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# TuDatTr IaC
## User
It is expected that a user with sudo privilages is on the target, for me the users name is "tudattr"
you can add such user with the following command `useradd -m -g sudo -s /bin/bash tudattr`
Don't forget to set a password for the new user with `passwd tudattr`
## Backups
Backup for aya01 and raspberry are in a backblaze b2, which gets encrypted on the clientside by rclone.
but first of all we need to create the buckets and provide ansible with the needed information.
## Vault
- Create vault with: `ansible-vault create secrets.yml`
- Create entry in vault with: `ansible-vault edit secrets.yml`
- Add following entries:
- `vault_pi_tudattr_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (password you've setup on the device)
- `vault_aya01_tudattr_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (password you've setup on the device)
- `vault_pihole_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (arbitrary password you want to log in with)
- `vault_mysql_root_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (arbitrary password, used internally)
- `vault_mysql_user_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (arbitrary password, used internally)
- `vault_ddns_tudattrdev_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (password needed for ddns, refer to [here](
- `vault_ddns_borgland_password: <YOURPASSWORD>` (password needed for ddns, refer to [here](
## Docker
To add new docker containers to the docker role you need to add the following and replace `service` with the name of your service:
- Add relevent vars to `group_vars/all/vars.yaml`:
service_port: "19999" # Exposed port
service_config: "{{ docker_dir }}/service/" # config folder or your dir
service_data: "{{ docker_data_dir }}/service/" # data folder or your dir (only works on aya01)
- Create necessary directories for service in the docker role `roles/docker/tasks/service.yaml`
- name: Create service dirs
path: "{{ item }}"
owner: 1000
group: 1000
mode: '777'
state: directory
- "{{ service_config }}"
- "{{ service_data }}"
# optional:
# - name: Place service config
# template:
# owner: 1000
# mode: '660'
# src: "templates/hostname/service/service.yml"
# dest: "{{ prm_config }}/service.yml"
- Includ new tasks to `roles/docker/tasks/hostname_compose.yaml`:
- include_tasks: service.yaml
- service
- Add new service to compose `roles/docker/templates/hostname/compose.yaml`
image: service/service
container_name: service
hostname: service
- net
- "{{service_port}}:19999"
restart: unless-stopped
- "{{service_config}}:/etc/service"
- "{{service_lib}}:/var/lib/service"
- "{{service_cache}}:/var/cache/service"
### Qbittorrent/Openvpn
You'll need to add a openvpn config to =./roles/docker/templates/aya01/qbittorrentvpn/config/=
## Server
- Install Debian (debian-11.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso) on remote system
- Create user (tudattr)
- Get IP of remote system (
- Create ssh-config entry
Host aya01
Port 22
User tudattr
IdentityFile /mnt/veracrypt1/genesis
- copy public key to remote system
`ssh-copy-id -i /mnt/veracrypt1/ aya01`
- Add this host to ansible inventory
- Install sudo on remote
- add user to sudo group (with `su --login` without login the path will not be loaded correctly see [here]( and `usermod -a -G sudo tudattr`
- set time correctly when getting the following error
Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 12h 46min 9s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
By doing on remote system (example):
sudo systemctl stop ntp.service
sudo ntpd -gq
sudo systemctl start ntp.service
### zoneminder
- Enable authentification in (Option->System)
- Create new Camera:
- General>Name: BirdCam
- General>Function: Ffmpeg
- General>Function: Modect
- Source>Source Path: `rtsp://user:pw@ip:554/cam/mpeg4`
- Change default admin password
- Create users
## RaspberryPi
- Install raspbian lite (2022-09-22-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite.img) on pi
- Get IP of remote system (
- Create ssh-config entry
Host pi
Port 22
User tudattr
IdentityFile /mnt/veracrypt1/genesis
- enable ssh on pi
- copy public key to pi
- change user password of user on pi
- execute `ansible-playbook -i production --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars '@secrets.yml' pi.yml`
## Mikrotik
- Create rsa-key on your device and name it mikrotik_rsa
- On mikrotik run: `/user/ssh-keys/import user=tudattr`
- Create ssh-config entry:
Host mikrotik
Port 2200
User tudattr
IdentityFile /mnt/veracrypt1/mikrotik_rsa
### wireguard
thanks to [mikrotik](
quick code
# add wiregurad interface
interface/wireguard/add listen-port=51820 name=wg1
# get public key
$ > public-key: <mikrotik_public_key>
# add network/ip for wireguard interface
ip/address/add address= network= interface=wg1
# add firewall rule for wireguard (maybe specify to be from pppoe-wan)
/ip/firewall/filter/add chain=input protocol=udp dst-port=51820 action=accept
# routing for wg1 clients and rest of the network
> <insert forward for routing between wg1 and other networks>
# enable internet for wg1 clients (may have to add to enable internet list
/ip/firewall/nat/add chain=srcnat src-address= out-interface=pppoe-wan action=masquerade
add peer
/interface/wireguard/peers/add interface=wg1 allowed-address=<untaken_ipv4>/24 public-key="<client_public_key"
Keygeneragion on archlinux `wg genkey | (umask 0077 && tee wireguard.key) | wg pubkey >`
Wireguard config on archlinux at `/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf`:
PrivateKey = <client_private_key>
Address =
PublicKey = <mikrotik public key>
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =
used ipv4:
- tudattr:
- livei:
#### notes
- wireguard->add
name: wg_tunnel01
listen port: 51820
- wireguard->peers->add
interface: wg_tunnel01
endpoint port: 51820
allowed address: ::/0
psk: <password>
persistent keepalive: 25
- ip->address->address list->add
interface: wg_tunnel01
## troubleshooting
### Docker networking problem
`docker system prune -a`
### Time problems (NTP service: n/a)
systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service
when not available
sudo apt install systemd-timesyncd/stable
### Syncthing inotify
echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=204800" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf