your xsession currently is utilizing with:

$cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep libinput

If it is using libinput then it will show contents. Otherwise search for "evdev".

Still not working? (Linux)

Check if the events are reaching your OS with either:

$evtest /dev/input/by-id/YOUR_KEYBOARD


$cat /dev/input/by-id/YOUR_KEYBOARD

It should end in event-mouse. In my case it was /dev/input/by-id/usb-DZTECH_DZ65RGBV3-if02-event-mouse which was a symlink to /dev/input/event12. It WILL vary on your setup.

The output will appear "garbled" as it's trying to interoperate the data stream into text. The underlying data is actually a struct of the form:

struct input_event {
	struct timeval time;
	unsigned short type;
	unsigned short code;
	unsigned int value;

You can read more about it here (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/input.txt)

If it has an output when you autoclick but do not receive it in your desktop then it's a driver issue.

View libinput with:

$libinput debug-events --device  /dev/input/by-id/usb-DZTECH_DZ65RGBV3-if02-event-mouse --verbose

If you experience "DEBOUNCE" events then it's a driver issue and should be able to be disabled with the above method, restart your display manager or just reboot afterwards.

If you have any issues feel free to make bug report or pull request to me, QMK, or libinput. Please send logs along with any steps you have tried.

ALT Position

The physical Right_Alt is mapped as a Left_Alt. This is to ensure compatibility in legacy and programs which treat them differently. A key example would be the TTY system in Linux.